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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

取 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

取 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 取
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 取
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Meaning of

to take / to get / to choose / to fetch
取 [qǔ] 1. 拿。 [En.] take; fetch; get 例: 从架上取书。 [En.] Take the book from the shelf. 2. 选择。 [En.] choose; select 例: 选取材料。 [En.] Select materials. 3. 采用。 [En.] adopt; employ 例: 吸取经验。 [En.] Absorb experience. 4. 得到,招致。 [En.] obtain; incur 例: 获得奖励。 [En.] Obtain rewards. 5. 消去。 [En.] eliminate; remove 例: 消去烦恼。 [En.] Eliminate worries. 6. 斩获敌人的首级为取。 [En.] behead 例: 在战争中敌人被斩首。 [En.] Enemies are beheaded in war. 7. 通“娶”。娶妻。 [En.] marry 例: 取妻。 [En.] Marry a wife. 8. 招致。 [En.] incur 例: 招致批评。 [En.] Incur criticism. 9. 得到,取得。 [En.] seek; gain 例: 得到成功。 [En.] Achieve success. 10. 会合,集合。 [En.] assemble; gather 例: 大家在一起取乐。 [En.] Everyone gathers to have fun together. 11. 趋向。 [En.] tend to; incline to 例: 向善而取。 [En.] Tend towards goodness. 12. 跑,疾走。 [En.] run; hurry 例: 她快速取回书本。 [En.] She quickly runs back to get the book. 副词用法 [副] 表示范围,相当于“才”、“仅”。 [En.] only 助词用法 [助] 表示动态,相当于“得”、“着”。 [En.] indicates action similar to "get" or "achieve".
jiù yóu zì qǔ
to have only oneself to blame (idiom) / to bring trouble through one's own actions
cǎi qǔ
to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action) / to take
lù qǔ
to accept an applicant (prospective student, employee etc) who passes an entrance exam / to admit (a student) / to hire (a job candidate)
duó qǔ
to seize / to capture / to wrest control of
tīng qǔ
to hear (news) / to listen to
qǔ xiāo
to cancel / cancellation
huò qǔ
to gain / to get / to acquire
tí qǔ
to withdraw (money) / to collect (left luggage) / to extract / to refine
shōu qǔ
to receive / to collect
qǔ shèng
to score a victory / to prevail over one's opponents
xī qǔ
to absorb / to draw (a lesson, insight etc) / to assimilate
qǔ míng
to name / to be named / to christen / to seek fame
huàn qǔ
to obtain (sth) in exchange / to exchange (sth) for (sth else)
kǎo qǔ
to pass an entrance exam / to be admitted to
lǐng qǔ
to receive / to draw / to get
qǔ jīng
to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures / to learn by studying another's experience
huá zhòng qǔ chǒng
sensationalism / vulgar claptrap to please the crowds / playing to the gallery / demagogy
fèn fā jìn qǔ
Forge ahead
bó qǔ
to win (favors, confidence etc)
qǔ chǒng
qiǎo qǔ háo duó
heist / grab and keep / rap and rend
lù qǔ lǜ
acceptance rate / admission rate
qǔ dé
to acquire / to get / to obtain
qǔ chū
to take out / to extract / to draw out
qǔ yuè
to try to please
jié qǔ
to cut off a section of sth
zhuā qǔ
to seize
chōu qǔ
to extract / to remove / to draw (a sales commission, venom from a snake etc)
kāi tuò jìn qǔ
forge ahead
jué qǔ
to plunder / to loot / robbery / pillage
zé qǔ
shí qǔ
to pick up / to collect
lāo qǔ
to fish for / to seek profit (by improper means)
jué qǔ
snout / excavation / dig
lüè qǔ
to plunder / to pillage / to loot
qǔ jué
to depend upon / to hinge upon
duì qǔ
shè qǔ
to absorb (nutrients etc) / to assimilate / intake / to take a photograph of (a scene)
zhāi qǔ
to pluck / to take
xié qǔ
to pick / to select / to take / to capture (data) / to acquire / to pick up (a signal)
gōng qǔ
to attack and seize
zhì qǔ
to take by ruse / to outwit / to outsmart
qǔ nuǎn
to warm oneself (by a fire etc)
qǔ cái
to collect material
jí qǔ
to draw / to derive / to absorb
zhà qǔ
to extract / to squeeze out (juice etc) / (fig.) to exploit
jìn qǔ
móu qǔ
to gain profit (by underhand means) / to exploit / see also 謀取|谋取[mou2 qu3]
qǔ dài
to replace / to supersede / to supplant / (chemistry) substitution
móu qǔ bào lì
to profiteer / profiteering
liè qǔ
to hunt / (fig.) to seek (fame etc)
dào qǔ
to steal (including identity theft, credit card fraud or theft of computer account) / to misappropriate
zhēng qǔ
to fight for / to strive for / to win over
qǔ xué
acupoint selection
qiè qǔ
to steal / to seize
qǔ xiào
to tease / to make fun of
suǒ qǔ
to ask / to demand
qǔ dì
to suppress / to crack down on / to prohibit
qǔ shě
to choose / to accept or reject
cuì qǔ
(chemistry) liquid-liquid extraction (aka solvent extraction) / to extract
xí qǔ
take by surprise / storm
zhà qǔ
to swindle / to defraud
dú qǔ
(of a computer etc) to read (data)
zhuàn qǔ
to make a profit / to earn a packet
yíng qǔ
win / earn
zì qǔ qí rǔ
bring disgrace on one's own head / ask for an insult / invite humiliation
àn láo qǔ chóu
recompense is made according to the amoumt of labour expended
ruì yì jìn qǔ
forge ahead with determination
gè qǔ suǒ xū
each takes what he needs (idiom)
qǔ shí
piàn qǔ
to gain by cheating

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Input Method for
Pinyin qu3
Four Corner
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