Learn to write the Chinese character "稼" by watching the stroke order animation of "稼".
Stroke by Stroke: 稼 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '稼' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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稼 [jià]
【本义】: 种植五谷
【造字法】: 形声。从禾,家声。
1. 同本义 (sow grains)
1. 《诗·魏风·伐檀》:不稼不穑。 (Without sowing, there is no harvest.)
2. 《山海经·大荒南经》:巫载民不稼不穑食也。 (The shaman carries the people who do not sow or harvest.)
3. 《仪礼·少牢礼》:宜稼于田。 (It is appropriate to sow in the fields.)
4. 《孟子·滕文公上》:后稷教民稼穑,树艺五谷。 (The god of agriculture taught the people to sow and harvest, and to cultivate various grains.)
又如: 稼桑 (a method of planting mulberry trees, which involves cutting branches and leaves for planting); 稼事 (matters of farming); 稼政 (the governance of farming, including boundary maintenance, irrigation, and teaching the people to plant grains); 稼器 (farming tools)
2. 从事农业生产 (be engaged in agricultural production)
1. 《荀子·解蔽》:好稼者众矣。 (There are many who are fond of farming.)
1. 禾所结的果实 (ear)
1. 《说文》:稼,禾之秀实为稼,茎节为禾。朱骏声曰:“在野曰稼。” (In the Shuowen Dictionary, it states that the ears of grains are called '稼', while the stalks are called '禾'. Zhu Junsheng said: 'In the wild, it is called 稼.')
2. 《诗·豳风·七月》:九月筑城圃,十月纳禾稼。 (In September, the city walls are built; in October, the grain is harvested.)
3. 《周礼·遂大夫》:简稼器。 (Select farming tools.)
2. 谷物;庄稼 (cereals; crops; grains)
1. 《吕氏春秋》:稼生于野,而藏于仓。 (Grains grow in the wild and are stored in granaries.)
2. 唐· 王维《宿郑州》:主人东皋上,时稼绕茅屋。 (The master, on the eastern slope, sees crops encircling the thatched house.)
3. 唐· 李朝威《柳毅传》:伤稼乎。 (Does it grieve the crops?)
4. 宋· 沈括《梦溪笔谈》:一亩之稼。 (One acre of crops.)
5. 清· 郑燮《喜雨》:共说今年秋稼好,碧湖红稻鲤鱼肥。 (Everyone says this year's autumn harvest is good; the blue lake and red rice make the fish plump.)
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