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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

掉 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

掉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 掉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 掉
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Meaning of

Pinyin diào
to drop / to fall
掉 [diào] 1. 落下。 - Fall; drop. 2. 减损,消失。 - Decrease; vanish. 3. 遗失,遗漏。 - Lose; miss. 4. 回转(zhuǎn)。 - Turn back. 5. 摇摆,引申为卖弄,耍。 - Sway; show off. 6. 对换。 - Exchange. 7. 落在后面。 - Drop behind. 8. 用在动词后表示动作完成。 - Used after a verb to indicate the completion of the action. Examples: 1. 落下:~泪。 - Fall: drop tears. 2. 减损,消失:~色。~价儿。 - Decrease; fade; drop in price. 3. 遗失,遗漏:这一行~了两个字。 - Missed: this line lost two characters. 4. 回转(zhuǎn):~头。~转。 - Turn back: turn around. 5. 摇摆,引申为卖弄,耍:~文。~俏。~以轻心。 - Sway; flaunt. 6. 对换:~包。~换。 - Exchange: swap packages. 7. 落在后面:~队。 - Fall behind: lagging behind. 8. 用在动词后表示动作完成:改~。戒~。 - Used after a verb to indicate the action has been completed: change; quit. Additional meanings and usages: 1. 同本义 ([En.] sway; wag; shake) - 引:《说文》:掉,摇也。 - Reference: “Diào, to sway.” - 例:掉尾巴; 掉荡。 - Example: wagging tail; swaying. 2. 弄,卖弄 ([En.] show off) - 引:《南唐书·彭利用传》:言必据书史,俗谓之掉书袋。 - Reference: “To frequently quote texts, colloquially known as showing off knowledge.” - 例:掉罨子。 - Example: show off tricks. 3. 玩弄; 搬弄 ([En.] play with; juggle with) - 例:掉鬼。 - Example: playing tricks. 4. 落下 ([En.] fall; shed; drop) - 例:掉眼泪。 - Example: shedding tears. 5. 丢失 ([En.] lose) - 例:别把钥匙掉了。 - Example: don’t lose the key. 6. 转回 ([En.] turn) - 例:把车头掉过来。 - Example: turn the car around. 7. 调换 ([En.] exchange) - 例:掉包儿。 - Example: swap secretly. 8. 划 ([En.] paddle; row) - 引:《水浒传》:见前面两个人,掉着一只舡来。 - Reference: "Saw two people ahead, paddling a boat." 9. 鼓动 ([En.] instigate; abet) - 例:掉舌。 - Example: instigate with words. 10. 落在后面 ([En.] drop; fall) - 例:掉队。 - Example: lag behind. 11. 减少,降低 ([En.] decrease; lower) - 例:体重掉了五斤。 - Example: lost five pounds. 名 [diào] 桨,掉 - Oar; used in the context of rowing. 助 [diào] 用于某些动词后,表示动作的结果。 - Used after certain verbs to indicate the result of the action: e.g., 丢掉 (lose); 改掉 (give up); 打掉 (knock off).
chī diào
to eat up / to consume
mài diào
to sell off / to get rid of in a sale
xiè diào
take off / remove / discharge / lay down / take away / unload / unlade / dismantle / disassemble
gōu diào
delete / cross out / write off / strike out
fèi diào
to depose (a king)
shān diào
to delete
wàng diào
to forget
shā diào
to kill
rēng diào
to throw away / to throw out
mǒ diào
erase / wipe away
chāi diào
take down
bá diào
to pluck / to pull off / to pull out / to unplug
wā diào
to dig out / to eradicate
jǐ diào
edge out
xiān diào
to remove / to tear off
diào tóu
to turn one's head / to turn round / to turn about
chú diào
to eliminate
huǐ diào
to destroy
qù diào
to get rid of / to exclude / to eliminate / to remove / to delete / to strip out / to extract
chōng diào
to wash out / to leach
shāo diào
burn-up / burn up / burn off / burn out / burn away
tuō diào
to remove / to take off / to strip off / to discard / to shed / to come off / to fall off
shuǎi diào
to throw off / to abandon / to cast off / to get rid of / to dump
diào zhuǎn
to turn around
shī diào
to lose / to miss
kǎn diào
prune / cut away / hew off / chop off / strike off
huā diào
to spend (time, money) / to waste
gàn diào
to get rid of
zhāi diào
pinch off / pick off / off with
chè diào
to cut / to throw out / to depose (from office) / to tear off
cā diào
to wipe
bù jiàn guān cái bù diào lèi
No tears if you don't see the coffin
liū diào
slip / vanish / decamp
lòu diào
to miss / to leave out / to omit / to be omitted / to be missing / to slip through / to leak out / to seep away
zhà diào
to bomb
diū diào
to lose / to throw away / to discard / to cast away
cí diào
to quit (one's job) / to dismiss (an employee)

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Input Method for
Pinyin diao4
Four Corner
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