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恐 stroke order animation

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恐 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恐
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 恐
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Meaning of

Pinyin kǒng
afraid / frightened / to fear
恐 (kǒng) [Verb] 1. To be afraid; to dread. Example phrases: 恐惧 (fear), 恐怖 (horror), 恐慌 (panic), 惊恐 (frightened), 有恃无恐 (to have confidence and be unafraid). 2. To terrify; to intimidate. Example phrase: 恐吓 (terror). 3. To have doubts; to be anxious. Example phrases: 恐怕 (I am afraid), 恐不能成功 (afraid it cannot succeed). 本义: 严重害怕,惊恐 (Original meaning: Severe fear, panic) 造字法: 形声。从心,巩声 (Structure: Phono-semantic compound, from "heart" and "gōng"). 引: 1. 《说文》: 恐,惧也。 ("Shuowen Jiezi": Fear, to dread.) 2. 《左传·僖公二十六年》: 室如县罄,野无青草,何恃而不恐? ("Zuo Zhuan": The house is like a county jar, the fields have no green grass, what is relied upon not to be afraid?) 3. 《荀子·天伦》: 星队木鸣,国人皆恐。 ("Xunzi": The stars and the trees are rustling, all the people of the nation are terrified.) 4. 《聊斋志异·狼》: 屠大窘,恐前后受其敌。 ("Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio": The butcher was in serious trouble, fearing to face his enemies.) 5. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》: 秦王其破璧,乃辞谢。 ("Records of the Grand Historian": The King of Qin broke the jades but then withdrew.) 6. 唐· 柳宗元《童区寄传》: 恐栗,为儿恒状。 (Tang: Liu Zongyuan "History of Tongqu": Fear solemnly, as is the condition of the child.) 7. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》: 舟人大恐。 (Song: Su Shi "Record of Shizhong Mountain": The boatmen were greatly frightened.) 8. 《史记·魏公子列传》: 魏王恐。 ("Records of the Grand Historian": King Wei was afraid.) 例: 又如: 恐防 (to be worried about; to guard against), 恐虑 (to be anxious), 恐灼 (to be frightened), 恐怯 (to be timid), 恐畏 (to fear), 恐急 (to panic). --- [Adverb] 恐怕 (I am afraid): Used to express estimation combined with worry. Example: 1. 《韩非子·有度》: 不治将恐深。 ("Han Feizi": Without treatment, it will fearfully deepen.) 2. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》: 偿城恐不可得。 ("Records of the Grand Historian": Compensation for the city is feared to be unattainable.) 3. 《资治通鉴》: 恐为操所光。 ("Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance": It is feared to be favored by Cao.) 4. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》: 恐不任我意。 ("Yutai Xinyong": I am afraid it would not conform to my wishes.)
kǒng hè
to threaten / to menace
kǒng hè xìn
threating letter / threatening letter
wéi kǒng
for fear that / lest / also written 惟恐
kǒng bù
terrible / frightful / frightening / terror / terrorist
kǒng pà
fear / to dread / I'm afraid that... / perhaps / maybe
Bái sè kǒng bù
White Terror
kǒng bù zhǔ yì
kǒng bù piàn
horror movie / CL:部[bu4]
kǒng bù zhèng
yǒu shì wú kǒng
secure in the knowledge that one has backing
kǒng jù
to be frightened / fear / dread
jīng kǒng
to be alarmed / to be frightened
kǒng huāng
panic / panicky / panic-stricken
fǎn kǒng
anti-terrorism / to fight against terrorism
zhēng xiān kǒng hòu
striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another
wéi kǒng
for fear that / lest / also written 唯恐
huáng kǒng
chéng huáng chéng kǒng
in fear and trepidation (idiom); in reverence before your majesty (court formula of humility)
shēn kǒng
Deep fear
kǒng jù gǎn
a sense of fear
shēng kǒng
for fear that
huáng kǒng bù ān
anxious / panicky
kǒng jù zhèng

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Pinyin kong3
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