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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 梟
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 梟
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Meaning of

Pinyin xiāo
brave / owl / strix uralensis
梟 xiāo [名] 1. 鳥名。貓頭鷹一類的鳥。鳥綱鴟鴞科各種鳥的泛稱。也作“鴞”。 [En.] A type of bird; refers to owls and similar birds. It is a general term for various birds belonging to the Strigidae family. Also known as "鴞" (xiāo). 2. 驍勇;豪雄;不馴順。 [En.] Brave; heroic; untamed. 3. 魁首,首領。 [En.] Chief; leader. 4. 舊時指私販食鹽的人。 [En.] In ancient times, referred to smugglers of salt. 5. 斬首懸以示眾。 [En.] Beheading and displaying the head for public viewing. 6. 頂端;山頂。 [En.] Apex; mountaintop. 7. 古代博戲的勝彩名。么為梟,得么者勝。 [En.] In ancient gambling, this referred to a winning name; "一為梟, 六為盧" (one is "xiāo", and six is "lú"). 8. 等;級。 [En.] Rank; level. 9. 通“撓”。淆亂。 [En.] Homophone of "撓", meaning to disturb or confuse. 10. 姓。 [En.] A surname. 梟 xiāo [形] 1. 「梟」假借爲「驍」,最勇健。 [En.] "梟" is borrowed as "驍", meaning the most fierce and ambitious. 梟 xiāo [動] 1. 懸頭示眾。 [En.] Behead and display before the public. 2. 淆亂。 [En.] Disturb. 3. 昭示;宣佈。 [En.] Declare. 4. 擋;推。 [En.] Keep off. 5. 撩。 [En.] Lift up. --- 梟 xiāo [名] 1. 鳥名。貓頭鷹一類的鳥。鳥綱鴟鴞科各種鳥的泛稱。也作“鴞”。 [En.] A type of bird; refers to owls and similar birds. It is a general term for various birds belonging to the Strigidae family. Also known as "鴞" (xiāo). 【引】 1. 《說文》:梟,不孝鳥也。日至捕梟磔之,從梟頭在木上。 [En.] In "Shuowen": "梟 is an unfilial bird. It is caught and beheaded for display, as it has its head hanging on a tree." 2. 《漢書·郊祀志》:用一梟破鏡。 注:「孟康曰,梟鳥食母,破鏡獸食父,黃帝欲絕其類,使百吏祠皆用之。」 [En.] "Han Shu: Use a梟 to break the mirror." Note: "Meng Kang said that the梟 eats its mother, while the mirror-breaking beast eats its father. The Yellow Emperor wanted to eradicate its kind, so all officials would use it as a sacrifice." 3. 《詩·大雅·瞻卬》:爲梟爲鴟。 [En.] "Poetry: To be a梟 or a鴟." 4. 《漢書·司馬相如傳》:射遊梟。 [En.] "Han Shu: Shooting at the梟 game." 5. 《漢書·郊祀志》:鴟梟羣翔。 [En.] "Han Shu: The鴟 and梟 fly together." 6. 梟鳴鬆桂枝。——唐·白居易《凶宅》詩 [En.] "梟 calls from the pine and osmanthus branches." — Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty. 【例】 又如:梟奴(兇狠的奴僕);梟獍(梟鏡。相傳梟爲食母惡鳥,獍爲食父惡獸。比喻兇惡忘恩的人) [En.] For example: 梟奴 (brutal servant); 梟獍 (a metaphor for ungrateful and cruel individuals). 2. 舊時指私販食鹽的人。 [En.] In ancient times, referred to smugglers of salt. 【例】 如:鹽梟 [En.] Such as: salt smugglers. 3. 使人娛樂、愉快或歡欣的某種方法與手段。 [En.] A method or means to amuse, entertain, or provide joy. 【例】 如:梟盧 [En.] Such as: 梟盧. 梟 xiāo [形] 1. 「梟」假借爲「驍」,最勇健。 [En.] "梟" is borrowed as "驍", meaning the most fierce and ambitious. 【引】 1. 《史記·留侯世家》:且太子所與俱諸將,皆嘗與上定天下梟將也。 [En.] "Records of the Grand Historian: And the prince's generals, all have once set the world with the梟 generals." 2. 《淮南子·原道》:爲天下梟。 [En.] "Huainanzi: To be the梟 of the world." 3. 梟爲最勇健也。 [En.] "梟 signifies the bravest." 4. 梟猶勝也。 [En.] "梟 signifies victory." 5. 《資治通鑑》:劉備,天下梟雄。 [En.] "Zizhi Tongjian: Liu Bei, a梟 of the world." 【例】 又如:梟惡(勇猛兇惡);梟張(猖狂;放肆);梟將;梟騎(勇猛健壯的騎兵) [En.] For example: 梟惡 (fiercely evil); 梟張 (wildly reckless); 梟將 (brave general); 梟騎 (robust cavalry). 梟 xiāo [動] 1. 懸頭示眾。 [En.] Behead and display before the public. 【引】 1. 《漢書·高帝紀》:梟故塞王欣頭。 [En.] "Han Shu: The плаина王欣’s head was beheaded." 2. 《漢書·陳湯傳》:梟俊禽敵之臣。 [En.] "Han Shu: Behead and display the enemy's ministers." 3. 曹操《讓縣自明本志令》:幸而破紹,梟其二子。 [En.] "Cao Cao: Fortunately defeated Shao, behead his two sons." 【例】 又如:梟示(梟斬。砍頭懸掛示眾);梟夷(誅殺淨盡);梟除(誅殺清除) [En.] For example: 梟示 (to behead and display); 梟夷 (exterminate completely); 梟除 (execute and remove). 2. 淆亂。 [En.] Disturb. 【引】 1. 《荀子·非十二子》:飾邪說,文奸言,以梟亂天下。 [En.] "Xunzi: Adorn evildoing, use treacherous words to disturb the world." 3. 昭示;宣佈。 [En.] Declare. 【引】 1. 《說岳全傳》:可再作一判文,以梟秦檜父子夫婦之過。 [En.] "In "The Legend of Yue Fei": We can rewrite a ruling to declare the crimes of the Qin Kuai family." 4. 擋;推。 [En.] Keep off. 【引】 1. 《說岳全傳》:嶽大爺又把槍輕輕一舉,將梁王的刀梟過一邊。 [En.] "In "The Legend of Yue Fei": Master Yue gently lifted his spear to keep the Liang King's sword away." 5. 撩。 [En.] Hold up. 【引】 1. 《官場現形記》:梟開帳子,讓張聾子親自來看。 [En.] "In "The Reveal of Officialdom": 梟 opened the tent and let Zhang Longzi come see for himself."

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