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土 stroke order animation

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土 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 土
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 土
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Meaning of

earth / dust
土 [tǔ] 名 【本义】: 泥土,土壤 1. 地面上的泥沙混合物: [En.] A mixture of mud and sand on the ground. 2. 疆域: [En.] Land; territory. 3. 本地的,地方性的: [En.] Local; native. 4. 民间生产的(区别于“洋”): [En.] Homemade; indigenous; produced locally (as opposed to foreign). 5. 不合潮流: [En.] Unrefined; unenlightened; against the trend. 6. 未熬制的鸦片: [En.] Opium; unprocessed opium. 7. 中国古代乐器八音之一: [En.] One of the eight ancient Chinese musical instruments. 8. 中国少数民族,主要分布于青海省: [En.] Tu nationality; a minority group mainly distributed in Qinghai Province. 9. 姓: [En.] A surname. 形 1. 本地的;本国的;地方的: [En.] Local; native. 2. 指民间延用的生产技术和有关的设备、产品、人员等(区别于“洋”): [En.] Homemade; indigenous; refer to production techniques, equipment, products, and personnel used by the people (as opposed to foreign). 3. 属于或关于普通语言的: [En.] Vulgar; relating to common language. 4. 俗气的,不合潮流的: [En.] Unrefined; unfashionable; out of touch with trends. 动 1. 测量土地: [En.] Measure; to measure land. 2. 吐: [En.] Vomit. 通“杜”、根。 (土苴) 粪草,糟粕。比喻微贱的东西: [En.] Referring to dung grass or residue, used as a metaphor for something worthless. (土门) 东突厥第一代可汗名: [En.] The name of the first Khagan of the Eastern Turkic dynasty.
tǔ sī
sliced bread (loanword from "toast") / government-appointed hereditary tribal headman in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties
tǔ dì
land / soil / territory / CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4]
tǔ pī
mud brick / adobe / unfired earthenware
Kā tǔ mù
Khartoum, capital of Sudan
tǔ gěng
embankment or foothpath between paddy fields
hāng tǔ
rammed earth
tǔ rǎng
chū tǔ
to dig up / to appear in an excavation / unearthed / to come up out of the ground
guó tǔ
country's territory / national land
lǐng tǔ
huáng tǔ
loess (yellow sandy soil typical of north China)
běn tǔ
one's native country / native / local / metropolitan territory
shuǐ tǔ
water and soil / surface water / natural environment (extended meaning) / climate
Ēn shī Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu
Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in Hubei
ní tǔ
earth / soil / mud / clay
tǔ tè chǎn
local specialty
shā tǔ
sand / sandy soil
tǔ céng
layer of soil / ground level
hóng tǔ
red soil / laterite
tǔ dòu
potato / CL:個|个[ge4] / (Tw) peanut / CL:顆|颗[ke1]
shèng tǔ
Holy Land
tǔ kǎn
earthen levee
tǔ kēng
pit / bury
tǔ kuài
soil block
tǔ bà
earth dam / dam of earth and rocks (as opposed to waterproof dam of clay or concrete)
tǔ pō
earth slope / soil slope
Tǔ kù màn sī tǎn
tǔ pī fáng
tǔ kē lā
péi tǔ
to earth up
tǔ duī
tǔ qiáng
cob wall
tǔ dūn
rǎng tǔ
tǔ rǎng xué
pedology (soil study)
tǔ rǎng céng
soil layer
tǔ rǎng wū rǎn
soil contamination / soil pollution
hāng tǔ céng
Rammed soil
juǎn tǔ chóng lái
lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom) / fig. to regroup and come back even stronger / to make a comeback
tǔ sī guān zhài
Tusi Guanzhai
chén tǔ
Wǔ fēng Tǔ jiā zú Zì zhì xiàn
Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei
tǔ bēng wǎ jiě
to collapse / to fall apart
tǔ bēng
landslide / landfall
tǔ dì miào
temple of local god of the land
tǔ háo liè shēn
local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local mafia
tǔ ěr hù tè bù
Turhu Special Department
tǔ ěr hù tè
kāi jiāng tuò tǔ
expand territory
wā tǔ
cut / earth cutting
shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn
When the flood approaches bank up to keep it out. / have means to resist
dòng tǔ
frozen earth / permafrost / tundra
dòng tǔ céng
permafrost / tundra / layer of frozen soil
Jìng tǔ
(Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers to Amitabha Buddha's Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati in Sanskrit)
Tǔ ěr qí
Tǔ kù màn
Turkmenistan / Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran
lì gài tǔ
chestnut soil
wú tǔ zāi péi
soilless culture
tǔ fěi
bái jiāng tǔ
Baijiang soil
tǔ kàng
heated brick common bed
西 Xiāng xī Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu
Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in northwest Hunan, capital Jishou 吉首
huī tǔ
tǔ zào
Earthen stove
hùn níng tǔ
jiāo tǔ
scorched earth
cí tǔ
porcelain clay / china clay
jiāng tǔ
tǔ gē da
Soil bumps
yán tǔ
solonchak / saline soil
lǚ fán tǔ
bauxite / aluminum ore
pò tǔ dòng gōng
break ground / begin a construction project by digging for the foundation / turn the formal first spadeful of dirt
guī zǎo tǔ
kieselguhr / diatomite / bergmeal / infusorial earth / celatom
jiǎn tǔ jīn shǔ
alkaline earth (i.e. beryllium Be 鈹|铍, magnesium Mg 鎂|镁, calcium Ca 鈣|钙, strontium Sr 鍶|锶, barium Ba 鋇|钡 and radium Ra 鐳|镭)
jiǎn tǔ
alkaline soil
xiāng tǔ qì xī
wǔ sè tǔ
Five-color soil
xī tǔ
rare earth (chemistry)
xī tǔ yuán sù
rare earth element (chemistry)
tǔ yáo
earthen kiln / loess cave
tǔ yáo dòng
loess cave dwelling
nián tǔ
nián tǔ kuàng
Clay ore
fèn tǔ
dirty soil / dung / muck
Tǔ ěr qí rén
a Turk / Turkish person
tǔ xīng wèi
earthy smell / earthy taste
tǔ xīng qì
Earthy smell
tǔ qiū
mound / hillock / barrow
péng rùn tǔ
bentonite (mineralogy)
tǔ zhù
tǔ zàng
burial (in earth)
tǔ tún
tǔ háo
local tyrant / local strong man / (slang) nouveau riche
hēi gài tǔ
chernozem / black earth
lǚ tǔ kuàng
bauxite / monohydrallite
lǚ tǔ
bauxite / aluminum ore
shǎn běi huáng tǔ gāo yuán
Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi
táo tǔ
potter's clay / kaolin
tǔ dì gǎi gé
land reform
nián tǔ

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