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恶 stroke order animation

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恶 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恶
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恶
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Meaning of

Pinyin è、 wù、 ě、 wū
nauseated, evil, to hate / to loathe
恶 è 1. 不好。 Not good. Example: 恶感 (bad feeling), 恶果 (bad consequences), 恶劣 (bad quality), 恶名 (bad reputation), 丑恶 (ugly). 2. 凶狠。 Fierce. Example: 恶霸 (tyrant), 恶棍 (scoundrel), 险恶 (dangerous and fierce), 凶恶 (fierce and evil). 3. 犯罪的事,极坏的行为。 Acts of crime, extremely bad behavior. Example: 恶贯满盈 (to be fully guilty of evil deeds). 4. 同本义 ([En.] fault). The same original meaning (fault). Example: 恶,过也 ('It is an offense.') 5. 泛指一般罪恶 ([En.] evil). Generally refers to all kinds of evil. Example: 恶积祸盈 (evil accumulates problems). 6. 恶人;坏人 ([En.] evil person; villain). Example: 恶杀都来 (a murderer shows off brutality). 7. 为一项罪行被控告的人;犯罪的人 ([En.] culprit). Example: 首恶必办,协从不问 (The main culprit must be punished; accomplices will not be inquired). 8. 丑陋 ([En.] ugly). Example: 恶丈夫 (ugly man), 恶女 (ugly woman). 9. 粗劣 ([En.] coarse). Example: 恶食 (poor quality food), 恶衣 (shoddy clothing). 10. 坏;不好 ([En.] bad). Example: 恶宾 (unwelcome guest), 恶逆 (not good). 11. 凶暴;凶猛 ([En.] fierce). Example: 恶狞 (fierce and ferocious). 12. 污秽;肮脏 ([En.] dirty). Example: 恶水 (dirty water). 13. 令人难堪 ([En.] discomfiting). Example: 恶戏 (a prank). 14. 恶毒 ([En.] venomous). Example: 恶歆歆 (fierce and vicious). 15. 庸俗 ([En.] vulgar). Example: 恶辞 (vulgar words). 16. 贫瘠 ([En.] barren). Example: 恶郡 (barren place). 17. 害;伤害或损害 ([En.] harm). Example: 恶说 (slander), 恶事 (bad deeds). 18. 甚;很 ([En.] very). Example: 恶烦 (very annoyted). 19. 讨厌,憎恨 ([En.] loathe; hate). Example: 可恶 (detestable), 厌恶 (disdain). 20. 羞耻,羞愧 ([En.] ashamed). Example: 悲恶 (mindful of shame). 21. 古同“乌”,疑问词,哪,何。 Ancient term meaning "which" or "what." 22. 文言叹词,表示惊讶。 Classical exclamatory word indicating surprise. Example: 恶,是何言也! (What is this saying?) 23. 表示疑问,相当于“何”、“怎么” ([En.] what). Example: 恶知之 (What do you know of it?). 24. 另见 ě;è;wū. Refer to: ě; è; wū.
shàn è
good and evil / good versus evil
xián wù
to loathe / to abhor / hatred / revulsion
yàn wù
to loathe / to hate / disgusted with sth
hù è bù quān
to keep doing evil without a sense of repentance (idiom)
è xìng xún huán
vicious circle
xiōng è
fierce / ferocious / fiendish / frightening
xiōng shén è shà
fiends (idiom); devils and monsters
qióng xiōng jí è
fiendish / black-hearted
zuì è
crime / evil / sin
è huà
to worsen
ě xīn
nausea / to feel sick / disgust / nauseating / to embarrass (deliberately)
è rén
evil person / vile creature / ugly man
xiǎn è
dangerous / sinister / vicious
kě wù
repulsive / vile / hateful / abominable
è yì
malice / evil intention
è xìng
malignant / wicked / vicious (circle) / producing evil / rapid (decline) / runaway (inflation)
xié è
sinister / vicious / wicked / evil
è dú
è hěn hěn
very fierce
è guǐ
evil spirit / devil
è zéi
è dòu
hard fighting / fierce battle
è xìng zhǒng liú
malignant tumor
chéng è yáng shàn
to uphold virtue and condemn evil (idiom)
zēng wù
to loathe / to hate / to abhor / see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 e4]
è mèng
è gùn
scoundrel / rogue / bully / villain
è liè
vile / nasty / of very poor quality
zuì è tāo tiān
evil crimes fill heaven (idiom)
è gǒu
cur / vicious dog / fierce dog / Dogs of Hell / The Mischievous Dog / Backdoor.Aogo.b
níng è
è guàn mǎn yíng
lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom); filled with extreme evil / replete with vice / guilty of monstrous crimes
jí è rú chóu
hate evil as one's enemy / hate injustice like poison
è zhàng
hard fighting / fierce battle
è xí
bad habit / vice
shǎng shàn fá è
reward the virtuous and punish the wicked / bless the good and punish the evil / reward the good people and punish the wicked
chǒu è
ugly / repulsive
jiǎ è chǒu
Fake evil
è chòu
shí è bù shè
wicked beyond redemption (idiom) / heinous
hào yì wù láo
to love ease and comfort and hate work (idiom)
è bà
evil tyrant
è bà dì zhǔ
despotic landlord
è mó
demon / fiend

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Input Method for
Pinyin e4
Four Corner
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