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争 stroke order animation

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争 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 争
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 争
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhēng
struggle / fight
争 [zhēng] 1. 力求获得,互不相让。 Contend for what one wants, refusing to yield. 2. 力求实现。 Strive to achieve. 3. 方言,差,欠。 Dialect: difference, lack. 4. 怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲)。 How, in what way (often seen in poetry, lyrics, and songs). 1. 力求获得,互不相让:~夺。竞~。~长论短。 Striving for acquisition, refusing to yield: contend. Compete. Argue length. 2. 力求实现:~取。~气。~胜。 Strive to realize: strive for. Strive for gas. Strive for victory. 3. 方言,差,欠:总数还~多少? Dialect: difference, lack: How much difference in total? 4. 怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲):~不。~知。~奈。 How, in what way (often seen in poetry, lyrics, and songs): How not? How to know? How to bear? 争 [zhēng] (动) 本义: 争夺 Original meaning: contend for. 造字法: 会意。金文字形,上为“爪”(手),下为“又”(手),中间表示某一物体,象两人争一样东西。从又,义同。 Character formation: associative. The ancient form has "claw" (hand) above, and "again" (hand) below, with a symbol in the middle representing an object, symbolizing two people competing for something. 1. 同本义 ([En.] contend; vie; strive) Same original meaning: contend; vie; strive. 2. 如:争座(争座次;争高低);争立(争夺王位);争国(争夺君位);争恶(争夺险要之地);争标(争夺优胜);争重(争夺帝位、王权) For example: contend for a seat (rank); contend for the throne; contend for the ruler's position; contend for strategic territory; contend for supremacy; contend for the imperial throne or royal power. 3. 辩论;争论 ([En.] argue; dispute) Debate; argue. 4. 如:争抗(抗争;抗衡);争让(争执);争口(争论);争高低;争言(争辩;争吵) For example: contend against (struggle; resist); contend for (insist); argue (debate); contend for height or rank; argue (debate; quarrel). 5. 争胜,争着 ([En.] rush off to the front; strive to be the first and fear to lag behind) Compete for victory, rush to the front. 6. 如:争心(争强好胜的心理);争途(抢占道路。亦喻争夺地位);争求(竞相追求);争妍(竞相逞美);争长(争行礼先后;争相增长);争奇(竞相逞其奇特) For example: competitive mentality; seize the path (also metaphorically competing for position); strive to pursue; compete for beauty; compete for priority in rituals; showcase uniqueness. 7. 争斗 ([En.] struggle) Struggle. 8. 如:争跤(摔跤);争交(摔跤) For example: compete in wrestling; engage in wrestling. 9. 竞争;较量 ([En.] compete) Compete; measure against. 10. 如:争校(争竞,计较);争春(争艳于春日);争进(为仕宦而相争);争张(争竞,夸张);争棋(下棋争胜);争强(争为强者) For example: compete; compete for spring; strive for official positions; strive to show off; compete in chess; strive to be stronger. 11. 〈方〉∶欠 ([En.] debt) Dialect: debt. 12. 相差 ([En.] differ) Differ. 13. 如:争些个(差一点);争些儿(差一点儿;险些);争不多(差不多);争差(差错;差别) For example: almost; a bit less; nearly; differ (error; difference). 争 [zhēng] (名) 1. 春秋时鲁国北城护城河名,又为北城门名 ([En.] Zheng gate)。也作“净” Name of a moat in the northern city of Lu during the Spring and Autumn period; also a name for the northern city gate (Zheng gate). Also written as “净”. 2. 姓 Surname. 争 [zhēng] (代) 1. 多用于诗、词、曲中,相当于“怎么” ([En.] how; why) Often used in poetry, lyrics, and songs, equivalent to "how". 2. 如:争知(怎知);争似(怎似);争耐(怎标;无奈) For example: How to know; how is it; how much; helpless. 3. 另见 zhèng See also: zhèng. 争 [zhēng] “诤”的本字。强谏;规劝 ([En.] admonish) The original character for "谤". Strongly admonish; counsel. 另见 zhēng See also: zhēng.
zhēng chǎo shēng
zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī
to seize every minute (idiom) / to make the best use of one's time
zhēng quán duó lì
scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle
zhēng duó zhàn
zhēng qí dòu yàn
compete with each other for beauty of looks / contend in beauty and fascination
zhēng chǒng
to strive for favor
zhēng xiān kǒng hòu
striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another
zhēng qiǎng
to fight over / to scramble for
nǐ zhēng wǒ duó
lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); to compete fiercely offering no quarter / fierce rivalry / tug-of-war
dòu zhēng
a struggle / fight / battle
jìng zhēng
to compete / competition
zhēng duó
to fight over / to contest / to vie over
zhēng qǔ
to fight for / to strive for / to win over
jìng zhēng lì
competitive strength / competitiveness
zhēng lùn
to argue / to debate / to contend / argument / contention / controversy / debate / CL:次[ci4],場|场[chang3]
zhēng yì
controversy / dispute / to dispute
zhēng zhí
to dispute / to disagree / to argue opinionatedly / to wrangle
jiē jí dòu zhēng
the class struggle
zhēng chǎo
to quarrel / dispute
zhēng duān
dispute / controversy / conflict
zhēng xiāng
to fall over each other in their eagerness to...
zhēng dòu
struggle / war
bīng jiā bì zhēng zhī dì
yóu jī zhàn zhēng
Guerrilla war
zhēng biàn
a dispute / to wrangle
fēn zhēng
to dispute
bù zhēng
widely known / incontestable / undeniable / to not strive for / to not contend for
zhēng qì
to work hard for sth / to resolve on improvement / determined not to fall short
fēn miǎo bì zhēng
seize every minute and second (idiom); not a minute to lose / every moment counts
zhēng fēn duó miǎo
lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time / making every second count
jìng zhēng zhě
jìng zhēng xìng
zhēng jìng
argue / dispute
bǎi gě zhēng liú
Baige contends
zhàn zhēng
war / conflict / CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]
yù bàng xiāng zhēng
lit. sandpiper and clam war together (and the fisherman catches both) (idiom); fig. neighbors who can't agree lose out to a third party
zhēng fēng chī cù
to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman / to be jealous of a rival in a love affair
zhēng xióng
to contend for supremacy
zhēng bà
to contend for hegemony / a power struggle
bǎi jiā zhēng míng
a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); refers to the classical philosophic schools of the Warring States period 475-221 BC
zhēng míng
to contend

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Pinyin zheng1
Four Corner
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