Learn to write the Chinese character "宵" by watching the stroke order animation of "宵".
Stroke by Stroke: 宵 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '宵' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '宵' Step-by-Step
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宵 [xiāo]
1. 夜。
- Night.
- Example: 通~达旦 (all night until dawn), 春~ (spring night), ~夜 (night), ~禁 (night restrictions), ~衣旰食 (getting up before dawn and eating after dark, describing diligence in governance), ~遁 (escape by night), 元~ (midnight), 夜~ (night).
2. 前半夜。
- The first half of the night (from night-fall to midnight).
3. 通“绡”。丝织品的一种。
- Silk; a type of silk fabric.
4. 小吃、便餐、快餐。
- Snack.
- Example: 夜宵 (late-night snack).
1. 假借为“小”。
- Used to mean "small" or "bad".
- Example: 小 (small; bad).
1. 《说文》:宵,夜也。(Night is called "宵.")
2. 《书·尧典》:宵中星。(Stars at night.)
3. 《周礼·司寤氏》:禁宵行者。(Prohibiting night travelers.)
4. 《淮南子·精神》:甘暝太宵之长。( It is long in the midst of night's tranquility.)
5. 《尔雅·释鸟》:宵扈宵。(The night is used to drive beasts for farming.)
6. 《诗·豳风·七月》:昼尔于茅,宵尔索宵。(Daytime in the thatch, night time is for seeking.)
7. 李白《塞下曲》:晓战随金鼓,宵眠抱玉鞍。(In dawn battles, I wake with the sound of drums and at night sleep with my jade saddle.)
8. 宋· 柳永《雨霖铃》:今宵酒醒何处。(Where will I wake up tonight after drinking?)
- 宵烟 (night smoke), 宵宿 (accommodation at night), 宵夕 (evening), 宵中 (at night), 宵分 (midnight), 宵行 (travel by night), 宵征 (night travel), 宵朗 (clear night sky).
1. 假借为“小”。
- Used to mean "small".
1. 《礼记·乐记》:宵雅肆三。
2. 《庄子·列御寇》:宵人之离外刑者。(A "宵人" is one who does not take the clear path.)
3. 《汉书·武五子传》:毋桐好逸,毋迩宵人。(Do not indulge in pleasure, do not come close to small-minded people.)
- 宵碎 (small and fragmented), 宵民 (ordinary people).
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