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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

位 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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位 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 位
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 位
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Meaning of

Pinyin wèi
position / location / (measure word for persons) / place / seat
位 [wèi] 【noun】 1. 所处的地方:place; Example: 座~ (a seat); 部~ (departmental location); ~置 (position) 2. 职务的高低:post; social position; Example: 地~ (social rank); 职~ (official position) 3. 特指君主的地位:throne; Example: 即~ (to assume the throne) 4. 一个数中每个数码所占的位置:digit; Example: 个~ (units place); 百~数 (hundreds place) 5. 量词,常用于人,表尊重:a respectful measure word for people; Example: 诸~ (respected persons); 各~ (each person) 6. 姓:surname. 【verb】 1. 占据其应有的位置:occupy (a place); Example: 卑高以陈 (to arrange status according to rank) 2. 立,站:stand; Example: 面三槐,三公位焉 (face three locust trees, placing the three dukes) 3. 引申为居,处:be in; Example: 位其所位焉,正也 (be in one’s rightful place, it is proper)
dūn wèi
zǒng dūn wèi
overall tonnage (of a shipping fleet or company)
pǐn wèi
rank / grade / quality / (aesthetic) taste
shào wèi
sentry post
nǎ wèi
which / who
shuài wèi
dì wèi
imperial throne
xí wèi
a seat (in a theater, stadium etc) / parliamentary or congressional seat
chuáng wèi
bed (in hospital, hotel, train etc) / berth / bunk
zuò wèi
seat / CL:個|个[ge4]
tān wèi
vendor's booth
wèi yú
to be located at / to be situated at / to lie
mǒu wèi
měi wèi
everyone / each person
wèi zhi
position / place / seat / CL:個|个[ge4]
dì wèi
position / status / place / CL:個|个[ge4]
xué wèi
academic degree / place in school
zhè wèi
this (person)
gǎng wèi
a post / a job
zhí wèi
post / office / position
gè wèi
everybody / all (guests, colleagues etc) / all of you
nà wèi
That person
bù wèi
position / place
jǐ wèi
a few / some / several
wèi jū
to be located at
dìng wèi
to orientate / to position / to categorize (as) / to characterize (as) / positioning / position / niche
bó wèi
shǒu wèi
first place
jí wèi
to succeed to the throne / accession
jué wèi
order of feudal nobility, namely: Duke 公[gong1], Marquis 侯[hou2], Count 伯[bo2], Viscount 子[zi3], Baron 男[nan2]
pái wèi
memorial tablet
wáng wèi
title of king / kingship
huáng wèi
the title of Emperor
lù wèi
official rank and salary
cāng wèi
shipping space / freight space
èr wèi
you two
wèi yú
to be located at / to be situated at / to lie
wèi yí
displacement (vector)
yí wèi
to shift / shift / translocation / displacement / (medicine) dislocation
xué wèi
acupuncture point
cuàn wèi
to seize the throne
tóng wèi sù
jì wèi
to succeed to the throne
tāi wèi
position of the fetus
liǎng wèi
both of them / two
dān wèi
unit (of measure) / unit (group of people as a whole) / work unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform) / CL:個|个[ge4]
yī wèi
single bit
sān wèi
three's place / three-position
cāng wèi
shipping space / cabin berth / cabin seat
ràng wèi
to abdicate / to yield
zhū wèi
(pron) everyone / Ladies and Gentlemen / Sirs
yuè wèi
offside (sports)
退 tuì wèi
to abdicate
pèi wèi
cuò wèi
to misplace / displacement (e.g. of broken bones) / out of alignment / faulty contact / erroneous judgment / inversion (medical, e.g. breach delivery)
bǎ wèi
target position

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Input Method for
Pinyin wei4
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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