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播 stroke order animation

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 播
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 播
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Meaning of

sow / scatter / spread / broadcast
播 [bō] 1. 撒种。 Sowing seeds. 2. 传扬,传布。 Spread and disseminate. 3. 撒种:~种(zhóng)。~种(zhòng)(用撒布种子的方式种植)。~撒。夏~。春~。 Sowing: sow seeds (zhóng). sow seeds (zhòng) (planting by scattering seeds). scattering. Summer sowing. Spring sowing. 4. 传扬,传布:广~。传~。~音。~发。~弄。~扬(❶宣扬,传扬;❷发动)。~放。~映。 Dissemination: widely spread. transmission. broadcasting. emission. stirring up. launching. projecting. 5. 同本义 [En.] sow the seeds. Same meaning: sow the seeds. 6. 散布开去,散布得开而远; 传布 [En.] broadcast; spread. Spread out, disseminate widely; broadcast. 7. 分佈; 散布 [En.] be distributed over an area; be dispersed. Distribution; dispersion. 8. 逃亡 [En.] become a fugitive. Become a fugitive. 9. 迁徙 [En.] move. Migration. 10. 背弃,舍弃 [En.] abandon. Abandon. 11. 通“簸”。摇动;簸扬 [En.] rock; shake; sway. Also means "shake"; to rock; sway. 12. 布设 [En.] arrange. Arrange. 引: 1. 《说文》:播,种也。 "Shuo Wen":播 means to sow. 2. 《诗·豳风·七月》:其始播百谷。 "Shijing": At the beginning, sow the hundred grains. 3. 《书·舜典》:播时百谷。 "Shu": At the time of sowing, the hundred grains. 4. 《国语·郑语》:周弃能播殖百谷蔬。 "Guoyu": Zhou abandoned the ability to sow grains and vegetables. 例: 又如:条播; 夏播; 播田(种田; 种植);播植(播种; 种植);播谷(播种谷物)。 For example: line sowing; summer sowing; sowing fields (planting); planting (sowing); sowing grains. 引: 1. 《左传·昭公四年》:播于诸侯。 "Zuo Zhuan": Spreading among the feudal lords. 2. 柳宗元《三戒》:道大名播。 Liu Zongyuan: The great name spreads. 例: 又如:广播; 播音; 播名(传扬名声)。 For example: broadcasting; broadcast; spreading reputation (spreading fame). 引: 1. 《书·禹贡》:又北播为九河。 "Shu": The northern area is divided into nine rivers. 2. 张衡《思玄赋》:播余香而莫闻。 Zhang Heng: Spreading the fragrance and yet not heard. 3. 《文选·嵇康·琴赋》:蒸灵液以播云。 "Wen Xuan": Steaming the essence to spread the clouds. 例: 又如:播糠眯目(撒布糠屑,以迷人目。比喻外物虽小,加在自己身上,会伤害本性);播洒(洒水喷地);播馨(散布芳香)。 For example: scattering bran to deceive the eye (implying that even small external matters can harm one's nature); sprinkling; spreading fragrance. 逃亡 [En.] become a fugitive: 1. 《后汉书·献帝纪》:身播国屯。 "Hou Han Shu": The body becomes a fugitive from the nation's army. 2. 《左传·襄公二十五年》:成公播荡。注:“流移失所。” "Zuo Zhuan": Duke Cheng became a fugitive. Note: "to drift without a fixed place." 例: 又如:播越(到处流亡);播奔(奔逃)。 For example: wandering around; fleeing. 迁徙 [En.] move: 1. 庾信《哀江南赋》:彼凌江而建国,始播迁于吾祖。 Yu Xin: They established a country by crossing the river, beginning to migrate from our ancestors. 例: 又如:播迁(迁徙,迁移);播徙(流亡迁移)。 For example: migration; fleeing migration. 背弃,舍弃 [En.] abandon: 1. 刘向《思古》:播规矩以背度兮,错权衡而任意。 Liu Xiang: Abandoning standards, weighing injustice at will. 例: 又如:播弃(抛弃,背弃)。 For example: abandon. 摇动 [En.] rock; shake; sway: 1. 《论语·微子》:播鼗武入于汉。 "Lunyu": The drumbeat resonated into Han. 2. 《庄子·人间世》:鼓筴播精。 "Zhuangzi": The drumbeat scattered essence. 例: 如:播食(布设食物);播授(布置安插)。 For example: arranging food; arranging knowledge.
广 guǎng bō
broadcast / CL:個|个[ge4] / broadcasting / to broadcast / (formal) to propagate / to publicize
bō zhǒng
to sow seeds / sowing / seed
zhí bō
live broadcast (not recorded) / direct Internet broadcasting / (agriculture) direct seeding
bō chū
to broadcast / to air (a TV program etc)
bō fàng
to broadcast / to transmit
chuán bō zhě
transmitter / disseminator / spreader
zhuǎn bō
relay / broadcast (on radio or TV)
bō fàng qì
shǒu bō
debut / premiere
sàn bō
to spread / to disperse / to disseminate
lián bō
to broadcast over a network / (radio or TV) hookup / simulcast
bō yīn
to transmit / to broadcast
chóng bō
to replay / to rerun / (agriculture) to reseed / to oversow
bō yīn yuán
announcer / broadcaster
chūn bō
spring sowing
diǎn bō
webcast / to request item for broadcast on radio program / dibble seeding / spot seeding
bō zhōu
bō xià
yǎn bō shì
broadcasting studio
chuán bō
to disseminate / to propagate / to spread

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