Learn to write the Chinese character "隨" by watching the stroke order animation of "隨".
Stroke by Stroke: 隨 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '隨' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '隨' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '隨' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '隨'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 跟着:to follow.
- 例:隨從 (to accompany)
- 例:隨員 (follow-up personnel)
- 例:隨葬 (to bury with)
- 例:隨即 (immediately)
- 例:隨行 (to follow)
- 例:隨身 (on one's person)
- 例:隨喜 (to be delighted)
- 例:隨波逐流 (to go with the flow)
- 例:隨行就市 (to follow the market)
2. 順從,任憑:to comply with, to let.
- 例:隨意 (as you wish)
- 例:隨口 (to say casually)
- 例:隨宜 (as appropriate)
- 例:隨和 (easygoing)
- 例:隨俗 (to conform to customs)
- 例:隨筆 (casual writing)
- 例:隨遇而安 (to adapt oneself to circumstances)
3. 順便,就着:by the way, while doing.
- 例:隨帶 (to bring along)
- 例:隨手關門 (to close the door casually)
4. 像:to resemble.
- 例:他長得隨他父親 (He looks like his father.)
5. 姓:a surname.
1. (形聲。从辵 (chuò))
2. 同本義 ([En.] follow)
3. 依順;依從 ([En.] comply with; adapt to)
4. 聽任某人自願去做 ([En.] let (sb.do as he likes))
5. (方) ∶相似,與某人、物、事相像 ([En.] look like)
6. 接着,隨即 ([En.] carry on)
7. 根據 ([En.] according to)
1. 六十四卦之一,震下兌上 ([En.] one of the 64 Divinatory Symbols)
2. 中國周代國名 ([En.] Sui state). It was a vassal of the Chu state during the Spring and Autumn period, located in present-day Hubei province's Sui County.
1. (形聲。从辵 (chuò))
2. 同本義 ([En.] follow)
1. 《說文》:隨,從也。 (Xu Shen, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Suí means to follow like.")
2. 《易·雜卦》:隨無故也。 (from "I Ching")
3. 《書·禹貢》:隨山刊木循也。
4. 《詩·大雅·民勞》:無縱詭隨。
5. 《儀禮·聘禮》:凡庭實隨入。 注:「不併行也。」
6. 《儀禮·鄉射禮記》:距隨長武。
7. 《荀子·天論》:列星隨旋。
8. 《韓非子·楊權》:主失其神,虎隨其後。
9. 《韓非子·說林上》:子行而我隨之。
10. 唐·杜甫《春夜喜雨》:隨風潛入夜,潤物細無聲。
11. 晉·陶淵明《桃花源記》:太守即遣人隨其往,尋向所志,遂迷,不復得路。
- 隨任 (The younger generation follows the elder in official duties.)
- 隨直 (Following the on-duty schedule.)
- 隨班 (Following the班 for duty.)
- 隨扈 (To accompany.)
- 隨身燈 (Lamp used at the feet of the deceased.)
- 隨坐 (Being implicated due to others.)
- 隨宦 (To follow relatives in official duties.)
- 隨隨步口 (To follow closely at every step.)
- 隨起舉哀 (To mourn together with the deceased's family.)
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