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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

穢 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

穢 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 穢
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 穢
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Meaning of

Pinyin huì
dirt / filth
穢 huì 1. Overgrown with weeds;荒蕪;雜草叢生。 2. Dirty;污濁;肮髒。 3. Make dirty; stain;弄髒;玷污。 4. Evil; ugly;邪惡;醜陋。 5. In disorder;雜亂。 6. Debauchery;淫亂。 7. Corrupt; foul;腐敗;腐爛。 8. Refers to evil person; vile creature;喻指惡人;丑類。 9. Defect;缺點;缺陷。 10. Excrement;糞便。 11. One of the ancient Eastern minority groups;古代東方少數民族之一。 Example Sentences: 1. 《荀子•富國》:“民貧,則田瘠以穢,田瘠以穢,則出實不半。” ("When the people are poor, the fields become barren and overgrown with weeds; barren and overgrown, they yield less than half.") 2. 《左傳•昭公二十六年》:“且天之有彗也,以除穢也。” ("The appearance of a comet in heaven is to eliminate dirt.") 3. 漢蔡邕《女誡》:“面一旦不修飾,則塵垢穢之;心一朝不思善,則邪惡入之。” ("If one's face is not adorned for a day, it will be sullied; if one's heart does not think of good for a morning, evil will enter it.") 4. 《書•泰誓中》:“無辜籲天,穢德彰聞。” ("Innocent people call upon Heaven, their filthy deeds exposed.") 5. 《後漢書•班彪傳附班固》:“贍而不穢,詳而有體。” ("Abundant but not filthy, detailed yet with substance.") 6. 《韓非子•亡徵》:“後妻淫亂,主母畜穢,外内混通,男女無别。” ("The concubine is corrupt, the mistress harbors filth, the inside and outside are in chaos, and there is no distinction between men and women.") 7. 《金匱要略•禽獸魚蟲禁忌》:“穢飯、餒肉、臭魚,食之皆傷人。” ("Eating dirty rice, rotten meat, or stinking fish will harm people.") 8. 《國語•魯語上》:“武王去民之穢。” ("King Wu removed the filth from the people.") 9. 《論衡•自紀》:“通人造書,文無瑕穢。” ("A knowledgeable person writes a text that is free from flaws.") 10. 《晋書•殷浩傳》:“官本臭腐,故將得官而夢尸;錢本糞土,故將得錢而夢穢。” ("The official is inherently rotten, so one dreams of being an official in decay; money is like excrement, hence one dreams of wealth and filth.") 11. 《逸周書•王會》:“穢人前兒。” ("A filthy person stands before.") Note: The complexity and usage of the character encompass various nuances related to dirtiness, corruption, evil, and moral defects, as reflected in historical texts and idiomatic expressions.

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Pinyin hui4
Four Corner
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