Learn to write the Chinese character "檢" by watching the stroke order animation of "檢".
Stroke by Stroke: 檢 Writing Order
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1. 查 (to check)
2. 注意約束(言行)(to be mindful of and restrain one’s behavior)
3. 古代官名,掌修國史,位次編修 (an ancient official title responsible for compiling national histories)
4. 姓 (a surname)
1. 查:~查 (to check); ~測 (to measure); ~討 (to investigate); ~舉 (to propose); ~校 (to compare); ~修 (to revise); ~索 (to search); ~察 (to observe).
2. 注意約束(言行):~點 (to pay attention to restraining one's behavior) (1. being mindful of one's behavior, as in "Taking food at a banquet without permission is improper"; 2. checking for compliance, as in "check the luggage once"). 失~ (to lose restraint).
3. 古代官名,掌修國史,位次編修.
4. 姓 (a surname).
名 (noun)
【本义】: 書匣上的標籤 (the label on a book box)
【造字法】: 形聲。从木,僉( qiān)聲 (a phonetic-ideographic character; "木" represents wood and "僉" provides the sound).
1. 同本義 (same meaning) ([En.] bookmark)
1 《說文》:檢,書署也 (from "Shuowen": "jiǎn" refers to a book mark).
2 《後漢書·公孫瓚傳》:輒皁囊施檢 (from "Book of the Later Han"; it refers to putting a mark on a bag).
又如: 檢封 (to seal); 檢素 (a letter that has been sealed).
2. 法式,法度 ([En.] laws; statutes)
1 《蒼頡篇》:檢,法度也 (from "Cangjie Pian": "jiǎn" refers to legal standards).
2 《文心雕龍·物色》:然物有恆姿,而思無定檢 (from "Wenxin Diaolong": "things have their forms, but thoughts lack fixed standards").
又如: 檢式 (legal form; system); 檢押 (detention; regulatory standard).
3. 品行; 節操 ([En.] conduct)
1 《三國志》:初,朗少時雖涉獵文學,然不治素檢,以吏能見稱 (from "Records of the Three Kingdoms": Even though he studied literature in his youth, he was not known for his restraint).
動 (verb)
1. 約束,限制 ([En.] restrain oneself)
1 《漢書·王莽傳》:德亡首褒不檢 (from "Book of Han": virtue is lacking in restraint).
2 司徒空《退棲》:自此致身繩檢外,肯教世路日兢兢 (from "Retreat of Situ Kong": I resolved to restrain myself).
又如: 檢束 (organizing belongings); 檢勑 (to check and regulate); 檢邪 (to stop evil); 檢勒 (to constrain); 檢局 (to restrain).
2. 考查,察驗 ([En.] examine; inspect)
1 《後漢書·周黃徐姜申屠傳》:驃騎執法以檢下 (from "Book of the Later Han": punishments are enforced to examine subordinates).
又如: 檢還 (to return after a thorough check); 抄檢 (to investigate and search); 檢屍 (to inspect corpses); 檢視 (to check and manage); 檢詳 (to examine closely).
3. 揀選,挑出 ([En.] select)
如: 檢舉 (to propose or recommend).
4. 翻閱,查閱 ([En.] check)
如: 檢卷 (to review documents); 檢書 (to browse through books); 檢量 (to verify and consider).
5. 收拾,整理 ([En.] put in order)
如: 檢場 (to tidy up the venue); 檢幅 (to trim edges); 檢飭 (to rectify); 檢曬 (to organize and revise).
6. 通「斂」。收斂,約束言行;收聚 ([En.] restrain oneself; gather)
1 《書·伊訓》:檢身若不及 (from "Shu": restraining oneself adequately).
2 《孟子·梁惠王上》:狗彘食人食而不知檢 (from "Mencius": dogs and pigs eat human food without restraint).
3 《管子·山權數》:此數檢百里之地也 (from "Guanzizhi": this number checks an area of a hundred miles).
形 (adjective)
1. 端正的 ([En.] upright)
如: 檢正 (upright conduct); 檢著 (correct and profound).
2. 有法度的 ([En.] lawful)
如: 檢檢 (having lawful standards).
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