Learn to write the Chinese character "挫" by watching the stroke order animation of "挫".
Stroke by Stroke: 挫 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '挫' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '挫' Step-by-Step
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Chinese Character '挫'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
be obstructed / fail / oppress / repress / lower the tone / bend back / dampen
挫 [cuò]
1. 不顺利,失败: to fail, defeat; e.g., 挫折 (setback), 挫败 (defeat), 挫伤 (injury), 挫失 (loss).
2. 按下,使音调降低: to press down, lower the tone; e.g., 抑扬顿挫 (intonation modulation).
3. 摧折: to break or crush.
4. 书法用笔的一种: a type of brush used in calligraphy.
韵律或旋律的变调、转调: transition in rhythm or melody; e.g., 顿挫 (pauses in musical phrases).
同本义 (同义): break; [En.] break
1. 《说文》:挫,摧也。: "Cuò means to crush."
2. 《老子》:或挫或隳。: "Either crushed or broken."
3. 《国语·吴语》:而未尝有所挫也。注:“毁折也。”: "And has not encountered any breaks, note: 'to destrict'."
又如: 挫折(劈断,折断): “setback (to break or crush);”
挫顿(摧折损伤): “to crush and injure.”
2. 失败 ([En.] defeat)
1. 《战国策·秦策》:挫我于内。: "Defeat me from within."
又如: 挫顿(挫败损伤): "to suffer defeat and injury;"
挫过: "to miss an opportunity;"
挫北(败北,打败仗): "to lose a battle."
3. 挫伤,折伤 ([En.] deaden)
1. 《淮南子·脩务》:顿兵挫锐。: "To tone down the soldiers' sharpness."
2. 《淮南子·时则》:锐而不挫。: "Sharp but without being dulled."
3. 《荀子·解蔽》:蚊虫之声,闻则挫其精。: "The sound of mosquitoes, heard dulled its essence."
又如: 挫动(打击;挫折): "to hit; setbacks;"
挫诎(摧挫贬黜): "to crush and demote;"
挫强(挫伤强敌): "to wound a strong enemy;"
挫锋(锋芒受挫): "to dull brilliance."
4. 使减小规模或降低程度 ([En.] deflate).
如: 挫敌人的锐气,长自己的威风: "To deflate the enemy's morale and enhance one's own prestige."
5. 弯折,收缩 ([En.] bend).
1. 《汉书·陈汤传》:久挫于刀笔之前。: "Long dulled in front of the pen."
2. 例: 又如: 一挫身,向远处飞去了。: "With a twist, it flew far away."
6. 错过。同“错” ([En.] miss).
如: 挫过(失去时机): "to lose an opportunity;"
挫着对门(斜对着门): "to slant across the door."
7. 屈辱 ([En.] humiliate).
如: 挫屈(屈折屈辱): "to humiliate;"
挫辱(羞辱;受羞辱): "to insult; to be humiliated."
韵律或旋律的变调、转调: transition in rhythm or melody ([En.]: transition); e.g., 顿挫 (pauses in musical phrases).
a transition (stop and change) in spoken sound, music or in brush strokes / a cadence / punctuated by a transition / with syncopated cadence (brush stroke in painting)
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