Learn to write the Chinese character "趨" by watching the stroke order animation of "趨".
Stroke by Stroke: 趨 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '趨' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '趨' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '趨' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '趨'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. To walk quickly, to hurry forward.
Example: "趨前" (to move forward quickly), "疾趨而過" (to pass by in haste).
Source: "孟子•公孫丑上" (Mencius) - “其子趨而往視之。”; "文選•陶淵明•雜詩二首之二" (Selections from Literature) - “日入群動息,歸鳥趨林鳴。”
2. To head towards a certain purpose or direction.
Example: "趨吉避凶" (to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune), "時勢所趨" (the tendency of the times), "趨於一致" (to converge).
Source: "文選•王襃•四子講德論" (Selections from Literature) - “今夫子閉門距躍,專精趨學有日矣!”
3. To be attached or cling to.
Example: "趨炎附勢" (to flatter those in power).
Source: "荀子•議兵" (Xunzi) - “韓之上地,方數百里,完全富足而趨趙。”
4. In ancient rites, to take small quick steps when wanting to overtake an elder while walking.
Source: "論語•微子" (Analects) - “趨而辟之,不得與之言。”; "唐•柳宗元《植靈壽木詩" (Poem by Liu Zongyuan) - “前趨問長老,重復欣嘉名。”
5. To move towards or return to.
Example: "志趨" (to aim at).
Source: "孟子•告子下" (Mencius) - “三子者不同道,其趨一也。一者何也?曰仁也。”
6. Verb: To walk quickly, to hurry forward.
Example: "趋前" (move forward), "疾趋而过" (hurry past).
Source: "孟子•公孙丑上" - “其子趋而往视之。”; "文选•陶渊明•杂诗二首之二" - “日入群动息,归鸟趋林鸣。”
7. Verb: To head towards a certain purpose or direction.
Example: "趋吉避凶" (to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune), "时势所趋" (the tendency of the times), "趋于一致" (to converge).
Source: "文选•王襃•四子讲德论" - “今夫子闭门距跃,专精趋学有日矣!”
8. 通“促”。 (Also pronounced "cu")
Meaning: Same as “促” (to urge).
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