Learn to write the Chinese character "涼" by watching the stroke order animation of "涼".
Stroke by Stroke: 涼 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '涼' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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1. 薄酒;薄酒。
Thin wine; light wine.
2. 薄;輕微。
Thin; slight.
3. 微寒;清涼。
Slightly cold; cool.
4. 人煙稀少;冷落。
Sparse human activity; desolate.
5. 刻薄;涼薄。
Harsh; unkind.
6. 悲愴;愁苦。
Sad; mournful.
7. 古代六種飲料之一。
One of the six ancient beverages.
8. 古州名。漢朝十三刺史部之一。
An ancient administrative region; one of the thirteen provinces during the Han Dynasty.
9. 山名。即大涼山,一作梁山。
Name of a mountain; refers to Daliang Mountain, also known as Liang Mountain.
10. 古水名。
An ancient river name.
11. 國名。東晉十六國之一。有前涼、後涼、北涼、南涼、西涼等。
Name of a state; one of the sixteen nations during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, with names like Former Liang, Later Liang, Northern Liang, Southern Liang, and Western Liang.
12. 姓。
A surname.
Base meaning: cold
Character formation: phonetic compound. From water, with the sound from Jing.
1. 同本義 (cold)
Same as the original meaning (cold).
2. 微寒,稍冷 (cool; cold)
Slightly cold; cool.
3. 薄; 輕微; 刻薄 (thin; unkind)
Thin; slight; harsh.
4. 人煙稀少; 冷落 (bleak and desolate)
Sparse human activity; desolate.
5. 悲愴,內心悽苦,又比喻灰心、失望 (sad; discouraged; disappointed)
Sadness; deep sorrow; metaphoric of being disheartened or disappointed.
6. (方)痛快; 舒服 (very happy)
Extremely happy.
7. 通「諒」。誠信 (honest)
Communicate "trust." Sincere.
1. 秋季 (winter)
Autumn season.
2. 國名 (liang state)
Name of a state established during the Sixteen Kingdoms period in the Gansu province area.
3. 通「輬」。轀輬,喪車 (funeral carriage)
Refers to a funeral carriage.
4. 姓 (surname)
A surname.
5. 另見 liàng
Refer to liàng.
1. 輔佐。
2. 陳物於通風或陰涼處,使乾燥。後作“ 晾 ”。
Place items in a ventilated or cool area to dry; later written as "drying."
3. 把熱東西放一會兒,使溫度降低。
Let hot objects cool down for a while.
1. 假借爲「倞」。輔佐 (assist)
Used as a loan for "assist."
2. 把東西放在通風處使乾燥。今作「晾」 (dry in air)
Place items in air to dry; now written as "drying."
3. 信,實。通「諒」 (believe)
Trustworthy; communicate "trust."
4. 把熱的東西放置一會兒,讓溫度降低 (make or become cool)
Set hot items down for a while to lower the temperature.
5. (方)冷落,撇在一邊 (treat coldly)
Ignore or treat coldly.
6. 另見 liáng
Refer to liáng.
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