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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 见
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 见
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiàn、 xiàn
to see / to meet / to appear (to be sth) / to interview, appear
见 jiàn 〈动〉 【本义】:看见,看到 【造字法】:会意。甲骨文字形,上面是“目”,下面是“人”。在人的头上加只眼睛,就是为了突出眼睛的作用。 1. 同本义 (see; catch sight of) 2. 进见; 会见 (meet; call on) Example: 扁鹊复见。 3. 遇到; 碰见 (come into contact with; be exposed to) 4. 指死——主要用于口语中 (kick) 5. 听到 (listen) 6. 观察; 知道; 了解 (observe; know) 7. 比试; 较量 (match) 见 jiàn 〈名〉 1. 看法,见解 (opinion) Example: 又如:依我之见; 政见; 我见; 各抒己见; 各执己见; 固执己见; 主见 2. 见识 (view) Example: 如:浅见; 偏见; 见趣(见识情趣); 见短(见识短浅) 见 jiàn 〈助〉 1. 表示被动,相当于“被” (be + past participle) Example: 又如:见笑于人; 见执(被捉拿); 见害(被害); 见款(承蒙款待) 2. 用在动词前面表示对我怎么样 Example: 又如:见告; 见示; 见教 3. 用在动词后表示结果 Example: 如:碰见; 闻见; 听见 见 jiàn 〈形〉 1. 现有的 (available) Example: 如:见力(现有的兵力) 2. 明显的 (visible) 3. 每 (every) Example: 又如:见年(每年); 见天见地(每天) 4. 另见 xiàn 见 xiàn 〈动〉 1. “现”的古字。显现; 出现; 实现 (appear) 2. 介绍,推荐 (recommend) 见 xiàn 〈形〉 1. (“现”的古字) 2. 现有; 现成 (available; ready-made) 3. 现在 (now) 4. 另见 jiàn 见 xiàn 〈动〉 1. “现”的古字。显现; 出现; 实现 (appear) 2. 介绍,推荐 (recommend) 见 xiàn 〈形〉 1. (“现”的古字) 2. 现有; 现成 (available; ready-made) 3. 现在 (now) 4. 另见 jiàn
tīng jiàn
to hear
kě jiàn
it can clearly be seen (that this is the case) / it is (thus) clear / clear / visible
cān jiàn
to refer to / see also / compare (cf.) / to pay respect to
zhī jiàn
only see / only to see / Tadami
zhào jiàn
call in (one's subordinates) / summon (an envoy of a foreign country) to an interview
yuǎn jiàn zhuó shí
visionary and sagacious (idiom)
zhuó jiàn
excellent opinion / brilliant idea
jiàn yì yǒng wéi
to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth / acting heroically in a just cause
tú qióng bǐ xiàn
the real intention is revealed in the end
zì xún duǎn jiàn
commit suicide / seek one's own destruction
shǎo jiàn
rare / not familiar (to the speaker) / sth rarely experience / hard to see
lǚ jiàn bù xiān
a common occurrence (idiom)
xiǎo wū jiàn dà wū
lit. minor magician in the presence of a great one (idiom) / fig. to pale into insignificance by comparison
gè shū jǐ jiàn
everyone gives their own view
jǐ jiàn
one's own viewpoint
cháng jiàn
commonly seen / common / to see sth frequently
yì jiàn
idea / opinion / suggestion / objection / complaint / CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2]
yì jiàn hán
comment letter
jiàn dào
to see
kě lián jiàn
(coll.) pitiable / to have pity on sb
jiàn guài
to mind / to take offense
sī kōng jiàn guàn
a common occurrence (idiom)
jiàn guàn
Used to
guǐ jiàn chóu
yú jiàn
my humble opinion
bīng róng xiāng jiàn
to meet on the battlefield (idiom)
dī tóu bú jiàn tái tóu jiàn
see 抬頭不見低頭見|抬头不见低头见[tai2 tou2 bu4 jian4 di1 tou2 jian4]
tái tóu bú jiàn dī tóu jiàn
(idiom) (of people in a small town etc) to cross paths regularly
bài jiàn
to pay a formal visit / to call to pay respects / to meet one's senior or superior
zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu
lit. pulling on the lapels exposes the elbows (idiom) / strapped for cash / unable to make ends meet
jiē jiàn
to receive sb / to grant an interview
zài jiàn
goodbye / see you again later
zhuàng jiàn
to meet by accident
kě jiàn yī bān
Can be seen
xiǎn ér yì jiàn
clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously / clearly / it goes without saying
xiǎn jiàn
obvious / clearly visible
jiàn fēn xiǎo
See the answer
qīng xī kě jiàn
clear and distinct / clearly visible / apparent / legible
wàng jiàn
to espy / to spot
mèng jiàn
to dream about (sth or sb) / to see in a dream
bù jiàn guān cái bù diào lèi
No tears if you don't see the coffin
piān jiàn
chū jiàn duān ní
have an inkling of the matter / begin to take shape
qí jiàn
disagreement / differing interpretations
qīng chè jiàn dǐ
water so clear you can see the bottom
zhēn zhī zhuó jiàn
penetrating insight
zhuó jiàn
to see clearly / deep insight / profound view
shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ
pitch-dark (idiom)
yī xī kě jiàn
Vaguely visible
huì jiàn
to meet with (sb who is paying a visit) / CL:次[ci4]
jiàn zhuàng
upon seeing this, ... / in response, ...
yóu cǐ kě jiàn
from this, it can be seen that...
chǒu jiàn
to see
xiāng jiàn
to see each other / to meet in person
kàn jiàn
to see / to catch sight of
yǎn jiàn
to see with one's own eyes / very soon
piē jiàn
to glimpse
qiáo jiàn
to see
pèng jiàn
to run into / to meet (unexpectedly) / to bump into
jiàn xí
to learn on the job / to be on probation
kuī jiàn
detect / get a glimpse of / catch a glimpse of
竿 lì gān jiàn yǐng
lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect / quick results
xiāng xíng jiàn chù
to pale by comparison (idiom)
hǎn jiàn
rare / rarely seen
yī bān jiàn shi
to lower oneself to sb's level / to argue with sb less well-informed
使 jiàn fēng shǐ duò
lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically / to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
bù jiàn
not to see / not to meet / to have disappeared / to be missing
jiàn yú
see / refer to
jiàn miàn
to meet / to see each other / CL:次[ci4]
jiàn shi
to gain first-hand knowledge of sth / to experience for oneself / knowledge / experience / insight
jiàn cháng
to be good at sth / one's forte
jiàn jiě
opinion / view / understanding
yù jiàn
to meet
jìn jiàn
to have an audience (with the Emperor)
zhèng jiàn
jiàn zhèng
to be witness to / witness / evidence
xiáng jiàn
for further details, refer to
jiàn zhū
See everywhere
jiàn liàng
please forgive me
zú jiàn
it goes to show that / one can see
yáo jiàn
see at a distance
yī jiàn zhōng qíng
love at first sight (idiom)
jiàn wén
what one has seen and heard / knowledge / one's experience
yù jiàn
to foresee / to predict / to forecast / to envision / foresight / intuition / vision

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