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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

趣 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

趣 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 趣
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 趣
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Meaning of

Pinyin qù、 qū、 cù
interesting / to interest
趣 [qù] 1. 意向。 Intention. 2. 趣味,使人感到愉快。 Interest; something that brings joy to people. 趣 [qù] 1. 意向:志趣。旨趣。 Intention: aspiration; objective. 2. 趣味,使人感到愉快:兴趣。乐趣。情趣。雅趣。妙趣。相映成趣。趣事。趣味。 Interest; something that brings joy: amusement; pleasure; emotional interest; elegant taste; delightful fun; mutually appreciated interest; interesting events; flavor. 趣 [qù] <形> 形声。从走,取声。本义:急,赶快。 Phonetic-meaning character. Derived from walking, with sound taken from the meaning. Original meaning: urgent; quickly. (English: urgent; pressing; quickly) 趣 [qù] <动> 1. 通“促”。催促;督促。 Synonymous with "促." Urging; supervising and urging. 2. 通“趋”。趋向;奔向。 Synonymous with "趋." Tending towards; hurrying towards. 3. 赶上。 Catch up. 4. 通“取”。 Synonymous with "取" (take). 5. (佛教)谓众生因善恶行为不同死后趋向不同地方转生。 In Buddhism, refers to the different rebirth of sentient beings after death due to differing good and evil actions. 6. 小步快走。古代一种示敬的礼节。 Walking quickly in small steps; an ancient gesture of respect. 7. 取笑;打趣。 Ridicule; to tease. 趣 [qù] <名> 1. 旨趣;意思。 Purport; objective. 2. 乐趣;兴趣。 Delight; pleasure; interest. 3. 志趣,好尚。 Inclination; preference. 4. 意味;情态或风致。 Flavor; emotional state or style. 5. 作为。 Conduct. 趣 [cù] 1. 古同“促”,催促;急促。 An ancient form synonymous with "促"; to urge; to hurry up. 趣 [cù] <动> 1. (古通“促”)。 (Anciently synonymous with "促"). 2. 督促;催促。 Urging; supervising and urging. 3. 赶快;从速。 At once; quickly. 4. 另见 qù。 See also qù.
qù wèi
fun / interest / delight / taste / liking / preference
miào qù héng shēng
endlessly interesting (idiom) / very witty
còu qù
to comply in order to please others / to accommodate sb else's taste / to make fun of
còu qù ér
join in (a game, etc.) just to please others
xìng qù
interest (desire to know about sth) / interest (thing in which one is interested) / hobby / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhǐ qù
purport / intent
yì qù
eBay (web auction company)
xiāng yìng chéng qù
to set each other off nicely
xìng qù àng rán
Full of interest
lè qù
delight / pleasure / joy
xié qù
humor / amusing
qíng qù
inclinations and interests / delight / fun / interest / appeal
yǒu qù
interesting / fascinating / amusing
fēng qù
charm / humor / wit / humorous / witty
dǎ qù
to make fun of
méi qù
embarrassing / dull / unsatisfactory
zhī qù
to act tactfully / tactful / discreet
yì qù
interest / point of particular charm and interest
zhì qù
inclination / interest
qù wèi xìng
enjoyment / interestingness
wú qù
dull / vapid / colorless
qù wén
funny news item / interesting anecdote
qù shì
entertaining anecdote / interesting story or incident
zì tǎo méi qù
to invite a snub / to court a rebuff
shí qù
tactful / discreet
ráo yǒu xìng qù
dòu qù
to amuse / to make sb laugh / to tease
ráo yǒu qù wèi

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Input Method for
Pinyin qu4
Four Corner
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