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首 stroke order animation

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首 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 首
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 首
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Meaning of

Pinyin shǒu
head / chief / first (occasion) / first (thing) / measure word for poems
首 [shǒu] 名词 (Noun) 1. 头,脑袋 (Head) - 例如: 首饰 (head ornament), 首级 (head level), 首肯 (nod to indicate agreement). 2. 领导的人,带头的 (Leader, chief) - 例如: 首领 (chief), 元首 (head of state), 首脑 (head of the organization). 3. 第一,最高 (First, highest) - 例如: 首都 (capital), 首府 (capital city). 4. 最先,最早 (Beginning, earliest) - 例如: 首次 (first time), 首届 (first session), 首创 (first creation), 首日 (first day). 5. 出头告发 (To inform or expose) - 例如: 自首 (surrender voluntarily), 出首 (to give evidence). 6. 量词,指诗和歌 (Measure word for poems and songs) - 例如: 一首诗 (a poem). 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 第一 (First) - 例如: 首公 (to prioritize public service), 首功 (first merit). 2. 形容迟疑不决 (Hesitant) - 例如: 首施 (to hesitate), 首鼠 (to be indecisive). 动词 (Verb) 1. 告发 (To inform or finger) - 例如: 首诉 (to inform), 首人 (the person who informs). 2. 自首,犯人自己到有关部门去交代罪行 (To surrender voluntarily) - 例如: 自首 (to surrender). 3. 头向着 (To face towards) - 例如: 鸟飞反故乡兮,狐死必首丘 (A bird flies back to its homeland, and a fox dying surely turns towards its old hill). 4. 向着…出发 (To start towards) - 例如: 首路 (to set off). 5. 屈服;服罪 (To yield or confess). 6. 标明;显示 (To show or indicate). 副词 (Adverb) 1. 最早;首先 (At first) - 例如: 首唱 (to be the first to sing), 首创 (to create first). 量词 (Measure word) - (For poems, songs, written works) a piece. - 例如: 唐诗三百首 (Three hundred Tang poems). 引例 (Cited Examples): 1. 《汉书·天文志》: 首,阳也 (In the Book of Han, it states that "首" represents positive energy). 2. 《楚辞·九歌·国殇》: 首身离兮心不惩 (In the Songs of Chu, it expresses emotions related to separation). 3. 《诗·卫风·伯兮》: 愿言思伯,甘心首疾 (In the Book of Songs, it highlights deep sentiments). 4. 《战国策·燕策》: 愿得将军之首以献秦 (In the Strategies of the Warring States, it discusses leadership). 5. 《聊斋志异·狼三则》: 以刀劈狼首 (In the Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, it depicts bravery).
kòu shǒu
to kowtow / also written 磕頭|磕头[ke1 tou2]
mái shǒu
to immerse oneself in (one's work, studies etc)
bù kān huí shǒu
unbearable memories / Old memories are too bitter to recall
fěi shǒu
shī shou
corpse / carcass / dead body
shǒu wěi
head and tail
shǒu qū yī zhǐ
to count as number one (idiom); second to none / outstanding
shǒu jiè
first session (of a conference etc)
zuǒ shǒu
left-hand side
Shí shǒu shì
Shishou county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei
shǒu xí
chief (representative, correspondent etc)
shǒu fǔ
capital city of an autonomous region
shǒu zuò
the head of the table / seat of honour
shǒu chuàng
to create / original creation / to be the first to do sth
shǒu pī
first batch
áng shǒu tǐng xiōng
head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits / in fine mettle (of animal)
zhǎn shǒu
to behead
sāo shǒu
scratch one's head
姿 sāo shǒu nòng zī
to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
shǒu bō
debut / premiere
áng shǒu
head high / in high spirits / to raise one's head (e.g. of neighing horse)
áng shǒu kuò bù
striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step / to strut
xiāo shǒu shì zhòng
to behead sb and display the head in public
xiāo shǒu
to behead
bǎng shǒu
top of the list
míng liè bǎng shǒu
rank first
bǐ shǒu
yuán shǒu
head of state
shǒu xiān
first (of all) / in the first place
fǔ shǒu
to bend one's head
fǔ shǒu tiē ěr
bowed head and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedient / at sb's beck and call
fǔ shǒu chēng chén
to bow before (idiom) / to capitulate
fǔ shǒu tīng mìng
submissively / submissively to hear and obey / be at sb.'s beck and call
shǒu chàng
to initiate
shǒu chàng zhě
shǒu cì
first / first time / for the first time
qú shǒu
head works
shǒu wèi
first place
wèi shǒu wèi wěi
afraid of the head, terrified of the tail (idiom); ever fearful and nervous / afraid of the slightest thing
Shí shǒu
Shishou county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei
tòng xīn jí shǒu
bitter and hateful (idiom) / to grieve and lament (over sth)
hào shǒu qióng jīng
A hoary head does research in the classics -- an aged person still learns.
shǒu shì hé
casket / jewel case
shǒu xiàng
prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
mǎ shǒu shì zhān
to follow blindly (idiom) / to take as one's only guide
zuì kuí huò shǒu
criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit / fig. main cause of a disaster
huò shǒu
chief offender / main culprit
xīn hài shǒu
The first of Xinhai
shǒu fù
down payment
qǐ shǒu
qiáo shǒu
to raise one's head and look around (esp. at the state of the nation)
qiáo shǒu yǐ dài
to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom) / to anxiously await
shǒu kěn
to give a nod of approval
shǒu nǎo
head (of state) / summit (meeting) / leader
wéi shǒu
head / be headed by
shǒu sōu
First ship
shǒu yào
the most important / of chief importance
shǒu fǔ
grand secretary
shǒu lún
first round (of a competition etc)
shǒu dū
capital (city) / CL:個|个[ge4]
hàn shǒu
to nod one's head
shǒu tuó luó
shǒu yè
home page (of a website) / title page / front page / first page / fig. beginning / cover letter
dùn shǒu
shǒu lǐng
head / boss / chief
shǒu shì
jewelry / head ornament
shǒu zhǎng
senior official
yī shǒu
a piece of
kuí shǒu
chief / first / brightest and best

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Pinyin shou3
Four Corner
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