Learn to write the Chinese character "春" by watching the stroke order animation of "春".
Stroke by Stroke: 春 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '春' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '春' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '春' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '春'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
spring (time) / gay / joyful / youthful / love / lust / life
春 (chūn)
1. 一年的第一季。 (The first season of the year.)
- ~季(农历正月至三月):Spring season (Lunar January to March).
- ~节:Spring Festival.
- ~色:Spring color.
- ~晖(春天的阳光,喻父母的恩情):Spring sunlight (symbolizing parental kindness).
- ~山(春天的山,山色如黛,喻妇女的眉毛):Spring mountain (the color of the mountain in spring, likened to a woman's eyebrows).
- ~秋(➊春季和秋季;➋指年月;➌指人的年岁,如“~~正富”;➍指中国古代的编年体史书,鲁国的《春秋》。亦泛指历史或历史著作;➎中国的历史上的一个时代):Spring and autumn (refer to spring season and autumn season; refer to years; refer to a person's age, e.g., "in the spring and autumn of life"; refer to a historical chronicle; also generally refers to history or historical writings; refer to a historical era in China).
2. 两性相求的欲望。 (The desire for connection between the sexes.)
- ~心:The heart of spring (romance).
- 怀~:To yearn for love.
3. 生机。 (Life; vitality.)
- 大地回~:The earth returns to life.
4. 姓。 (A surname.)
5. 同本义 ([En.] spring): [The original meaning is spring, the first of the four seasons.]
6. 男女情欲 ([En.] (sentiment of) love): The emotional bond between men and women.
7. 指草木生长; 花开放。常喻生机 ([En.] life; vitality): Referring to the growth of plants; flowering; often symbolizes vitality.
8. 唐人呼酒为春 ([En.] wine): In the Tang dynasty, wine was referred to as spring.
9. 泛指一年 ([En.] year): A general term that refers to a year.
10. 春色; 喜色 ([En.] spring scenery; joyful expression): The colors of spring; expressions of joy.
11. 北斗指向东方为春,故以春指代东方 ([En.] east): The Big Dipper points east, thus spring represents the east.
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