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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

控 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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控 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 控
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 控
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Meaning of

Pinyin kòng
to accuse / to charge / to control / to sue
控 [kòng] (verb) 1. 告状,指出罪恶 [En.] to accuse; to point out evil 例: ~告,~诉。 Example: to file an accusation; to sue. 2. 节制,驾驭 [En.] to control; to rein in 例: ~制,遥~。 Example: to restrain; to control remotely. 3. 开弓 [En.] to draw a bow 例: 弓不再~。 Example: The bow is no longer drawn. 4. 投 [En.] to throw 例: ~于地。 Example: to throw on the ground. 5. 人的头部朝下或使让残液流出容器的口朝下 [En.] with the head facing down or tilting a container to drain out residual liquid 例: ~净,~一~。 Example: to drain completely; to tilt upside down. 【引】 引 1. 《说文》:控,引也。 [En.] According to "Shuowen Jiezi": 控 means to pull. 2. 曹植《白马篇》:控弦破左的。 [En.] Cao Zhi in "The White Horse" said: to draw the string and break the left. 3. 《抱扑子·金丹》:或控弦以弊筋骨。 [En.] In "Golden Elixir," it states: or to draw the string to harm tendons and bones. 4. 唐·岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》:将军角弓不得控。 [En.] In "Song of White Snow" by Cen Shen: the general's horn bow cannot be drawn. 例 又如: 控弦(拉弓,持弓);控弦之士(士兵,控弦: 开弓射箭);控背(控身,躬身行礼) Example: For instance, to draw a string (to pull a bow); a soldier (to draw a string: to shoot arrows); to bow (to bend down and pay respects). 【其他含义】 6. 控制 [En.] to control 引用: 王勃《滕王阁序》:控蛮荆而引瓯、越。 Example: From Wang Bo’s “Tengwang Pavilion,” it means to control the tribes and pivot towards the Ou and Yue regions. 7. 申诉 [En.] to appeal; to accuse 例: 如: 控陈(申诉) Example: such as "to appeal" (控陈). 8. 投 [En.] to throw 引用: 《庄子·逍遥游》:时则不至,而控于地而已矣。 Example: In "Zhuangzi": When the time does not come, it just lands on the ground. 9. 悬 [En.] to hang 引用: 《西游记》:只见是三间大厅,帘拢高控,静悄悄全无人迹。 Example: In "Journey to the West": There are three large halls with curtains high hanging, completely quiet and devoid of any presence.
kòng gào
to accuse / to charge / to indict
姿 zī tài kòng zhì
attitude control / posture control
kòng zhì
control / to exercise control over / to contain
zhǎng kòng
to control / in control of
tiáo kòng
to regulate / to control
jiān kòng
to monitor
kòng zhì xì tǒng
control system
kòng gǔ
to own a controlling number of shares in a company
huǒ kòng
fire control (gunnery)
yáo kòng
remote control
kòng sù
to accuse / to denounce / to make a complaint against / denunciation
zhǐ kòng
accusation / a (criminal) charge / to accuse
shī kòng
to go out of control
shù kòng
numerical control (machining)
kòng zhì qì
controller / control / director / CU
kòng zhì quán
control (e.g. to win control) / controlling right
kòng qiú
trap / ball control
kòng zhì lùn
control theory (math.) / cybernetics
xiāng kòng zhèn
phased array
线 kòng zhì xiàn
control line
shòu kòng
cāo kòng
to control / to manipulate
yáo kòng qì
remote control
jiàn kòng
keying / handling / key modulation

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Input Method for
Pinyin kong4
Four Corner
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