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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

圜 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

圜 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 圜
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 圜
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Meaning of

Pinyin yuán、 huán
circle / encircle, circle / round
圜 [huán] 1. To encircle. Example: 转圜. (Turning around) Example: 圜流九十里. (To flow in a circle for ninety miles) - 【本义】: To surround. - 【造字法】: A phonetic and semantic compound. From囗wéi and 睘(qióng) as the phonetic component. 引: 1. "周礼·考工记·画缋": 火似圜. (Fire is similar to a circle.) 2. "汉书·贾谊传": 动一亲戚,天下圜视而起. (When one relative moves, the world turns around.) 3. "列子·说符": 圜流九十里. (Flowing in a circle for ninety miles.) 4. "史记·孟荀传": 欲内圜凿. (Wishing to dig inward and round.) 5. 柳宗元《梓人传》: 余圜视大骇. (I looked in astonishment in a circular view.) Example: 圜山 (Ring Mountains). See also: yuán. --- 圜 [yuán] 1. Same as the original meaning (En. sky). 2. Jail (En. prison). 3. Circle (En. circle). 4. Coin (En. coin). - 【形】: Round (En. round). - 【引】: 1. "说文": 圜, 天体也. (Circle refers to the celestial body.) 2. 圜, 天道也.—《吕氏春秋·圜道》注. (Circle refers to the way of heaven.) 3. "吕氏春秋·序意": 大圜在上. (The great circle is above.) 4. "易·说卦": 乾为天,为圜. (Qian represents heaven, represents circle.) 5. "楚辞": 圜则九重,孰营度之? (The circle of the heavens over nine layers, who can measure it?) Example: 圜邱 (Round Mound); 圜方 (Heaven and Earth); 圜宰; 圜道 (The way of heaven). - 【牢狱】: (En. prison). - 【引】: 1. "周礼": 司圜中士六人. (Six officers manage the prison.) Example: 圜土 (Prison); 圜扉 (Prison door); 圜墙 (Prison wall); 圜门 (Circular door; prison door). - 【圆】: (En. circle). - 【引】: 1. "墨子·经上": 圜,一中同长也. (A circle, where all points are equidistant from the center.) 2. "楚辞·九章·怀沙": 刓方以为圜兮. (To chop the square into a circle.) 3. 清·姚鼐《登泰山记》: 石苍黑色,多平方,少圜. (The stones are black, more square, fewer circular.) Example: 圜法 (Method of measuring circles); 圜率 (Pi). - 【钱币】: (En. coin). - 【引】: 1. "汉书·食货志下": 太公为周立九府圜法: 黄金方寸;而重一斤. (In ancient times, coins were regulated by their shape and weight.) Example: 圜好 (Coins with circular holes); 圜货 (Coins); 圜钱 (Ancient coins). --- 圜 [yuán] 1. Round (En. round). - 【引】: 1. "周礼·大司乐": 冬日至于地上之圜丘奏之. (The round mound played music on the ground during winter.) 2. "周礼·考工记": 圜者中规,方者中矩. (A circle is determined by a compass, square by a ruler.) 3. "楚辞": 何方圜之能周兮,夫孰异道而相安? (How can one circle surround the other? Who can walk different paths yet coexist?) Example: 圜陈 (Round formation); 圜冠 (Round cap worn by scholars); 圜舍 (Round house). See also: huán.

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Input Method for
Pinyin yuan2
Four Corner
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