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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

受 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

受 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 受
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 受
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Meaning of

Pinyin shòu
to bear / to stand / to endure / (passive marker) / to receive
受 [shòu] [动] 【本义】: 接受;承受 【造字法】: 会意。甲骨文字形,象两手(二“又”)中间有一只舟,“舟”亦是声符,表示传递东西。 1. 接纳别人给的东西: 接~; 感~; ~精; ~权; ~托; ~降; ~益; ~业 (1. 跟随老师学习; 2. 学生对老师自称); ~教; ~领; ~聘; ~理. Receive things given by others: accept; feel; receive essence; accept rights; accept commission; be assigned; gain; follow a teacher (students referring to themselves); accept teaching; lead; hire; manage. 2. 忍耐某种遭遇: 忍~; ~苦; ~制; ~窘; ~累 (受到劳累). Endure certain experiences: endure; suffer; withstand restrictions; endure embarrassment; be worn out (experience fatigue). 3. 遭到: 遭~; ~害; ~挫; ~屈; ~辱; ~阻. Encounter: suffer; be harmed; face setbacks; be subjugated; endure humiliation; encounter obstacles. 4. 适合,中: ~吃; ~看; ~听; ~使. Suitable, appropriate: fit for eating; suitable for watching; appropriate for listening; suitable for use. 同本义 ([En.] receive) 蒙受;遭受 ([En.] suffer; be subjected to) 得到 ([En.] get) 收进,取回 ([En.] take back) 买入,收入 ([En.] buy) 容纳 ([En.] contain; accommodate; hold) 通“授”。授予;交给 ([En.] give) 通“授”。教授;传授 ([En.] teach) 娶 ([En.] remarry). 引 1. 受,相付也。——《说文》王筠曰:“手部授,人部付,皆曰‘予也。’今以付说受,则是受授同字矣。” 2. 《周礼·天官·司书》:受其币。 3. 《仪礼·特牲馈食礼》:主妇拜受爵。 4. 《周礼·司干》:则受之。 注:“取藏之。” 5. 《仪礼·丧服》:受以小功衰。 注:“犹承也。” 6. 《国语·楚语》:颛顼受之。 注:“承也。” 7. 《管子·海南》:釜十五,吾受,而宫出之以百。 8. 《后汉书·列女传》:志士不饮盗泉之水,廉者不受嗟来之食。 9. 《史记·魏公子列传》:臣修身洁行数十年,终不以监门困故而受公子财。 例 又如: 受茶(女子受聘,订立婚约); 受宫厅(衙门中的厅堂); 受法(伏法); 受事(接受教诲); 受册(接受册命); 受祉(接受天地神明的降福); 受胙(接受胙肉). Also like: receive tea (woman being engaged, establishing a marriage agreement); receiving a hall (a hall within an official bureau); facing legal consequences; receiving teachings; receiving a directive; receiving blessings from heaven and earth; accepting sacrificial meat.
jiē shòu
to accept / to receive
zāo shòu
to suffer / to sustain (loss, misfortune)
gǎn shòu
to sense / perception / to feel (through the senses) / to experience / a feeling / an impression / an experience
shòu mìng
ordained or appointed to a post / to benefit from counsel
rěn shòu
to bear / to endure
shòu lǐ
to accept to hear a case / to handle (a service)
chéng shòu
to bear / to support / to inherit
shēn shòu
to receive in no small measure
nán shòu
to feel unwell / to suffer pain / to be difficult to bear
shòu yì
to benefit from / profit
shēn shòu
experience (personally)
jīng shòu
to undergo (hardship) / to endure / to withstand
shòu guò
bèi shòu
to fully experience (good or bad)
贿 shòu huì
to accept a bribe
shòu rè
heated / sunstroke
gòu shòu de
to be quite an ordeal / to be hard to bear
shòu yùn
to become pregnant / to conceive / impregnated / insemination
shòu jīng luǎn
fertilized ovum
shòu yì fěi qiǎn
to benefit (from)
shòu chǒng ruò jīng
overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
shòu chǒng
to receive favor (from superior) / favored / pampered
shòu xíng
beaten / tortured / executed
shòu dào
to receive (praise, an education, punishment etc) / to be ...ed (praised, educated, punished etc)
nán yǐ rěn shòu
hard to endure / unbearable
dān jīng shòu pà
to feel apprehensive / to be alarmed
shòu huì
to benefit / favored
shòu zhī yǒu kuì
receive it with shame / I am not worthy of it. / I don't deserve it. / It is shameful to accept ....
jù jué jiē shòu
deny / turn down / refuse / reject / denial / decline / disallow / repudiate
shòu cuò
thwarted / obstructed / setback
shòu sǔn
to suffer damage
shòu shòu
to give and accept
shòu kòng
shòu dòng
endure the cold
bèi shòu
shòu zāi
disaster-stricken / to be hit by a natural calamity
shòu zhòng
target audience / audience
wú gōng bù shòu lù
Don't get a reward if it's not deserved. (idiom)
wú gōng shòu lù
to get undeserved rewards (idiom)
xiǎng shòu
to enjoy / to live it up / pleasure / CL:種|种[zhong3]
xiǎng shòu xìng
shòu bù liǎo
unbearable / unable to endure / can't stand
shòu jiǒng
embarrassed / bothered / in an awkward position
shòu lěi
to get dragged into / to get involved (on sb else's account)
shòu fá
be punished
shòu zuì
to endure / to suffer / hardships / torments / a hard time / a nuisance
nài shòu
to tolerate / endurance
shòu pìn
hired (for employment) / invited (e.g. to lecture) / engaged (for a task) / (in olden times) betrothal gift from the groom's family
shòu shāng
to sustain injuries / wounded (in an accident etc) / harmed
shòu kǔ
to suffer hardship
méng shòu
to suffer / to sustain (loss)
shòu xùn
to receive training
访 shòu fǎng zhě
participant in a survey / an interviewee / those questioned
贿 shòu huì zuì
crime of acceptance of bribes / bribery crime
贿 shòu huì àn
Bribery case
shòu zèng
shòu rǔ
insulted / humiliated / disgraced
nì lái shùn shòu
to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it / to submit meekly to insults, maltreatment, humiliation etc
shòu yāo
be invited / be asked
shòu zǔ
blocked / obstructed / detained
shòu gù
to be employed / to be hired / hired / paid
bǎo shòu
to endure / to suffer / to be subjected to
shòu piàn
to be cheated / to be taken in / to be hoodwinked

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Input Method for
Pinyin shou4
Four Corner
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