Learn to write the Chinese character "禾" by watching the stroke order animation of "禾".
Stroke by Stroke: 禾 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '禾' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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禾 [hé]
Meaning: 名 (noun)
1. A general term for cereal plants.
2. In ancient times, it referred to millets (谷子).
3. The plant of millet; a general term for cereal crops.
粟的植株;谷类植物的统称 ([En.] cereal crops)
4. The stem of rice.
禾秆 ([En.] stem).
5. Specifically refers to newly sprouted rice that has not yet yielded ears.
特指初生没有吐穗的水稻 ([En.] rice)
- 禾粟 (谷粟: cereals and millets)
- 禾畴 (种植禾谷的田野: fields where cereals are grown)
- 禾颖 (带芒的谷穗: awned grain ears)
- 禾绢 (谷穗: grain ears)
- 禾线 (谷穗: grain ears)
- 禾稿 (连茎带穗的谷类收获物: harvested cereal plants with both stems and ears)
- 禾菽 (谷类和豆类: cereals and legumes)
Historical References:
1. 说文: 禾,嘉谷也,二月始生,八月而孰,得时之中,故谓之禾。
2. 广雅·释草: 粢黍稻其采谓之禾。盖凡谷皆以成实为费,禾象穗成,故为嘉谷之通名,谷未秀曰苗,已秀曰禾。
More Examples:
- 禾黍 (泛指庄稼或粮食: general term for crops or grains)
- 禾卉 (谷类作物的植株: plants of cereal crops)
- 禾稼 (谷类作物的统称: general term for cereal crops)
- 禾谷 (谷类作物: cereal crops)
Note: The character 禾 is one of the radicals in Chinese, and its characters are often related to agricultural products.
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