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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

间 stroke order animation

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间 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 间
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 间
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiān、 jiàn
between / among / space / (measure word), interstice / separate
间 jiān 1. 两段时间或两种事物相接的地方。 - A place where two segments of time or two different things connect. 2. 在一定空间或时间内。 - Within a certain space or time. 3. 房子内隔成的部分。 - A part divided within a house. 4. 量词,房屋的最小单位。 - A measure word for the smallest unit of a house. --- 1. 两段时间或两种事物相接的地方:中间。间距。间奏。天地之间。 - A place where two segments of time or two different things connect: the middle; spacing; interlude; the space between heaven and earth. 2. 在一定空间或时间内:田间。人间。 - Within a certain space or time: in the fields; among people. 3. 房子内隔成的部分:里间。衣帽间。间量。 - A part divided within a house: inner room; dressing room; measure of the room. 4. 量词,房屋的最小单位:一间房。 - A measure word for the smallest unit of a house: one room. --- 间、閒 jiān 名词 (noun) 1. (间是后起字,本字作閒,本义见间 jiàn)。 - (Jiān is a later character; the original character is 閒; the original meaning refers to jiàn). 2. 中间;内 - Between; among. 3. 一会儿,顷刻 - A moment. 4. 近来 - Recent. 5. 姓(閒)。 - A surname (閒). --- 间 jiān 量词 (measure word) 1. 表示房屋的量词 - A measure word for houses. 2. 另见 jiàn; - Also refer to jiàn. 3. “间”另见 xián。 - "间" can also be referenced as xián. --- 1. 空隙。 - Gap; space. 2. 隔开,不连接。 - Separated; not connected. 3. 挑拨使人不和。 - Instigating discord. 4. 拔去,除去。 - To remove; to take out. 5. 偏僻的小路。 - A secluded path. 6. 参与。 - To participate. --- 间、閒 jiān 名词 (noun) 【本义】: 门缝 - [Original meaning]: Door seam. 【造字法】: 会意。古写作“閒”,“间”是后起字。金文,从门,从月。段玉裁《说文解字注》:“开门月入,门有缝而月光可入。” - [Word formation]: Ideogram. Was originally written as “閒”. "间" is a later character. The glyph consists of the door and moon. According to Duan Yucai's annotations, “When the door opens, the moonlight enters through the crack.” 1. 同本义。泛指缝隙;空隙 - Same original meaning. Generally refers to gaps; spaces. 2. 隔阂;嫌隙 - Estrangement; discord. 3. 间谍。 - Spy. --- 间 jiān 动词 (verb) 1. 挑拔,使人不和 - Instigating discord. 2. 拔去多余的植株、去掉 - To thin out excess plants. 3. 隔开间隔 - To keep apart; to create distance. 4. 夹杂;参杂 - To be intermingled; mixed up with. 5. 非难;毁谤 - To slander; to blame. 6. 参与 - To participate. 7. 更迭;交替 - To alternate. --- 间 jiān 副词 (adverb) 1. 间或,断断续续 - Sometimes; intermittently. 2. 秘密,暗中 - Secretly; in secret. 3. 另见 jiān - Also refer to jiān.
zhǐ chǐ zhī jiān
within a foot of / between a foot of eight and a foot of ten inches / very close by
fāng jiān
street stalls / bookshops / in the streets
yè jiān
nighttime / evening or night (e.g. classes)
yī yè jiān
huà zhuāng jiān
dressing room
wǔ jiān
yǔ zhòu kōng jiān
astrospace / cosmic space
xí jiān
nián jiān
in the years of / during those years / period (of dynasty or decade)
qǐng kè jiān
in an instant
piàn kè jiān
In a moment
qǐng kè zhī jiān
In an instant
shā shí jiān
Stop time
jiàn huò
occasionally / now and then
fáng jiān
room / CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4]
tiǎo bō lí jiàn
to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between
shí jiān
time / period / CL:段[duan4]
jiàn jiē
fán jiān
the secular world
qí jiān
in between / within that interval / in the meantime
jiàn duàn
disconnected / interrupted / suspended
zhòu jiān
wǎn jiān
evening / night
qī jiān
period of time / time / time period / period / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhuī jiān pán
intervertebral disk
yāo zhuī jiān pán
intervertebral disk
chà nà jiān
in an instant / in the twinkling of an eye / in a twinkling
jiàn xiē
to stop in the middle of sth / intermittent / intermittence
jiàn xiē xìng
jiàn xiē quán
geyser / intermittent spring
jiàn xiē shì
batch / batch-type / intermittent
cǐ jiān
here / this place
mín jiān
among the people / popular / folk / non-governmental / involving people rather than governments
xǐ shǒu jiān
toilet / lavatory / washroom
cháo jiān dài
intertidal zone
xǐ zǎo jiān
bathroom / restroom / shower room / CL:間|间[jian1]
zào jiān
kitchen (dialect) / CL:間|间[jian1]
rén jiān dì yù
hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive / fig. having an uncomfortable time
měng rán jiān
tián jiān
field / farm / farming area / village
shùn jiān
in an instant / in a flash
jiān pí liú
mesothelioma (medicine)
méi jiān
the flat area of forehead between the eyebrows / glabella
yī shùn jiān
split second
zhuǎn shùn jiān
transitorily / in a flash / in a twinkle / in a blink of an eye
zhuǎn shùn zhī jiān
in a wink / in the twinkle of an eye / in a flash
shùn xī jiān
In a flash
tíng zi jiān
garret / a small, dark back room over a kitchen
jiǔ jiān
Nine rooms
xiāng hù zhī jiān
between each other / each other
wǔ jiān
Five rooms
kōng jiān
space / room / (fig.) scope / leeway / (astronomy) outer space / (physics, math.) space
yāo jiān
zhōng jiān
between / intermediate / mid / middle
jiān jiē xuǎn jǔ
indirect election
zhī jiān
between / among / inter-
shì jiān
world / earth
xū yú zhī jiān
in a moment / in a little while / in a flash / in an instant / in the twinkling of an eye
jiàn dié
jiàn dié àn
Spy case
jiān jù
space between / interval / gap / separation distance
chē jiān
workshop / CL:個|个[ge4]
rén jiān
the human world / the earth
yī jiān
a (room)
jiàn gé
compartment / gap / interval / to divide
jiàn xì
interval / gap / clearance
shà shí jiān
in a split second
shà nà jiān

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Pinyin jian1
Four Corner
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