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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

出 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

出 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 出
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 出
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Meaning of

Pinyin chū
to go out / to come out / to occur / to produce / to go beyond / to rise / to put forth / to occur / to happen / (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)
出 [chū] [Verb] 1. 从里面到外面:to go from inside to outside; for example: 访 (visit), 初~茅庐 (first leave the thatched cottage), 出笼 (come out of the cage). 2. 往外拿,支付:to take out or pay out; for example: 出力 (exert effort), 出钱 (pay money), 出谋画策 (provide counsel and strategies), 入不敷~ (expenses exceed income). 3. 离开:to leave; for example: 出发 (set out), 出轨 (go off track), 出嫁 (get married). 4. 产生,生长:to produce or grow; for example: 出产 (produce), 出品 (product), 出人才 (generate talent). 5. 发生:to happen; for example: 出事 (happen an incident). 6. 显露:to reveal or show; for example: 出现 (appear), 出名 (become famous). 7. 超过:to surpass or exceed; for example: 出色 (outstanding), 出类拔萃 (stand out among peers). 8. 来到:to arrive; for example: 出席 (attend), 出勤 (attend work/school). 9. 引文、典故来源于某处:to originate from a certain source; for example: 出处 (source), 语~《孟子》 (quoted from "Mencius"). 10. 显得量多:to appear in large quantity; for example: 这米~饭 (this rice looks ample). 11. 放在动词后,表示趋向或效果:to indicate direction or result when placed after a verb; for example: 提~问题 (bring up a question). 12. 传(chuán)奇中的一回,戏曲的一个独立剧目:a distinctive act in a traditional Chinese opera. 出 [chū] 量:一个独立的剧目或节目 (a dramatic piece).
chū tái
to officially launch (a policy, program etc) / to appear on stage / to appear publicly / (of a bar girl) to leave with a client
pēn chū
spout / spray / belch / to well up / to puff out / to spurt out
chū shòu
to sell / to offer for sale / to put on the market
shòu chū
sale / sell / work off
xǐ chū wàng wài
to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom) / overjoyed at the turn of events
chū tǔ
to dig up / to appear in an excavation / unearthed / to come up out of the ground
chū jià
to get married (of woman)
chū jìng
to leave a country or region / emigration / outbound (tourism)
duó kuàng ér chū
burst into tears / tears started from one's eyes
chū qí
extraordinary / exceptional / unusual
chū qí zhì shèng
to win by a surprise move
chū yú wú nài
reluctantly / out of helplessness
chū bēn
to flee / to escape into exile
chū mài
to offer for sale / to sell / to sell out or betray
mài chū
to sell / to reach (a price in an auction)
jì chū
to mail / to send by post
zhǎn chū
to put on display / to be on show / to exhibit
chū chà zi
to go wrong / to take a wrong turning
xún huí yǎn chū
(theater etc) to tour / to be on tour / to give itinerant performances
chū xún
to go on an inspection tour
qīng cháo chū dòng
turn out in full strength / turn out in full force
chū chāi
to go on an official or business trip
chū chū máo lú
venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time (idiom) / young and inexperienced / novice / greenhorn
chū tíng
to appear in court
shù chū
born of concubine
chū zhēng
to go into battle / to campaign (military)
tī chū
chū xiàn
to appear / to arise / to emerge / to show up
chū kǒu
an exit / CL:個|个[ge4] / to speak / to export / (of a ship) to leave port
chū qù
to go out
tí chū
to raise (an issue) / to propose / to put forward / to suggest / to post (on a website) / to withdraw (cash)
chū bǎn
to publish
zhǐ chū
to indicate / to point out
tū chū
prominent / outstanding / to give prominence to / to protrude / to project
fā chū
to issue (an order, decree etc) / to send out / to dispatch / to produce (a sound) / to let out (a laugh)
chū fā
to set off / to start (on a journey)
chū xí
to attend / to participate / present
tuī chū
to push out / to release / to launch / to publish / to recommend
yǎn chū
to act (in a play) / to perform / to put on (a performance) / performance / concert / show / CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]
lù chū
to expose / to show / also pr. [lou4 chu1]
zǒu chū
to leave (a room etc) / to go out through (a door etc)
chū shēn
to be born of / to come from / family background / class origin
qǔ chū
to take out / to extract / to draw out
chū jī
to sally / to attack
kān chū
huà chū
line out / lay off / mark off / mark out
liè chū
to list / to make a list
chū gōng
to defecate (euphemism) / to go to the toilet
chōu chū
to take out / to extract
wù chū
realize / come to realize / know
tāo chū
to fish out / to take out (from a pocket, bag etc)
dǎ chū
zhǎo chū
to find / to search out
bá chū
pull out
chū lèi bá cuì
to excel the common (idiom); surpassing / preeminent / outstanding
nǐ chū
strike out / dope out / frame / devise
ná chū
to take out / to put out / to provide / to put forward (a proposal) / to come up with (evidence)
guà chū
hang out
tiāo chū
pick out / seek out / jetting-out / single out
wā chū
gouge / quarry / excavate / dig up / dig out
jǐ chū
to squeeze out / to extrude / to drain / to find the time / to burst out
tǐng shēn ér chū
to step forward bravely
pái chū
to discharge
jiū chū
to uncover / to ferret out (the culprit)
bān chū
move out
xiě chū
read-out / write out / draw up / written-out
chōng chū
to rush out
chū rù
to go out and come in / entrance and exit / expenditure and income / discrepancy / inconsistent
chū bīng
to send troops
chū jù
to issue (document, certificate etc) / to provide
chè chū
to withdraw / to leave / to retreat / to pull out
bō chū
to broadcast / to air (a TV program etc)
zhī chū
to spend / to pay out / expense
fàng chū
to let off / to give out
jié chū
outstanding / distinguished / remarkable / prominent / illustrious
jiù chū
to rescue / to pluck from danger
rù bù fū chū
income does not cover expenditure / unable to make ends meet
chū yú
due to / to stem from
yī yán jì chū
Say it all
yìng chū
mirror / reflect
zhòu fú yè chū
nocturnal / to hide by day and come out at night
xiǎn chū
to express / to exhibit
shā chū
hóng xìng chū qiáng
lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall (idiom) / fig. a wife having an illicit lover
xī chū
to separate out
chá chū
to find out / to discover
chū lán
chū bǎng
to publish class list of successful exam candidates
zuò chū
to put out / to issue
pài chū
to send / to dispatch
chū bìn
funeral / funeral procession
chū hàn
to perspire / to sweat
chū zū qì chē
taxi / cab (PRC) / hire car (Tw) / CL:輛|辆[liang4]
chū mò
to come and go / to roam about (mostly unseen) / (of a ghost) to haunt (a place) / (of a criminal) to stalk (the streets) / (of the sun) to rise and set
pài chū suǒ
local police station
shēn rù qiǎn chū
to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom) / (of language) simple and easy to understand
cè chū
measure / detect
fú chū
to emerge
chū yù
Out of the bath
jìn chū
leach / infusion / lixiviate

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Input Method for
Pinyin chu1
Four Corner
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