Learn How to Write Chinese Characters (Hanzi)
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How to write

Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

席 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

席 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 席
Download the worksheet in PNG format
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 席
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

banquet / woven mat / seat / place, woven mat
zhǔ xí tái
rostrum / platform / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhǔ xí tuán
máo zhǔ xí jì niàn táng
Chairman Mao Memorial Hall
xí juǎn
to engulf / to sweep / to carry away everything
yàn xí
banquet / feast
wěi xí
reed mat
shǒu xí
chief (representative, correspondent etc)
xí wèi
a seat (in a theater, stadium etc) / parliamentary or congressional seat
jiǔ xí
feast / banquet
yán xí
banquet / mat for sitting
quē xí
absence / absent
yī xí
a seat
lián xí huì yì
joint conference
yī xí huà
the content of a conversation / words / remarks
yī xí zhī dì
(acknowledged) place / a role to play / niche
yì xí
seat in a parliament or legislative assembly
xí jiān
chū xí
to attend / to participate / present
liè xí
to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate
tì bǔ xí
substitutes bench
zhěn xí
pillow mat / pillow and mat / bed
xí péng
kàng xí
kang mat
miè xí
a mat made of thin bamboo strips / woven bamboo mat
zhǔ xí
chairperson / premier / chairman / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
lú xí
reed mat
fù xí
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Input Method for
Pinyin xi2
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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All Chinese stroke order images, animations, videos, and printable worksheets on this website are free for personal or classroom use. Please indicate the source and URL of the website when using them.
