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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

凶 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

凶 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 凶
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 凶
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Meaning of

Pinyin xiōng
fierce, fierce / terrible / ominous
凶 [xiōng] 形 (Adjective) 1. 不幸的,不吉祥的 (inauspicious; ominous) - 吉凶 (good and bad fortune) - 凶信 (ominous news) 2. 庄稼收成不好 (crop failure) - 凶年饥岁 (a year of famine due to bad harvest) 3. 恶 (ferocious; fierce) - 凶暴 (violent) - 凶恶 (wicked) - 凶顽 (obstinate) - 凶相 (fierce appearance) - 凶神恶煞 (evil spirit) 4. 关于杀伤的 (relating to killing) - 行凶 (to commit violence) - 帮凶 (accomplice) 5. 厉害,过甚 (terrible; serious) - 雨凶风狂 (stormy weather) 名 (Noun) 1. 杀人的行为,也指行凶的人 (act of violence; murder) 2. 灾祸 (disaster) 动 (Verb) 1. 早死;夭亡 (die young) 2. 通“訩”。争讼,吵闹 (argue; make noise) 3. 死 (die) 引 (References) - 《说文》:凶,恶也。象地穿交陷其中也。《尔雅》:凶,咎也。 《易·系辞》:吉凶者,言乎其得也。 - 例: 凶兆 (omen of bad luck); 凶星 (inauspicious star); 吉凶未卜 (fortune yet to be determined); 凶人 (evil person); 凶事 (disaster). 《汉字来源与结构》 - 本义: 不吉利 (Original meaning: inauspicious) - 造字法: 指事 (Pictographic representation). The small seal character "凵" resembles a sunken shape, read as kǎn. "乂" indicates this place can trap people. "凶" is a compound character combining elements depicting humans below the negative sign. 通 (Related expressions) - 恐惧;骚动 (fearful; terrible) - 恶者令人畏惧的气氛 (an atmosphere that instills fear).
xiōng zhái
inauspicious abode / haunted house
xiōng shǒu
murderer / assassin
xiōng xiǎn
dangerous / ruthless / treacherous
xiōng è
fierce / ferocious / fiendish / frightening
xiōng hěn
cruel / vicious / fierce and malicious / vengeful
xiōng xiàng bì lù
show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed / with fangs bared
jí xiōng
good and bad luck (in astrology)
xiōng hàn
violent / fierce and tough / shrewish (woman)
xíng xiōng
violent crime / to commit a violent act (assault or murder)
xiōng shā
to murder / assassination
xiōng duō jí shǎo
everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious / everything points to disaster
xiōng cán
savage / cruel / fierce
xiōng shén è shà
fiends (idiom); devils and monsters
bāng xiōng
accomplice / accessory
féng xiōng huà jí
misfortune turns to blessing (idiom); to turn an inauspicious start to good account
qióng xiōng jí è
fiendish / black-hearted
yuán xiōng
chief offender / main culprit
xiōng bào
xiōng qì
lethal weapon / murder weapon
zhēn xiōng
xiōng zhào
ill omen
xiōng měng
fierce / violent / ferocious
xiōng yàn
ferocity / aggressive arrogance
xiōng shà
demon / fiend
chěng xiōng
bluster / act violently / act with murderous intent
xiōng wán
fierce and uncontrollable

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Input Method for
Pinyin xiong1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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