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春 stroke order animation

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春 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 春
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 春
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Meaning of

Pinyin chūn
spring (time) / gay / joyful / youthful / love / lust / life
春 (chūn) 1. 一年的第一季。 (The first season of the year.) - ~季(农历正月至三月):Spring season (Lunar January to March). - ~节:Spring Festival. - ~色:Spring color. - ~晖(春天的阳光,喻父母的恩情):Spring sunlight (symbolizing parental kindness). - ~山(春天的山,山色如黛,喻妇女的眉毛):Spring mountain (the color of the mountain in spring, likened to a woman's eyebrows). - ~秋(➊春季和秋季;➋指年月;➌指人的年岁,如“~~正富”;➍指中国古代的编年体史书,鲁国的《春秋》。亦泛指历史或历史著作;➎中国的历史上的一个时代):Spring and autumn (refer to spring season and autumn season; refer to years; refer to a person's age, e.g., "in the spring and autumn of life"; refer to a historical chronicle; also generally refers to history or historical writings; refer to a historical era in China). 2. 两性相求的欲望。 (The desire for connection between the sexes.) - ~心:The heart of spring (romance). - 怀~:To yearn for love. 3. 生机。 (Life; vitality.) - 大地回~:The earth returns to life. 4. 姓。 (A surname.) 5. 同本义 ([En.] spring): [The original meaning is spring, the first of the four seasons.] 6. 男女情欲 ([En.] (sentiment of) love): The emotional bond between men and women. 7. 指草木生长; 花开放。常喻生机 ([En.] life; vitality): Referring to the growth of plants; flowering; often symbolizes vitality. 8. 唐人呼酒为春 ([En.] wine): In the Tang dynasty, wine was referred to as spring. 9. 泛指一年 ([En.] year): A general term that refers to a year. 10. 春色; 喜色 ([En.] spring scenery; joyful expression): The colors of spring; expressions of joy. 11. 北斗指向东方为春,故以春指代东方 ([En.] east): The Big Dipper points east, thus spring represents the east.
chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng
Spring breeze blows again
chūn jì
chūn xiāo
spring night
chūn hán liào qiào
There is a chill in the spring air. / There is a chill in the air in early spring. / The early spring weather is chilly. / slight spring chill
chūn dèng
(old) wooden bench
chūn qiū
spring and autumn / four seasons / year / a person's age / annals (used in book titles)
dōng chūn
Winter spring
chūn bō
spring sowing
chūn hàn
spring drought
Chūn jié
Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)
chūn tiān
spring (season) / CL:個|个[ge4]
qīng chūn
youth / youthfulness
Cháng chūn
Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
xīn chūn
the beginning of Spring / the 10 or 20 days following the lunar New Year's Day
Qí chūn
Qochun county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei
chūn yóu
spring outing / spring excursion
chūn fēng
spring breeze
qīng chūn qī
puberty / adolescence
Qí chūn xiàn
Qochun county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei
chūn yǔ
spring rain / gift from above
zǎo chūn
early spring
Cháng chūn shì
Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
chūn guāng
scenes of springtime / the radiance of spring / (fig.) a sight of sth sexy or erotic / an indication of a love affair
chūn xiǎo
Chun Xiao
chūn nuǎn huā kāi
spring blossoms
mù chūn
late spring
chūn xùn
spring flood
rú mù chūn fēng
a breath of fresh air / so delighted just like bathing in the spring wind
Hún chūn
Hunchun county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin
chūn xī lù
Chunxi Road
Hún chūn shì
Hunchun county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin
chūn yì àng rán
Spring is in the air. / Spring is evident everywhere. / Spring is very much in the air. / It's a furious spring.
yǔ hòu chūn sǔn
lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth / many new things emerge in rapid succession
chūn sǔn
springtime bamboo shoots / fig. (of woman's fingers) tender and delicate
Chūn cán
Silkworms in Spring (1933), Chinese silent movie in socialist realist style, based on novel by Mao Dun 茅盾[Mao2 Dun4]
È lún chūn Zì zhì qí
Oroqin Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
chūn bǐng
spring pancake, a Chinese flatbread wrap

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Input Method for
Pinyin chun1
Four Corner
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