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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

称 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

称 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 称
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 称
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin chēng、 chèn、 chèng
balanced / to fit / well-off / suitable, to call / to praise / to weigh / to estimate / to consider / to call / to address / to name / to say / commend, steelyard
称 稱 chēng 〈动〉 1 量轻重 ([En.] weigh) 例: 称量物体轻重的器具。这个意义后来写作“秤”。 2 叫,叫做 ([En.] call) 例: 自称;通称;称作;称名(称呼名字)。 3 说 ([En.] say) 例: 声称;口称(口头上说);宣称。 4 举 ([En.] raise) 例: 称觥(举杯祝酒);称觞(举杯敬酒)。 5 赞扬 ([En.] praise) 例: 称扬(称赞,赞许);称赞。 6 举事 ([En.] start an uprising) 例: 称乱(举兵作乱);称兵。 7 举荐 ([En.] recommend) 例: 称贤(举用贤能);称荐。 称 稱 chēng 〈名〉 1 称呼 ([En.] title) 例: 尊称;敬称;谦称;昵称。 2 名称 ([En.] name) 例: 俗称;别称;职称。 称 稱 chèn 〈动〉 1 适合 ([En.] fit; match; suit) 例: 称心;称职。 2 另见 chēng; chèng 称 稱 chèng 〈名〉 1 同“秤”,测定物体轻重的器具,后作“秤” ([En.] steelyard) 例: 过称(用秤量)。 2 另见 chèn,chēng
chēng hu
to call / to address as / appellation
hào chēng
to be known as / to be nicknamed / to be purportedly / to claim (often exaggeratedly or falsely)
míng chēng
name (of a thing) / name (of an organization)
gǔ chēng
Ancient name
zé zé chēng qí
to click one's tongue in wonder (idiom) / to be astonished
zé zé chēng zàn
loud shouts of applause
kān chēng
can be rated as / can be said to be
wàng chēng
to make a false and unwarranted declaration
yún chèn
well proportioned / well shaped
yǔ chēng
xuān chēng
to assert / to claim
zūn chēng
to address sb deferentially / title / honorific
chēng dì
claim to be a king / proclaim oneself emperor
bìng chēng
joint name / combined name
chēng hào
name / term of address / title
xì chēng
to jokingly call / jocular appellation
jù chēng
it is said / allegedly / according to reports / or so they say
yòu chēng
also known as
gǎi chēng
to change a name / to rename
nì chēng
nickname / diminutive / term of endearment / to nickname
chēng zuò
to be called / to be known as
chēng xiōng dào dì
intimate / call each other brothers
fǔ shǒu chēng chén
to bow before (idiom) / to capitulate
fàn chēng
general term
yáng chēng
jiǎn chēng
to be abbreviated to / abbreviation / short form
chēng zàn
to praise / to acclaim / to commend / to compliment
zì chēng
to call oneself / to claim to be / to profess / to claim a title
tōng chēng
to be generally referred to (as) / generic term
zhù chēng
to be widely known as
chēng zuò
to be called / to be known as
tǒng chēng
to be collectively called / collective term / general designation
duì chèn
symmetry / symmetrical
shēng chēng
to claim / to state / to proclaim / to assert
chēng xiàn
envy / express one's admiration
zhí chēng
one's professional position / title / job title
chēng wéi
called / to call sth (by a name) / to name
sú chēng
commonly referred to as / common term
chēng zhī wéi
to call it... / known as...
chēng chén
chēng yù
to acclaim / to sing the praises of
zhà chēng
huǎng chēng
to claim / to pretend
chēng wèi
title / appellation / form of address
chēng xiè
to express thanks
qiān chēng
modest appellation
chēng xióng
rule the roost / hold sway over a region
chēng bà
lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon / to take a leading role / to build a personal fiefdom
chēng wáng chēng bà
lord / queen it over
chēng sòng
to praise

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Input Method for
Pinyin cheng1
Four Corner
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