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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

泪 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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泪 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 泪
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 泪
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Meaning of

Pinyin lèi
泪 (lèi) Noun 1. Water that flows from the eyes. - Example: 眼泪 (tear), 泪痕 (tear mark), 泪水 (tear water), 泪眼 (tearful eyes), 泪珠 (tear drops), 泪盈盈 (tearful). - Proverb: 声泪俱下 (to cry and speak at the same time). Etymology: The character is a phonetic compound composed of "水" (water) and "戾" (lì) for sound. The simplified character "泪" is a compound ideogram consisting of "水" (water) and "目" (eye). Synonyms: 1. Same as the original meaning (tear). 2. Extended reference to objects that resemble tears (drop). Examples: - "泪波" (tear waves) - tears that resemble waves. - "泪泉" (tear spring) - refers to tears. - "泪球" (tear bead) - tear drops. - "泪晶" (tear crystallization) - tear beads. - Extended reference to things resembling tears: - "蜡泪" (wax tears), "泪蜡" (tears of wax) - drops from a burning candle that resemble tears. - "胡桐泪" (Chinese parasol tree tears). Verb 1. To weep. - Example: A saying refers to "泪河" (a river of tears) - to describe extreme sorrow. - Expression: "泪下沾衿" (to weep profusely and wet one's garment). - Term: "泪坠尊者" (a Buddhist term referring to the great compassion of a high arhat who weeps for the suffering of beings after Buddha's passing).
hán lèi
tearful / tearfully
chuí lèi
to shed tears
kū tiān mǒ lèi
to wail and whine / piteous weeping
shì lèi
Wipe tears
bù jiàn guān cái bù diào lèi
No tears if you don't see the coffin
lèi wāng wāng
tearful / brimming with tears
cuī rén lèi xià
draw tears / draw tears from sb. / bring tears to one's eyes
cuī lèi dàn
tear bomb / tear-gas grenade
shēng lèi jù xià
to shed tears while recounting sth / speaking in a tearful voice
yǎn lèi
tears / crying / CL:滴[di1]
lèi shuǐ
teardrop / tears
lèi rú quán yǒng
the tears run like a bubbling spring / a stream of tears
liú lèi
to shed tears
rè lèi
hot tears
xuè lèi
tears of blood (symbol of extreme suffering) / blood and tears
lèi huā
tears in the eyes
lèi zhū
a teardrop
rè lèi yíng kuàng
eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom) / extremely moved
lèi hén
tear stains
lèi yǎn
tearful eyes
lèi liú mǎn miàn
cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)
luò lèi
to shed tears / to weep
lèi rú yǔ xià
tears falling like rain (idiom)
lèi guāng
glistening teardrops
tì lèi
lǎo lèi zòng héng
The old man wept bitterly. / Tears coursed down the old man's cheeks. / tears flowing from aged eyes / The old man's face was covered with tears.
sǎ lèi
shed tears
shān rán lèi xià
to shed silent tears (idiom)
zhú lèi
drop of melted wax that runs down the side of a candle
rè lèi duó kuàng

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Pinyin lei4
Four Corner
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