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罪 stroke order animation

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罪 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 罪
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 罪
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Meaning of

Pinyin zuì
guilt / crime / fault / blame / sin
罪 zuì 【Noun】 1. 犯法的行为:犯罪;罪人;认罪;有罪;罪恶;罪名;罪魁;罪行;罪证;罪责;罪孽(迷信的人认为应受到报应的罪恶);罪不容诛。 (Criminal behavior: commit a crime; offender; admit guilt; guilty; evil; charge; criminal mastermind; crime; evidence of crime; responsibility for crime; sinful deeds (believed by superstitious people to warrant retribution); cannot be forgiven for crimes.) 2. 过失,把过失归到某人身上:功过;罪愆;罪尤(“尤”,过失,罪过);归罪于人。 (Mistake; attributing a fault to someone: merit and fault; blame; guilt; lay blame on someone.) 3. 刑罚:判罪;畏罪;待罪;请罪。 (Punishment: verdict; fear of punishment; awaiting trial; plea for mercy.) 4. 苦难,痛苦:受罪。 (Suffering; pain: endure hardship.) 【Examples】 又如: 罪首(罪魁祸首); 罪失(罪愆和过失); 罪眚(罪愆,罪过); 罪瑕(罪愆); 罪祸(罪愆); 罪累(罪过); 罪悔(罪过); 罪殃(罪过); 罪辜(罪咎); 罪衅(罪行; 过恶); 罪例(犯罪的案例) (For example: criminal mastermind; misdeeds; guilt and faults; sin; evils; blames; regrets; suffering from sins; crimes; examples of offenses.) 罪人 (Offender; sinner) 引: - 《书·牧誓》:乃惟四方之多罪,逋逃是崇是长。 (Book of Documents: All around are many offenders, and those who escape punishment are honored and esteemed.) - 北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训》:吾见强弩长戟,诛罪安民,以取公侯者有矣。 (In the Northern Qi, Yan Zhitui's Family Instructions: I have seen those who ambush and prepare to bring criminals to justice and stabilize the people to gain nobility.) 过失; 错误 (Fault; blame) 引: - 《孟子·公孙丑下》:王曰:此则寡人之罪也。 (Mencius: The king said: This is indeed my fault.) - 《史记》:此天之亡我,非战之罪也。 (Records of the Grand Historian: This is Heaven's abandoning of me, which is not a fault of war.) 苦难; 祸殃 (Hardship; pain; misfortune; sin; disaster) 引: - 如: 受罪; 罪殃(祸殃); 罪逆(罪孽); 罪疾(灾祸); 罪恼(罪孽烦恼); 罪障(佛教罪孽能障碍诸善,故称“罪障”); 罪苦(佛教语。苦难。因为罪孽而蒙受苦难) (For example: endure hardship; calamity; sins; disasters; torment; obstacles in Buddhism due to sins obstructing virtue; suffering arising from guilt in Buddhism.) 刑罚 (Penalty; punishment) 引: - 《汉书·刑法志》:墨罪五百,劓罪五百…杀罪五百。 (Book of Han: Five hundred penalties for tattooing, five hundred for amputation... five hundred for murder.) 捕鱼竹网 (Bamboo fishnet) 引: - 《字汇补》:罪,捕鱼器 (Supplement to the Character Compendium: "罪" refers to a fishing device.) 【Verb】 1. 归罪于: (Lay the blame on) 引: - 《左传·庄公十一年》:禹、汤罪己,其兴也悖焉。 (Zuo Tradition: Yu and Tang blamed themselves; such actions are contrary to their essence.) 【Examples】 又如: 不罪(不怪罪; 不归罪于); 罪己(把罪咎归于自己); 罪谴(罪责); 罪坐(归罪; 连坐) (For example: do not blame; attribute guilt to oneself; blame; shared liability.) 2. 惩罚; 治罪 (Punish; declare guilty) 引: - 《韩非子·五蠹》:有过不罪,无功受赏,虽亡不变亦可乎? (Han Feizi: Is it acceptable if there are no punishments for offenses, but rewards for merit even if one perishes?) 【Examples】 又如: 罪人不孥(治罪止于本人,不累及妻和子女); 罪法(罪罚); 罪辱(处罚折辱); 罪律(治罪的律条) (For example: penalties apply only to the individual, not extending to the family; laws on punishment; disgrace of punishment; regulations on punishment.)
pàn guó zuì
the crime of treason
zuì niè
sin / crime / wrongdoing
zuì niè shēn zhòng
sinful / The sin is great. / be steeped in crime
zuì qiān
sin / offense
dé zuì
to commit an offense / to violate the law / excuse me! (formal) / see also 得罪[de2 zui5]
guài zuì
to blame
shù zuì
please forgive me
zuì è
crime / evil / sin
huǐ zuì
tì zuì yáng
dú zhí zuì
crime of misconduct in office / legal malpractice / crime of dereliction of duty
zuì è tāo tiān
evil crimes fill heaven (idiom)
tāo tiān zuì xíng
a great sin / flagrant crime / monstrous crimes
tāo tiān dà zuì
heinous crime
fàn zuì
to commit a crime / crime / offense
zuì fàn
fàn zuì fèn zǐ
criminal offender
zuì zhuàng
charges or facts about a crime / the nature of the offense
wèi zuì
to dread punishment / afraid of being arrested for a crime
zuì kuí huò shǒu
criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit / fig. main cause of a disaster
dào qiè zuì
zuì míng
criminal charge / accusation
yǒu zuì
zuì xíng
crime / offense
zuì guo
sin / offense
wú zuì
innocent / guileless / not guilty (of crime)
zuì rén
sǐ zuì
mortal crime / capital offense
shòu zuì
to endure / to suffer / hardships / torments / a hard time / a nuisance
xiè zuì
to apologize for an offense / to offer one's apology for a fault
shú zuì
to atone for one's crime / to buy freedom from punishment / redemption / atonement
fù jīng qǐng zuì
lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom) / fig. to offer sb a humble apology
zuì bù róng zhū
even death cannot atone for the offence
qǐng zuì
to apologize humbly / to beg forgiveness
fěi bàng zuì
libel / crime of defamation
贿 shòu huì zuì
crime of acceptance of bribes / bribery crime
贿 huì lù zuì
bribery crime / crime of bribery
贿 xíng huì zuì
crime of offering bribes
lì gōng shú zuì
perform a meritorious service to atone for one's crimes / atone for one's crimes by a good deed / perform merits to atone for one's misdeeds / repent one's evil ways and prove it by one's deeds
jiāng gōng shú zuì
to atone for one's crimes by meritorious acts
péi zuì
to apologize
shè zuì
to forgive (an offender)
zāo zuì
to endure / to suffer hardships / hard time / nuisance
zuì kuí
criminal ringleader / chief culprit / fig. cause of a problem

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Pinyin zui4
Four Corner
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