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Meaning of

Pinyin yuán
(dynasty) / dollar / primary / first
元 [yuán] 名词 (Noun) 1. 头、首、始、大:head; chief; beginning; great. 2. 基本:basic. 3. 同“圆”:same as "circle". 4. 未知数:unknown quantity. 5. 中国朝代名:name of a Chinese dynasty. 6. 姓:a surname. 7. 古同“玄”,清代避康熙皇帝(玄烨)名讳,以“元”代“玄”:ancient same as "mysterious", in the Qing dynasty to avoid the name of Emperor Kangxi (Xuanye), using "yuan" to replace "xuan". 1. 同本义:head ([En.] head) 2. 天:heaven ([En.] Heaven) 3. 君:king; emperor ([En.] king; emperor) 4. 开始; 起端:beginning; starting point ([En.] beginning) 5. 根源; 根本:source; origin ([En.] source; origin) 6. 指元气:referring to vitality; the chaotic energy before the separation of heaven and earth; refers to human spirit and essence; in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) terminology, refers to the upright energy of the human body, as opposed to "evil energy". 7. 道家所谓的道:the Tao referred to by Taoists ([En.] Taoist) 8. 指帝王年号:referring to the title of an emperor’s reign ([En.] the title of an emperor’s reign) 9. 朝代名:the Yuan Dynasty; established by Genghis Khan in 1206. The country name was set by Kublai Khan in 1271 and unified China by defeating the Southern Song in 1279, moving the capital to Dadu (modern Beijing). The Yuan lasted until 1368 when Zhu Yuanzhang's army captured Dadu, ending the Yuan dynasty which had 11 emperors over 98 years. 10. 数学名词:a mathematical term; variables in a finite multiplication expression of numbers and letters are referred to as terms ([En.] term). 11. 民众,百姓:common people ([En.] common people). 12. 在各国多种硬币中,仿古德国银质硬币塔勒的任何一种硬币:any currency of different coins representing the old German silver coin Thaler ([En.] dollar). 13. 中国基本货币单位:the basic currency unit of China ([En.] yuan). 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 第一,居首位的:first; primary ([En.] first; primary) 2. 大:great ([En.] great) 3. 善; 吉:good ([En.] good) 4. 本来; 向来; 原来:original; previously ([En.] primary; prime) 5. 黑色:black; used to avoid the name of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing dynasty ([En.] black) 元 [yuán] 名词 (Noun) 1. 同本义:head ([En.] head) 引 (Quotation) 1. 《说文》: 元,始也。按,当训首也。 ([En.] Shuowen: Yuan means beginning; according to interpretation, it means head.) 2. 《左传·襄公九年》: 元,体之长也。 ([En.] Zuo zhuan: Yuan means the long part of the body.) 3. 《仪礼·士冠礼》: 始加元服。 ([En.] Yili: The beginning of adding the ceremony of adulthood.) 4. 《左传·僖公三十三年》: 狄人归其元。 ([En.] Zuo zhuan: The Di people returned to their chief.) 5. 《左传·哀公十一年》: 归国子之元。 ([En.] Zuo zhuan: Returned to the son of the country’s chief.) 6. 《孟子》: 勇士不忘丧其元。 ([En.] Mengzi: The brave do not forget the loss of their chief.) 7. 《礼记·曲礼》: 牛曰一元大武。注:“头也。” ([En.] Liji: A cow is called Yiyuan Dawu. Note: "head also.") 8. 《新唐书》: 吐蕃叛换方炽,敬玄失律,审礼丧元,安可更为西方生事? ([En.] New Book of Tang: The Tibetan rebellion flared up, respect for the mysterious lost the laws, observing rituals lost the chief, how could we cause trouble in the west?) 例 (Example) 又如: 元首 (head) ([En.] head) 2. 天:heaven ([En.] Heaven) 引 (Quotation) 1. 《淮南子·原道》: 执元德于心而化驰若神。注:“天也。” ([En.] Huainanzi: Hold the heavenly virtue in heart and it can transform like the divine. Note: "Heaven also.") 例 (Example) 又如: 元机 (heavenly mechanism, referring to mysterious heavenly will); 元神 (the heavenly emperor); 元父 (the heavenly emperor); 元命 (heavenly mandate); 元天 (the azure sky) 3. 君:king; emperor ([En.] king; emperor) 引 (Quotation) 1. 《书·益稷》: 元首起哉。传:“元首,君也。” ([En.] Book of Documents: The head of state rises. It is said: "The head is the king.") 2. 《广雅》: 元,君也。 ([En.] Guangya: Yuan means king.) 3. 宋· 文天祥《得儿女消息》: 故国斜阳草自春,争元作相总成尘。 ([En.] Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang: The slanting sun sets on the old country’s grass, competing to become dust as prime ministers.) 例 (Example) 又如: 元、恺辅舜 ([En.] Yuans and Kai assisted Shun, legendary figures known for governance); 元龙 (the emperor); 元明 (in Buddhism refers to purity and brightness); 元后 (the empress; the king's legitimate wife) 4. 开始; 起端 ([En.] beginning) 引 (Quotation) 1. 《公羊传·隐公元年》: 元年者何? 君之始年也。 ([En.] Gongyang Zhuan: What is the first year? It is the king's first year.) 例 (Example) 又如: 元始天尊 ([En.] The Supreme One of the Primordial Beginning, the highest Taoist deity, said to have been born before the Great Primordial); 元初 (the initial state); 元由 (the reason for the beginning; the start of matters); 元因 (cause). 5. 根源; 根本 ([En.] source; origin). 例 (Example) 如: 元本 (the root); 元序 (the most fundamental order, referring to etiquette); 元极 (the origin of all). 6. 指元气 ([En.] vitality). 指天地未分前的混沌之气; 指人的精神,精气; 中医名词,指人体的正气,与“邪气”相对。 ([En.] Referring to vitality; chaotic energy before the separation of heaven and earth; refers to human spirit and essence; in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it refers to the upright energy of the human body, opposed to "evil energy".) 例 (Example) 如: 元炁 (Yuan Qi); 元阳 (male essence). 7. 道家所谓的道 ([En.] Taoist). 引 (Quotation) 1. 《子华子·大道》: 元,无所不在也。人能守元,元则舍之; 人不守元,元则舍之。 ([En.] Zihua Zi: Yuan is omnipresent. If a person can maintain it, then it will remain; if a person cannot maintain it, then it will leave.) 例 (Example) 又如: 元神 ([En.] The spirit achieved through Buddhist and Taoist cultivation; a person who has attained the Tao can freely travel between their physical body and spirit); 元君 (the respectful title for female immortal in Taoism); 元龙 (Yuan Yang, refers to the Tao achieved). 8. 指帝王年号 ([En.] the title of an emperor’s reign). 引 (Quotation) 1. 《史记》: 元,宜以天瑞命,不宜以一二数。 ([En.] Records of the Grand Historian: Yuan should be named with heavenly auspiciousness, not with numbers.) 9. 朝代名 ([En.] the Yuan Dynasty). 1206年,成吉思汗建蒙古汗国。1271年,忽必烈定国号为元。1279年灭南宋,统一全国,建都大都(今北京)。1368年,朱元璋军攻占大都,元亡。自定国号起,元凡十一帝,历时九十八年。 (Established by Genghis Khan in 1206. In 1271, Kublai Khan named the dynasty Yuan. In 1279 destroyed the Southern Song, unified the country, and established the capital in Dadu (modern-day Beijing). In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang's army captured Dadu, ending the Yuan Dynasty which had 11 emperors over 98 years.) 引 (Quotation) 1. 明· 高启《书博鸡者事》: 元至正间。 ([En.] Ming Dynasty, Gao Qi: During the Yuan Zhi Zheng period.) 例 (Example) 又如: 元政紊弛 ([En.] the disorder of Yuan's governance); 元人百种 ([En.] a book titled "Selection of Yuan Dramas"). 10. 数学名词 ([En.] term). 数字和若干字母的有限次乘法运算式中表示,变量的字母称元。 ([En.] A mathematical term; the letters representing variables in a finite multiplication expression of numbers and letters are called terms.) 例 (Example) 如: 一元二次方程 ([En.] quadratic equation). 11. 民众,百姓 ([En.] common people). 例 (Example) 如: 黎元 (a common person); 元元 (the common people); 元元之民 (the general populace). 12. 在各国多种硬币中,仿古德国银质硬币塔勒的任何一种硬币。 ([En.] Any currency of different coins representing the old German silver coin Thaler.) 例 (Example) 如: 金元 ([En.] gold dollar). 13. 中国基本货币单位 ([En.] yuan). 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 第一,居首位的 ([En.] first; primary). 2. 大 ([En.] great). 3. 善; 吉 ([En.] good). 4. 本来; 向来; 原来 ([En.] primary; prime). 5. 黑色 ([En.] black). 清朝避康熙(玄烨)皇帝的讳。改“玄”为“元”. (Used to avoid the name of Emperor Kangxi, changed “xuan” to “yuan”.) 引 (Quotation) 1. 清· 洪亮吉《治平篇》: 自此而元焉。 ([En.] Qing Dynasty, Hong Liangji: From this point on it became "yuan".) 例 (Example) 又如: 至曾元时 ([En.] during the time of Yuan); 元黄([En.] black and yellow); 元色 ([En.] black color); 元玉([En.] black jade); 元狐 ([En.] black fox).
