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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

习 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

习 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 习
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 习
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Meaning of

to practice / to study / habit
习 xí 1. 学过后再温熟反复地学,使熟练。 To study repeatedly after learning, to become proficient. 2. 学。 To learn. 3. 对某事熟悉。 To be familiar with something. 4. 长期重复地做,逐渐养成的不自觉的活动。 An activity that becomes automatic due to long-term repetition. 5. 相因。 To be mutually influenced. 6. 姓。 A surname. 习 xí 1. 学过后再温熟反复地学,使熟练:练习。学艺。实习。 To study repeatedly after learning, making it proficient: practice. Learn an art. Intern. 2. 学:学习文化。学习武术。 To learn: learn culture. Learn martial arts. 3. 对某事熟悉:了解到。听到的。习惯。 To be familiar with something: accustomed. Heard. Used to. 4. 长期重复地做,逐渐养成的不自觉的活动:习惯,积习。陈规陋习。 A long-term repeated activity that gradually becomes automatic: habit, long-standing habit. Old customs and bad habits. 5. 相因:世代相习。 Mutual influence between generations. 6. 姓。 A surname. 习 xí [Verb] [Original meaning]: A bird repeatedly tries to fly. [Formation method]: Ideogram; related to birds and flying. 1. 同本义 (To fly frequently). 2. 反覆练习,钻研 (To review; practice; exercise). Example: A gentleman speaks with friends to practice. 3. 通晓,熟悉 (To become familiar with; to be used to). Example: Familiarity with local customs. 4. 学习 (To learn). Example: Start learning. 5. 习惯; 习惯于,习以为常 (To get accustomed to; to be used to). Example: People get used to the difficult life. 6. 训练 (To train). Example: Rigorously train soldiers. 7. 习染 (To fall into a bad habit). Example: To develop bad habits through exposure. 习 xí [Noun] 1. 习性; 习惯 (Habit; custom; usual practice). Example: Old habits. 2. 亲信 (Trusted follower). Example: Familiar old acquaintances. 习 xí [Adverb] 经常,常常 (Often). Example: Regularly communicate. 习 xí 1. 学过后再温熟反复地学,使熟练。 To study repeatedly after learning, to become proficient. 2. 学。 To learn. 3. 对某事熟悉。 To be familiar with something. 4. 长期重复地做,逐渐养成的不自觉的活动。 An activity that becomes automatic due to long-term repetition. 5. 相因。 To be mutually influenced. 6. 姓。 A surname.
xí shàng
Xi Shang
xí guàn fǎ
customary law / common law
xí guàn chéng zì rán
habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable / second nature
jiù xí guàn
Old habits
yǎn xí
maneuver / exercise / practice / to maneuver
xí guàn
habit / custom / usual practice / to be used to / CL:個|个[ge4]
fù xí
to review / revision / CL:次[ci4]
liàn xí
to practice / exercise / drill / practice / CL:個|个[ge4]
xí sú
custom / tradition / local tradition / convention
shí xí
to practice / field work / to intern / internship
xí xìng
character acquired through long habit / habits and properties
jiǎng xí
to lecture / to instruct
xí guàn yú
be used to / be accustomed to / be conditioned to / be habituated to
shí xí sheng
intern (student)
yán xí
research and study
xiū xí
to study / to practice
xí yǐ wéi cháng
accustomed to / used to
xí tí
(schoolwork) exercise / problem / question
jiàn xí
to learn on the job / to be on probation
è xí
bad habit / vice
xí guàn xìng
shú xí
to understand profoundly / well-versed / skillful / practiced / to have the knack
bǔ xí
to take extra lessons in a cram school or with a private tutor
xué xí
to learn / to study
lòu xí
corrupt practice / bad habits / malpractice
chén guī lòu xí
outmoded conventions / old-fashioned ways

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Input Method for
Pinyin xi2
Four Corner
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