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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

衢 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

衢 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 衢
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 衢
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Meaning of

衢 [qú] 1. Thoroughfare; a wide road that connects many paths. 大路,四通八达的道路:通~。 2. Same as the primary meaning ([En.] thoroughfare). 同本义 ([En.] thoroughfare) 3. Fork; places where branches of trees intersect or diverge ([En.] fork). 树枝交错、分岔 ([En.] fork) 4. Extended meaning referring to a way or route ([En.] way). 引申指途径 ([En.] way) 5. General term for roads ([En.] road). 泛指道路 ([En.] road) 6. Branch road; a road that diverges from a main road ([En.] branch road). 分岔的道路 ([En.] branch road) 7. Street ([En.] street). 街道 ([En.] street) 8. City ([En.] city). 市 ([En.] city) 9. Place name, referring to Qu, a location in western Zhejiang province. Established as Quzhou during the Tang dynasty due to the presence of Sanqu Mountain. Renamed Qu County during the Republic of China. Now known as Quzhou. 地名 ([En.] Qu,a place name)。在浙江省西部。唐置衢州,因境内有三衢山。民国改衢县。今为衢州 衢 [qú] 1. Forked; describing paths that split. 歧,岔 ([En.] forked) 【引】 1. "Sayings" (《说文》): 衢,四达谓之衢: "Qu means the roads that connect in all directions." 《说文》:衢,四达谓之衢。 2. "Da Dai Li Ji" (《大戴礼记·子张问入官》): "Must be at the crossroads in all directions." 《大戴礼记·子张问入官》:必于四面之衢。 3. "The Book of Changes" (《易·大畜》): "What is the thoroughfare of heaven?" 《易·大畜》:何天之衢。 4. "Records of the Three Kingdoms" (《三国志》裴松之注): "If one rabbit runs along the thoroughfare, thousands pursue it; a single person catches it, and all greedy stop." 一兔走衢,万人逐之,一人获之,贪者悉止。——《三国志》裴松之注 5. "Liu Zongyuan" (柳宗元《国子司业阳城遗爱碣》): "Filling the streets and thoroughfares." 柳宗元《国子司业阳城遗爱碣》:填街盈衢。 6. "Zhang Heng" (张衡《西京赋》): "Streets and thoroughfares intersect." 张衡《西京赋》:街衢相经。 Also, it can refer to forked paths, routes, urban streets or cities. For example: - 衢术; 衢逵; 衢路 (related to paths) - 衢市; 衢宇; 衢陌; 衢巷; 衢弄; 衢灯; 衢闾 (related to urban street life) The multiple meanings highlight its significance in geography and linguistics.
tōng qú
thoroughfare / towngate / main road
Qú zhōu
Quzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang
Qú zhōu shì
Quzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang
jiē qú
Street corner
qú xiàn
Qu County

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Pinyin qu2
Four Corner
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