yuán xiāo
Lantern Festival / night of the 15th of the first lunar month / see also 元夜[yuan2 ye4] / sticky rice dumplings
Yuán xiāo jié
Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春節|春节, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar
kāi yuán sì
kaiyuan temple
yuán xiōng
chief offender / main culprit
yú tǔn yuán
Měi yuán
American dollar / US dollar
gōng yuán
CE (Common Era) / Christian Era / AD (Anno Domini)
yuán sù
element / element of a set / chemical element
yuán nián
first year of an emperor's reign
gōng yuán qián
BCE (before the Common Era) / BC (before Christ)
Yuán dài
the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)
Yuán cháo
Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)
dān yuán
unit (forming an entity) / element / (in a residential building) entrance or staircase
zhuàng yuán
top scorer in the palace examination (highest rank of the Imperial examination system) / see 榜眼[bang3 yan3] and 探花[tan4 hua1] / top scorer in college entrance examination 高考[gao1 kao3] / (fig.) the most brilliantly talented person in the field / leading light
sān yuán
Rì yuán
Japanese yen (unit of currency) / also written 日圓|日圆
yuán shǒu
head of state
Yuán dàn
New Year's Day
duō yuán
poly- / multi- / multielement / multivariant / multivariate (math.)
duō yuán huà
diversification / pluralism / to diversify
qiān yuán
Gǎng yuán
Hong Kong dollar
Ào yuán
Australian dollar
亿 yì měi yuán
billions of dollars
亿 yì duō yuán
Billion yuan
亿 bǎi yì yuán
Tens of billions
亿 yì rì yuán
Billion yen
亿 yì gǎng yuán
Billion Hong Kong dollars
亿 wàn yì yuán
xī tǔ yuán sù
rare earth element (chemistry)
huà xué yuán sù
chemical element
wēi liàng yuán sù
trace element (chemistry)
亿 yì yuán
100 million
wàn měi yuán
Ten thousand U.S. dollars
wàn yuán
Wan Yuan(人名) / ten thousand yuan
lì dào yuán
Li Daoyuan
èr yuán chún
ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
lán xì yuán sù
lanthanoid (rare earth series), namely: lanthanum La57 鑭|镧[lan2], cerium Ce58 鈰|铈[shi4], praseodymium Pr59 鐠|镨[pu3], neodymium Nd60 釹|钕[nu:3], promethium Pm61 鉕|钷[po3], samarium Sm62 釤|钐[shan1], europium Eu63 銪|铕[you3], gadolinium Gd64 釓|钆[ga2], terbium Tb65 鋱|铽[te4], dysprosium Dy66 鏑|镝[di1], holmium Ho67 鈥|钬[huo3], erbium Er68 鉺|铒[er3], thulium Tm69 銩|铥[diu1], ytterbium Yb70 鐿|镱[yi4], lutetium Lu71 鑥|镥[lu3]
tóng yuán
copper coin
yín yuán
flat silver (former coinage) / also written 銀圓|银圆 / silver dollar

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