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院 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 院
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 院
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Meaning of

Pinyin yuàn
courtyard / institution
院 [yuàn] [名] 【本义】: 庭院,院子。房屋围墙以内的空地 [Original Meaning]: Courtyard, yard. An empty space within the walls of a house. 1. 围墙里房屋四周的空地: ~子。~墙。庭~。 1. An empty space surrounding a house within the walls: courtyard, wall, patio. 2. 某些机关、学校和公共场所名称: 法~。医~。戏~。 2. The names of certain institutions, schools, and public places: court, medical institute, theater. 【造字法】: 形声。从阜(fù),完声。“阜”是土山,与土、建筑有关。 [Character Formation]: Phonetic and semantic compound. The character is formed with "阜" (hill) indicating earth and construction. 1. 同本义 ([En.] courtyard) 1. Same original meaning ([En.] courtyard). 2. 四周有墙垣围绕、自成部分的房屋 ([En.] compound; courtyard) 2. A house surrounded by walls, forming a separate part ([En.] compound; courtyard). 3. 房屋周围的垣墙 ([En.] wall enclosed the house)。 3. Walls surrounding the house ([En.] wall enclosing the house). 4. 林园 ([En.] garden) 4. Garden ([En.] garden). 5. 娼楼妓馆 ([En.] brothel)。 5. Brothel ([En.] brothel). 6. 仆人 ([En.] servant)。 6. Servant ([En.] servant). 7. 官署 ([En.] government office) 7. Government office ([En.] government office). 【引】 1. 《广雅》:院,垣也。 1. "Guangya": Courtyard is a wall. 2. 《玉篇》:院,周垣也。 2. "Yupian": Courtyard is surrounded by walls. 3. 《增韵》:有垣墙者曰院。 3. "Zengyun": Those with walls are called courtyards. 4. 汉·司马光《西江月》:深院月明人静。 4. Han Dynasty Sima Guang's "Xijiang Yue": In the deep courtyard, moonlight shines, and the people are quiet. 【例】 又如: 前院; 后院; 深宫大院 For example: front courtyard, back courtyard, deep palace courtyard. 【例】 如: 场院 For example: a yard for a specific function. 【引】 柳贯《送郭子昭经历赴淮东诗》:试茗蜀井冈,看花竹西院。 Liu Guan's "Send Guo Zizhao to Huai Dong Poem": Try the tea at Shu's well, looking at the flowers in the bamboo garden. 【引】 如: 院门(院子。妓院) For example: courtyard gate (courtyard, brothel). 【引】 如: 院子(宋、明、清初戏曲小说中称仆人为院子); 院公(对他人奴仆的尊称。常见于元、明戏曲小说中) For example: yard (servants referred to as "院子" in Song, Ming, Qing opera novels); "院公" (an honorific for others’ servants, commonly seen in Yuan and Ming opera novels). 【例】 又如: 殿院; 枢密院; 行政院; 院上行知(保举已得朝廷批准,由巡抚衙门通知本人的文书); 院君(有封号的妇人; 亦尊称官吏,财主之妻); 院长(宋朝指军吏节级。后来也称衙门中的公人); 院子家(给皇帝传递饮食的人) For example: hall courtyard, Privy Council, Executive Yuan, documents notifying individuals approved by the court, respected titles for women or official’s and wealthy man’s wives, "院长" as a title for military officers and later for officials in the offices, as well as those serving the Emperor by delivering food.
cān yì yuàn
senate / upper chamber (of legislative assembly)
yuàn qiáng
courtyard wall
yuàn shì
scholar / academician / fellow (of an academy)
jiǎn chá yuàn
prosecutor's office / procuratorate
sì yuàn
cloister / temple / monastery / CL:座[zuo4]
jì yuàn
brothel / whorehouse
yuàn zi
courtyard / garden / yard / patio / CL:個|个[ge4] / (old) servant
Gù gōng Bó wù yuàn
Palace Museum, in the Forbidden City, Beijing / National Palace Museum, Taipei
yī xué yuàn
medical school
xué yuàn
college / educational institute / school / faculty / CL:所[suo3]
zhái yuàn
house / house with a courtyard
shēn zhái dà yuàn
a compound of connecting courtyards, each surrounded by dwelling quarters / a mansion with many courtyards and very high walls / a mansion with spacious halls and extensive gardens / imposing dwellings and spacious courtyards / (living tucked away) inside the big mansion
shū mì yuàn
privy council
dū chá yuàn
Court of Censors / department of supervision / censorate
shī fàn xué yuàn
teacher's college / normal school
tíng yuàn
diàn yǐng yuàn
cinema / movie theater / CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4]
jù yuàn
theater / CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4]
wǔ hàn zhí yè jì shù xué yuàn
Wuhan Institute of Technology
yī yuàn
hospital / CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4]
yuàn xiào
college / academy / educational institution
gāo děng yuàn xiào
institutions of higher learning / colleges and universities
qí yuàn
chess institute
sēng yuàn
abbey / Buddhist monastery / vihara
gē jù yuàn
opera house
fǎ yuàn
court of law / court
zhù yuàn
to be in hospital / to be hospitalized
guó wù yuàn lìng
Decree of the State Council
Zhòng yì yuàn
lower house of bicameral assembly / House of Representatives (USA) / Chamber of Deputies
liáo yǎng yuàn
fēng rén yuàn
madhouse / bedlam / bughouse / lunatic asylum / loony bin
Jiān chá yuàn
Control Yuan, a watchdog under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan
yán jiū yuàn
research institute / academy
yán jiū shēng yuàn
graduate school
chán yuàn
Buddhist hall
kē xué yuàn
academy of sciences / CL:個|个[ge4]
gōng chéng xué yuàn
School of Engineering / College of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering
guó wù yuàn jiū fēng bàn
State Council Office of Rectification
liǎng yuàn zhì
bicameralism / bicameral legislative system
yuàn luò
court / courtyard
gāi yuàn
The hospital
gòng yuàn
examination compound / examination hall in fendal China
xué yuàn lù
Xueyuan Road
yuàn zhǎng
the head of an institution whose name ends in 院[yuan4] / chair of a board / president of a university / department head / dean / premier of the Republic of China / CL:個|个[ge4]
liǎng yuàn
two chambers (of legislative assembly), e.g. House of Representatives and Senate
yī yuàn zhì
yuàn nèi
In the courtyard
Bā lí Shèng mǔ yuàn
Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris, France)

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Pinyin yuan4
Four Corner
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