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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

离 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

离 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 离
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 离
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Meaning of

to leave / to depart / to go away / from
离 (lí) 1. 相距,隔开 (be apart; separate) - 距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。 (The sun is the closest star to Earth.) 2. 离开,分开 (leave; part) - 分~。~别。~家。~散 (sàn)。~职。~异。~间 (jiàn)。支~破碎。 (Separate, depart, leave home, disperse, resign, differentiate.) 3. 缺少 (lack) - 办好教育~不开教师。 (A good education cannot be achieved without teachers.) 4. 八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火 (one of the eight trigrams symbolizing fire) 5. 古同“罹”,遭受 (same as "罹", suffer; endure) 6. 古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾 (same as "缡", a woman's scarf) 7. 〔~~〕形容草木茂盛,如“~~原上草,一岁一枯荣”。 (Describing lush vegetation, as in "The grass on the lush plain flourishes and withers yearly.") 8. 姓 (surname) --- 离 (lí) 1. 离假借为“剺”。离开;离别 (part; leave each other) - 如: 脱离、偏离、离了母、离人、离恨、离格儿、离了眼、离丧。 (Examples: part from, deviate, break from assessment, someone who is separated from family, sorrow of separation, out of norm, seeing blurred, mourning for the dead.) 2. 分散,离散。跟“合”相对 (decentralize) - 邦分崩离析而不能守也。 (The state is shattered and cannot be defended.) 3. 假借为“罹”。遭受 (suffer from) - 离骚 (to face adversity); 离恨天 (to encounter sorrows). 4. 割取 (cut) - 離肺 (cut the lung out) 5. 断绝;判别 (distinguish) - 离经 (disassemble texts); 离辞 (analyze phrases). 6. 违背,背离 (violate; go against) - 众叛亲离。 (People betray and abandon their kin.) 7. 距离;相距 (be apart from; be at a distance from) - 离这里还有多少路。 (How far is it from here?) 8. 罗列,陈列 (enumerate) - 离离原上草。 (Lush grass on the plain.) 9. 经历 (experience) - 载离寒暑。 (Experience the seasons.) 10. 缺少 (lack; be short of) 11. 通“丽”。附丽,附着 (attach oneself to; depend on) --- 离 (lí) [数]二,两;双 (two) --- 离 (lí) 通“俪”。成双,成对 (paired)
lí qù
to leave / to exit
zhòng pàn qīn lí
lit. people rebelling and friends deserting (idiom) / fig. to find oneself utterly isolated
pàn lí
to betray / to desert / to defect from / to turn renegade
lí jīng pàn dào
to rebel against orthodoxy / to depart from established practices
qī lí zǐ sàn
a family wrenched apart (idiom)
lí hūn
to divorce / divorced from (one's spouse)
cùn bù bù lí
to follow sb closely (idiom) / to keep close to
lí gǎng
dimission / quit one's job / leave one's post
fēn bēng lí xī
to collapse and fall apart (idiom); to break up / falling to pieces
lí kāi
to depart / to leave
bō lí
to peel / to strip / to peel off / to come off (of tissue, skin, covering etc)
fēn lí
to separate
bēi huān lí hé
joys and sorrows / partings and reunions / the vicissitudes of life
lí chóu
parting sorrow / pain of separation
pū shuò mí lí
impossible to unravel / confusing
pāo lí
to desert / to leave / to forsake
tiǎo bō lí jiàn
to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between
bān lí
move out / remove / move away
chè lí
to withdraw from / to evacuate
shàn lí zhí shǒu
to abscond / to be absent without leave
shàn lí
Leave without permission
lí sàn
(of family members) separated from one another / scattered about / dispersed / (math.) discrete
piān lí
to deviate / to diverge / to wander
diān pèi liú lí
homeless and miserable (idiom); to wander about in a desperate plight / to drift
lí xīn bèng
centrifugal pump / impeller pump
yóu lí
to disassociate / to drift away / to leave (a collective) / free (component)
退 lí tuì xiū
lí xiū
to retire / to leave work and rest (euphemism for compulsory retirement of old cadres)
zhī lí pò suì
scattered and smashed (idiom)
jù lí
distance / CL:個|个[ge4] / to be apart from
tuō lí
to separate oneself from / to break away from / diastasis (medicine) / abscission / abjunction (botany)
yuǎn lí
to be far from / to keep away from
lí zǐ
děng lí zǐ tǐ
plasma (physics)
gé lí
to separate / to isolate
yuǎn jù lí
lí bu kāi
inseparable / inevitably linked to
táo lí
to run out / to escape
lí zhí
to retire / to leave office / to quit a job
diàn lí
ion / ionized (e.g. gas)
diàn lí céng
guāi lí
to part / to separate / to deviate
lí chóu bié xù
diào hǔ lí shān
to lure the tiger from its domain in the mountains (idiom) / to lure an enemy away from his territory
lí pǔ
excessive / beyond reasonable limits / irregular
cháng jù lí
long distance
zhōng jù lí
middle distance
duǎn jù lí
short distance / a stone's throw away
jù lí gǎn
distance perception / sense of distance
mí lí
blurred / hard to make out distinctly
lí zǐ jiàn
ionic bond (chemistry)
shǐ lí
to steer (the plane) away from / to drive away (from a place) / to leave
Lí Sāo
Sorrow at Parting, poem by Qu Yuan 屈原 in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞

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