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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

园 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

园 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 园
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 园
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Meaning of

Pinyin yuán
园 (yuán) 1. 种植果蔬花木的地方。 [En.] A place where fruits, vegetables, and flowers are planted. 2. 原指别墅游息之所,现指供人游玩、娱乐的公共场所。 [En.] Originally referred to a villa for leisure, now refers to public places for recreation and entertainment. 3. 旧指历代帝王以及亲王、妃嫔、公主之墓。 [En.] Historically refers to the tombs of emperors, princes, princesses, and consorts. 同本义 1. 同本义 ([En.] garden) 引 1. 《说文》:园,所以树果也。 2. 《三苍》:种树曰园。 3. 《周礼·大宰》:园圃毓草木。 4. 《周礼·载师》:以场圃任园地。 注:“樊圃谓之园。” 5. 《易·贲》:于丘园。 6. 《诗·魏风·园有桃》:园有桃。 7. 《乐府诗集·长歌行》:青青园中葵。 8. 晋·陶渊明《归园田居》:田园将芜。 9. 园日涉以成趣。 例 1. 又如:园头(禅寺内管菜园的人);果园;植物园;园公(即东园公。商山四皓之一;又指管理花园的仆人);园户(指唐宋时种植、制作茶叶的民家) 庭园;供人憩息、游乐或观赏的地方 2. 庭园;供人憩息、游乐或观赏的地方 ([En.] flower garden; grounds; place for public recreation) 引 1. 《隶释》:白菟素鸠,游君园庭。 例 1. 又如:园叟花丁(园丁与花匠);园叟(年老的园丁);公园;戏园;动物园;园客(游园的人) 帝王、后妃的墓地 3. 帝王、后妃的墓地 ([En.] cemetery) 例 1. 如:园陵(祖先的坟茔);园寝(建在帝王墓上的庙);园庙(帝王墓地所建的宗庙)
Yí hé yuán
Summer Palace in Beijing
kā fēi yuán
Coffee garden
yuán pǔ
garden plot
huā yuán
garden / CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]
xiào yuán
Zhōng shān Gōng yuán
Zhongshan Park, the name of numerous parks in China, honoring Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]
yuán lín
gardens / park / landscape garden
yuán yì chǎng
garden spot
yuán qū
site developed for a group of related enterprises / (industrial or technology) park
yuán zi
park / garden
jiā yuán
home / homeland
gōng yè yuán
industrial park
dòng wù yuán
zoo / CL:個|个[ge4]
Táo yuán
Taoyuan city and county in Taiwan
guǒ yuán
chǎn yè yuán
industrial park
Zhú yuán
Chuk Yuen (place in Hong Kong)
dòng zhí wù yuán
Zoological and Botanical Garden
Bǎi huā yuán
Garden of Many Flowers (name) / Baihua garden in Hongmiao village 洪廟村|洪庙村[Hong2 miao4 cun1], Shandong
yuán lín shì
landscape style
Yuán míng yuán
Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860
mù yuán
cemetery / graveyard
tíng yuán
flower garden
yù huā yuán
imperial garden
chuàng yè yuán
innovation park / high-tech business incubator
kē jì yuán qū
science park
Zhuō zhèng yuán
Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu
gōng yuán
park (for public recreation) / CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]
zhòng zhí yuán
zhí wù yuán
botanical garden / arboretum
Yīng táo yuán
The Cherry Orchard, a play by Chekhov 契訶夫|契诃夫[Qi4 he1 fu1]
xiàng jiāo yuán
rubber plantation / rubber estate
liè shì líng yuán
martyrs cemetery
mǔ dān yuán
Peony Garden
méi guī yuán
Yī diàn yuán
Garden of Eden
yòu zhì yuán
kindergarten (Tw)
lè yuán
yuán dīng
yuán yì
gardening / horticultural
píng guǒ yuán
apple grove / apple orchard
chá yuán
tea garden
pú táo yuán
yù yuán
Yu Garden
ruǎn jiàn yuán
software park
Dí sī ní Lè yuán
Disneyland / also written 迪士尼樂園|迪士尼乐园[Di2 shi4 ni2 Le4 yuan2]
jiàng yuán
a shop making and selling sauce, pickles, etc. / sauce and pickle shop
líng yuán
cemetery / mausoleum park

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Input Method for
Pinyin yuan2
Four Corner
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