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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

悔 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

悔 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 悔
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 悔
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Meaning of

Pinyin huǐ
悔 [huǐ] 1. To feel regret for past wrongdoings. - Examples: 后悔 (to regret); 懊悔 (to feel regret); 后悔 (to repent or regret); 悔恨 (to regret deeply); 悔悟 (to awaken to one's mistakes); 追悔莫及 (unable to regret what cannot be changed). 2. Noun: 1. Fault; disaster (En. fault or disaster). 2. Bad luck; misfortune (En. bad luck; misfortune). 引 (References): 1. Shuo Wen: 悔,恨也 (Regret means hatred). 2. Shi·Da Ya·Yun Han: 宜无悔怒 (Should have no regrets or anger). 3. Zhan Guo Ce·Qin Ce: 此讲之悔也 (This speaks of regret). 4. Huai Nan Zi·Fan Lun: 悔不杀汤于夏台 (Regret for not killing Tang at Xia Tai). 5. Chu Ci·Li Sao: 虽九死其犹未悔 (Even facing death nine times, there is still no regret). 6. Shi Ji·Qu Yuan Lie Zhuan: 怀王悔,追张仪,不及 (King Huai regretted, but could not catch up with Zhang Yi). 7. Zuo Zhuan·Yin Gong eleven years: 天其以礼悔祸于许 (Heaven uses propriety to repent for the disaster in Xu). 8. Song·Wang Anshi·Reply to Sima's advice: 可悔故也 (It can be regrettable for that reason). 9. Song·Wang Anshi·Travel to Bao Chan Mountain: 悔其随之 (Regret following that). 10. 已为有悔 (Having regrets already). 11. 可以无悔矣 (Can certainly have no regrets). 例 (Examples): - 悔亲 (to break engagement due to regret); 悔谢 (to apologize for one's mistakes); 悔心革命 (to significantly change one's ways); 悔悟心行 (to reflect on one’s thoughts and actions); 悔尤 (regret and wrongdoing). 名 (Noun): 1. Fault; disaster. 引 (References): - Shi·Da Ya·Yi: 庶无罪悔 (May there be no guilty regret). - Yi·Xi Ci: 悔吝者言乎其小疵也 (Those who regret speak of their small flaws). - Gong Yang Zhuan·Xiang Gong twenty-nine years: 尚速有悔于予身 (Should quickly express regret for oneself). 例 (Examples): - 悔亡 (disasters rectified); 悔吝 (calamity); 悔咎 (fault; calamity); 悔戾 (sin). 2. Bad luck; misfortune. 例 (Examples): - 悔气 (bad luck; misfortune).
chàn huǐ
to confess / to repent / remorse / repentance / penitent / confession (Buddhism)
fān rán huǐ wù
quickly wake up to one's error / repent and regret
hòu huǐ
to regret / to repent
chàn huǐ lù
wú yuàn wú huǐ
no complaints / to have no regrets
huǐ hèn
remorse / repentance
ào huǐ
to feel remorse / to repent / to regret
fǎn huǐ
to renege / to go back (on a deal) / to back out (of a promise)
huǐ gǎi
to repent / repentance
huǐ guò
to regret / to repent
huǐ wù
to repent
wú huǐ
to have no regrets
hòu huǐ mò jí
too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.
zhuī huǐ mò jí
too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event.
huǐ zuì
zhuī huǐ
to repent / remorse
tòng huǐ
lament / deeply regret
huǐ zhī wǎn yǐ
It is now too late to repent. / Repentance is too late. / be too late to regret / It's no use regretting now. / repent too late
gǎi huǐ
to mend one's ways
yǒu huǐ
fān huǐ
to renege / to go back (on a deal) / to back out (of a promise)
kuì huǐ
kàng lóng yǒu huǐ
Kang Long regrets
hòu huǐ bù dié
too late for regrets

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Input Method for
Pinyin hui3
Four Corner
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