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变 stroke order animation

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变 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 变
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 变
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Meaning of

Pinyin biàn
to change / to become different / to transform / to vary / rebellion
变 biàn 1. Nature, state, or situation is different from before; change; alteration. - Example: 情况~了。 (The situation has changed.) - Example: ~了样。 (It has changed its appearance.) 2. To transform. - Example: 沙漠~良田。 (The desert has transformed into fertile fields.) - Example: 后进~先进。 (The latecomers have become the pioneers.) 3. To cause a change. - Example: ~废为宝。 (Turn waste into treasure.) 4. Capable of change; has changed. - Example: ~数。 (Variable numbers.) - Example: ~态。 (Variable states.) 5. To sell off. - Example: ~产。 (Sell assets.) 6. To adapt or be flexible. - Example: 通权达~。 (Be flexible in using authority.) 7. An unexpected turn of events with significant impact. - Example: 事~。 (A sudden event.) - Example: 政~。 (Political change.) 8. Referring specifically to "变文" (a type of literary work). - Example: 目连~。 (Mudan transformations.) 9. A surname. 变 (biàn) As a verb: 1. Primary meaning: Change, transformation. - [En.] transform; change. 2. To adapt or be flexible. - [En.] be flexible. 3. To instigate change or revolt. - [En.] rebel; revolt. As a noun: 1. An unexpected event that has significant impact. - [En.] unexpected turn of events. 2. Catastrophic or unusual natural phenomena. - [En.] catastrophe. Example phrases: - 又如: 天气突变 (The weather suddenly changed). - 巨变 (A significant change). - 变宫 (A particular tone variation in ancient Chinese music). 变 (biàn) As a noun: 1. An unexpected turn of events with significant consequences. - Example: 哗变 (a sudden mutiny). - Example: 变事 (an unexpected significant event). 2. Catastrophic or unusual natural phenomena. - Example: 变怪 (unnatural disasters).
biàn de
to become
biàn chéng
to change into / to turn into / to become
gǎi biàn
to change / to alter / to transform
zhuǎn biàn
to change / to transform / shift / transformation / CL:個|个[ge4]
biàn gé
to transform / to change
yǎn biàn
to develop / to evolve / development / evolution
bù biàn
constant / unvarying / (math.) invariant
biàn dòng
to change / to fluctuate / change / fluctuation
zhèng biàn
coup d'état
biàn gēng
to change / to alter / to modify
biàn wéi
to change into
biàn qiān
changes / vicissitudes
biàn liàng
variable (math.)
biàn huàn
to transform / to convert / to vary / to alternate / a transformation
biàn xíng
deformation / to become deformed / to change shape / to morph
kě biàn zī běn
variable capital
biàn tài
to metamorphose (biology) / abnormal / perverted / hentai / (slang) pervert
bù biàn zī běn
constant capital
bìng biàn
pathological changes / lesion / diseased (kidney, cornea etc)
pàn biàn
to defect / to betray / to mutiny
huá biàn
mutiny / rebellion
biàn huài
to get worse / to degenerate
shàn biàn
biàn mài
to sell off (one's property)
biàn guà
to change one's mind / to go back on one's word
biàn běn jiā lì
lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming) / to aggravate / to intensify
biàn yā qì
biàn huà
change / variation / to change / to vary / CL:個|个[ge4]
biàn fèi wèi bǎo
turn waste into wealth / change waste material into things of value / recycle waste material / upcycle
shī biàn
biàn zhì yán
metamorphic rock (geology)
biàn fú
amplitude of variation
biàn huàn
to change irregularly / to fluctuate
fēng yún biàn huàn
changeable situation (idiom)
biàn huàn mò cè
to change unpredictably / unpredictable / erratic / treacherous
biàn yì
Wù xū Biàn fǎ
Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty
Wù xū Zhèng biàn
coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4] ending the 1898 attempt to reform the Qing dynasty
jù fǔ fáng biàn
to fight corruption and forestall moral degeneration
yáo shēn yī biàn
to change shape in a single shake / fig. to take on a new lease of life
biàn gù
an unforeseen event / accident / misfortune
jiàn biàn
gradual change
jī biàn
distortion / aberration
ái biàn
to become cancerous / transformation to malignancy (of body cells)
shùn xī wàn biàn
in an instant a myriad changes (idiom); rapid substantial change
tū biàn
sudden change / mutation
biàn zhǎi
narrow down
biàn sù xiāng
gearbox / transmission
hé jù biàn
nuclear fusion
gān yìng biàn
cirrhosis / hepatocirrhosis / hepatitis interstitialis chronica
tuì biàn
to transform / to morph / to degenerate / metamorphosis / transmutation / transformation / decay / degeneration
tuì huà biàn zhì
to degenerate (morally) (idiom) / to become depraved
rú biàn
creep (materials science)
yǎn biàn
to develop / to evolve
shuāi biàn
radioactive decay
liè biàn
yòu biàn
biàn zhì
to degenerate / to go bad / to deteriorate / metamorphosis
méi biàn
mildew / mould
biàn pín
frequency conversion
zhòu biàn
abrupt change / sudden discontinuity

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Input Method for
Pinyin bian4
Four Corner
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