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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

息 stroke order animation

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Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

息 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 息
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 息
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Meaning of

news / interest / breath / rest
息 [xī] 【Verb】 1. 呼吸时进出的气: breath; the air entering and exiting during breathing. Examples: 鼻息 (nasal breath); 喘息 (panting); 叹息 (sigh); 窒息 (suffocation) 2. 停止,歇: stop; cease. Examples: 休息 (rest); 歇息 (rest); 息怒 (calm down anger); 息兵 (cease hostilities); 息事宁人 (set aside disputes to bring peace). 3. 繁殖,滋生: grow; proliferate. Examples: 休养生息 (rejuvenate); 滋息 (grow). 4. 音信: news; message. Examples: 消息 (message); 信息 (news). 5. 儿女: children; offspring. Examples: 子息 (sons and daughters). 6. 利钱: interest; profit from money. Examples: 息率 (interest rate); 利息 (interest); 月息 (monthly interest). ------------------- 息 [xī] 【Noun】 1. 气息,呼吸时出入的气: breath; the air entering and exiting during breathing. Examples: 一息尚存 (a breath still exists); 鼻息 (nasal breath). 2. 利息,利钱: interest. Examples: 息利 (interest); 息金 (interest, money). 3. 消息: news; message. Examples: 息耗 (news). 4. 亲生子女: one's own children. Examples: 息子 (biological son); 息女 (biological daughter). 5. 春秋时诸侯国名: Xi state, located in present-day Xi County, Henan Province. 6. 姓: surname; there were historical figures with the surname 息. ------------------- 【Additional Meanings】 1. 呼吸时出入的气: refers specifically to breath, such as "窒息" (suffocation) or "一息尚存" (a breath still exists). 2. 子女、儿子: relates to offspring, as in "子息". 3. 利钱: interest on loans, e.g., "月息" (monthly interest). 4. 音讯、音信: alludes to news and communication. 5. 赘肉: refers to excessive flesh or flab. 6. 姓: as a last name, noted in historical records. 【Verb】 1. 呼吸、喘气: to breathe or pant. 2. 休憩、放松身心: to rest or relax. 3. 停止、消失: to stop or cease. 4. 繁殖、滋长: to proliferate or breed.
yáo tóu tàn xī
shake one's head and sigh / shaking the head and uttering a sigh
chuǎn xī
to gasp for breath / to take a breather
yǎn yǎn yī xī
dying / at one's last gasp
qì xī yǎn yǎn
to have only a breath of life (idiom)
gū xī
excessively tolerant / to overindulge (sb) / overly conciliatory / to seek appeasement at any price
yī xī shàng cún
alive / as long as one lives
bǐng xī
hold one's breath
qì xī
tàn xī
to sigh / to gasp (in admiration)
lì xī
interest (on a loan) / CL:筆|笔[bi3]
xī nù
to calm down / to quell one's anger
xiāo xi
news / information / CL:條|条[tiao2]
qī xī
to stay (for a rest) / dwelling / perch (of birds)
qì xī
breath / smell / odor / flavor
lì xi lǜ
interest rate
xùn xī
information / news / message / text message or SMS
píng xī
to settle (a dispute) / to quieten down / to suppress
shēng xī
to inhabit / to live (in a habitat)
shēng xī
sound (often with negative, not a sound) / whisper
xìn xī wǎng
information network
xī xī xiāng guān
closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
xìn xī jì shù
information technology / IT
zhì xī
to choke / to stifle / to suffocate
xiē xi
to have a rest / to stay for the night / to go to bed / to sleep
qiǎo wú shēng xī
quietly / noiselessly
è wàn tàn xī
qī xī dì
yǎn qí xī gǔ
lit. lay down the flag and still the drums (idiom); fig. to cease / to give in
xìn xī huà
informatization (the Information Age analog of industrialization)
hǎo xiāo xī
hot wire
xìn xī shāng
comentropy / information entropy
xiū yǎng shēng xī
to recover / to recuperate
Xī fēng xiàn
Xifeng county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou
Xī fēng
Xifeng county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou
shùn xī wàn biàn
in an instant a myriad changes (idiom); rapid substantial change
shùn xī
in a flash / twinkling / ephemeral
shùn xī jiān
In a flash
xiāng tǔ qì xī
shào xī
Stand at ease! (military) / Taiwan pr. [shao1 xi1]
jīng jiǔ bù xī
prolonged / lasting
xìn xī
information / news / message
xiū xi
rest / to rest
shēng xī fán yǎn
tiē xī
to discount the interest on a bill of exchange
wú xī dài kuǎn
interest free credit / interest-free loan / free loan
fù xī
bí xī

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Pinyin xi1
Four Corner
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