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秋 stroke order animation

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秋 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 秋
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 秋
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Meaning of

Pinyin qiū
autumn / fall / harvest time / a swing, a swing
秋 (qiū) 1. 一年的第三季。 (The third season of the year.) 2. 庄稼成熟的时期。 (The time when crops mature.) 3. 指一年。 (Refers to a year.) 4. 指某个时期(多指不好的)。 (Refers to a certain period, often implying something negative.) 5. 一种运动和游戏用具称“秋千”。 (A type of equipment for sports and games called "swing.") 6. 姓。 (A surname.) 秋 (qiū) 1. 一年的第三季:~季。~景。~水(喻人的眼睛,多指女子的)。~波(喻美女的眼睛)。三~(①指秋收、秋耕、秋播;②指三年)。~高气爽。 (The third season of the year: autumn season, autumn scenery, autumn water (metaphorically referring to a person's eyes, often of women), autumn waves (metaphorically referring to the eyes of beautiful women), three autumns (referring to autumn harvest, autumn plowing, autumn sowing; or three years). The autumn is refreshing.) 2. 庄稼成熟的时期:麦~。 (The period when crops mature: wheat harvest.) 3. 指一年:千~万代。 (Referring to a year: a thousand autumns and ten thousand generations.) 4. 指某个时期(多指不好的)。 (Refers to a certain period of time, often something negative.) 5. 一种运动和游戏用具称“秋千”。 (A type of equipment for sports and games called "swing.") 6. 姓。 (A surname.) 本义: 收成,成熟的庄稼 (Original meaning: harvest, mature crops) 造字法: 象形。甲骨文字形为蟋蟀形,虫以鸣秋,借以表达“秋天”的概念。另一写法,是蟋蟀形下加“火”字,表示秋天禾谷熟,似火灼。籀文又添加“禾”旁。 (How the character is formed: Pictograph. The oracle bone script resembles a cricket, which chirps in autumn, thus expressing the concept of "autumn." Another version adds the character for "fire" below the cricket, indicating that grains are ripe in autumn, as if scorched by fire. The ancient script also adds "禾" on the side.) 同本义 (1. Same original meaning): harvest; mature 秋季 ([En.] autumn): The third season of the four seasons, specifically the months of August, September, and October. 年 ([En.] year) 指某一时期、某一时刻 ([En.] period of time) 姓 (surname) 秋 (qiū) 形 悲愁 ([En.] sad) 奔腾的样子 ([En.] galloping) 喻容颜衰老 ([En.] old and feeble) 在五行中属金,方位属西方,在乐为商,在色为白 ([En.] west) 古以五色、五行配四时,秋为金,其色白,故指白色 ([En.] white) 秋主肃杀,古因称与律令刑狱有关之事为秋 ([En.] legal)
xià qiū
xià qiū jì
summer and autumn
qiū jì
autumn / fall
qiū shěn
autumn trial (judicial hearing of capital cases during Ming and Qing)
qiū zhuāng jià
autumn crops
chūn qiū
spring and autumn / four seasons / year / a person's age / annals (used in book titles)
qiū dōng
autumn and winter / fall and winter
mù qiū
Mu Qiu
qiū háo wú fàn
lit. not harming a new feather (idiom); not commit the slightest offense against the people (of soldiers) / would not hurt a fly
qiū gāo qì shuǎng
clear and refreshing autumn weather
qiū tiān
autumn / CL:個|个[ge4]
shēn qiū
late autumn
Zhōng qiū jié
the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month
Zhōng qiū
the Mid-autumn festival, the traditional moon-viewing festival on the 15th of the 8th lunar month
Qiū shōu Qǐ yì
Autumn Harvest Uprising (1927), insurrection in Hunan and Jiangxi provinces led by Mao Zedong
qiū yè
Autumn night
qiān qiū wàn zài
yú qiū yǔ
Yu Qiuyu(人名)
qiū hòu
after autumn / after the autumn harvest
qiū sè
colors of autumn / autumn scenery
chū qiū
early autumn / 7th month of the lunar calendar

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Input Method for
Pinyin qiu1
Four Corner
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