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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

两 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

两 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 两
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 两
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Meaning of

Pinyin liǎng
both / two / ounce / some / a few / tael
两 liǎng 1. Number, two. Generally used before measure words such as "个, 半, 千, 万, 亿": - 例如:两个人 (two people), 两本书 (two books). 2. Both sides: - 例如:两可 (either), 两边 (both sides), 两便 (courteous expression for mutual convenience), 两旁 (on both sides), 两侧 (on both sides), 两袖清风 (unencumbered by material wealth), 两败俱伤 (both sides suffer losses). 3. Chinese unit of weight: - 十两 (ten liang, equivalent to one Chinese pound; historically, sixteen liang equaled one pound), 半斤八两 (meaning two sides are equal, often with a pejorative connotation). 4. Indicates an indefinite number: - 例如:两下子 (a little bit), 两着儿 (a kind of colloquial expression). 5. As a unit of weight, it is defined as 24 zhu makes one liang (liǎng): - 16 liang makes 1 jin (pound). Nowadays, in the metric system it is equivalent to about 0.05 kilograms; ten qian (a unit of measurement) equals one liang, and ten liang equals one jin. 6. Used for pairs: - 例如:鞋娄 (pairs of shoes) [two]. 7. Pair (four lengths): - 例如:归夫人鱼轩,重锦三十两 (referring to a certain weight in ancient texts). 8. It can also denote "vehicle" (used for buses, carts, etc.): - 例如:武王戎车三百两 (referring to the number of military vehicles in historical texts). 9. Indicates both sides, often used for two corresponding aspects or paired things: - 例如:两股战战 (both sides are at odds). 10. Indicates some or a few, often used with "一" or "三": - 例如:两三点雨山前 (a few drops of rain in front of the mountain); 两三 (a few). 11. Serving as an adverb: - 例如:目不能两视而明 (the eye cannot see clearly in both ways). 12. As a verb, it indicates equalness: - 例如:两大 (both are large), 两帝 (two emperors stand together), 两当 (the two are equal).
zuǒ yòu liǎng zuò
Two seats
liǎng xiāng
wing-rooms on either side of a one-storey house
liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn
both sides are willing / by mutual consent
liǎng jù
(say) a few words
liǎng kuài
Two pieces
liǎng dǔ
Two blocks
liǎng tào
in two copies / two sets of
liǎng sháo
two spoons / two spoons of…
liǎng pǐ
Two horses
liǎng jì
Two seasons
liǎng cùn
two inches
liǎng chǐ
Two feet
liǎng céng
two-tier / two-layer / two ply / two coats
liǎng suì
two years old
liǎng fú
liǎng chuáng
Two buildings
广 Liǎng Guǎng
the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi (traditional)
liǎng zhāng
two pieces of / two sheets of
liǎng shàn
liǎng bǎ
liǎng shǒu zhuā
grasping two key links at the sametime
liǎng yǎn yī mǒ hēi
Black eyes
sì liǎng bō qiān jīn
lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom) / fig. to achieve much with little effort
liǎng quán
Two punches
liǎng kǔn
Two bundles
liǎng gè fán shì
two whatevers
liǎng piē
liǎng zhī
liǎng jīn
two catties
jīn liǎng
weight / (fig.) importance
bàn jīn bā liǎng
not much to choose between the two / tweedledum and tweedledee
liǎng páng
both sides / either side
liǎng jìn
Two Jin
liǎng tiān shài wǎng
Two days
liǎng duǒ
Two flowers
liǎng shù
Two bunches
liǎng bēi
Two cups
liǎng méi
liǎng zhī
Two branches
liǎng jià
liǎng dòng
Two buildings
liǎng qī
amphibious / dual-talented / able to work in two different lines
liǎng qī dòng wù
amphibian / amphibious animals
liǎng qī jiàn
Amphibious ship
liǎng zhū
Two plants
liǎng gēn
liǎng zhuāng
Two piles
liǎng tǒng
two barrels
mó léng liǎng kě
equivocal / ambiguous
liǎng kē
Two trees
liǎng bài jù shāng
both sides suffer (idiom) / neither side wins
liǎng bèi
twice as much / double the amount
liǎng bù
two steps
liǎng duàn
liǎng pài
two schools
Liǎng Hú
Hubei 湖北 and Hunan 湖南 provinces
liǎng dī
Two drops
liǎng jiàn
two pieces
liǎng fèn
double / duplicate
liǎng yī
Liang Yi
liǎng piàn
two pieces / two tablets
liǎng xiǎo wú cāi
innocent playmates
liǎng píng
two bottles
fān liǎng fān
quadruple / double and redouble
liǎng fān
liǎng zhǎn
liǎng hé
two boxes / two cartons
liǎng yǎn
oculi uterque / oculus unitas
liǎng mǎ shì
two quite different things / another kettle of fish
liǎng wǎn
two bowls
liǎng mǔ
Two acres
liǎng miǎo
two seconds
liǎng duān
both ends (of a stick etc) / two extremes
liǎng kuāng
Two baskets
liǎng piān
liǎng lì
liǎng zǔ
two sets
liǎng yì
both wings / both flanks
shuǎ liǎng miàn pài
play the double game / be double-faced / resort to double-dealing
liǎng lèi chā dāo
lit. knifes piercing both sides (idiom) / fig. to attach a great importance to friendship, up to the point of being able to sacrifice oneself for it
liǎng cè
two sides / both sides
liǎng zhǒng
two types
liǎng cì
liǎng nián
two years
liǎng zhǐ
liǎng àn
bilateral / both shores / both sides / both coasts / Taiwan and mainland
liǎng zhě
both sides
liǎng wèi
both of them / two
liǎng tiān
two days
liǎng míng
liǎng tiáo
liǎng bian
either side / both sides
liǎng zuò
liǎng dài
Two generations
liǎng miàn
both sides
liǎng yuàn zhì
bicameralism / bicameral legislative system
liǎng lèi
two categories of / two kinds of / two types of
liǎng dì
two sides / two places
liǎng jiè
two sessions / two terms
liǎng chuàn
Two strings

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Input Method for
Pinyin liang3
Four Corner
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