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窑 stroke order animation

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窑 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 窑
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 窑
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Meaning of

Pinyin yáo
kiln / oven
窑 yáo 【名】 1. 烧砖、瓦、陶瓷器的构筑物。 [En.] A building for burning bricks, tiles, and ceramics. 2. 为采煤而凿的洞。 [En.] A hole excavated for coal mining. 3. 在坡上特为住人挖的洞。 [En.] A hole dug on a slope specifically for living. 4. 旧时称妓院。 [En.] Formerly referred to as a brothel. 【本义】: 烧砖瓦陶瓷器的灶 [En.] The original meaning: A stove for burning bricks, tiles, and ceramics. 【造字法】: 会意。从穴,从缶( fǒu)。穴,土室;缶,瓦器。表示烧制瓦器的地方。 [En.] Formation: A compound character. It includes the radicals for "hole" (穴) and "pot" (缶), indicating a place for burning pottery. 【引】 1. 《说文》:窯,烧瓦灶也。 [En.] "Shuowen Jiezi": A kiln is a stove for burning tiles. 2. 《通俗文》:陶灶曰窯。 [En.] "Tongsu Wen": A kiln for pottery is referred to as窯. 3. 《管子·七臣七主》:文采纂组者,燔功之窑也。 [En.] "Guangzi": The kiln for burning is where the composition of arts gathers. 4. 《墨子》:穴内口为灶,令如窑,令容七八员艾,左右窦皆如此。 [En.] "Mozi": The hole inside serves as a stove, similar to a kiln, designed to accommodate seven or eight pieces, with openings on both sides. 【例】 又如: 窑头土坯(窑头上未经烧制的砖瓦坯。比喻土里土气,未曾受教化的人);窑神(旧称主宰砖瓦窑的神灵);窑烟(烧制砖瓦陶瓷等的灶里冒出的烟) [En.] For example: "Kiln-head mudbrick" (unburned bricks and tiles at the kiln head; metaphorically refers to unrefined people); "Kiln deity" (the deity governing kiln bricks); "Kiln smoke" (smoke emitted from stoves burning bricks, tiles, ceramics, etc.). 窑器(陶瓷器);窑人(烧制砖瓦陶瓷器的工人);窑户(陶瓷工匠);窑务(主管陶瓷业务的机构) [En.] "Kiln vessels" (ceramics); "Kiln workers" (workers who burn bricks and ceramics); "Kiln household" (ceramic craftsmen); "Kiln affairs" (the organization managing ceramic business). 近代泛指硅酸盐工业常用的高温设备。 [En.] In modern times, it refers to hot-temperature equipment commonly used in silicate industries. 如: 竖窑;回转窑;坩埚窑 [En.] For example: vertical kilns; rotary kilns; crucible kilns. 方言。指妓院。 [En.] Dialectally refers to a brothel. 如: 窑姐(旧称娼妓);窑调(旧时在妓院里流行的小调) [En.] For example: "Kiln sister" (an old term for prostitutes); "Kiln tunes" (small tunes popular in brothels).
yáo zhǐ
kiln site
yáo dòng
yaodong (a kind of cave dwelling in the Loess Plateau in northwest China) / CL:孔[kong3]
méi yáo
coal pit
cí yáo
zhuān yáo
brick kiln
shāo yáo
firing / kiln
guān yáo
Guanware / official ware
yáo zi
(old) low-grade brothel
tǔ yáo
earthen kiln / loess cave
pò yáo
Broken kiln
wǎ yáo bǔ
shí yáo
Stone kiln
yáo kǒu
jūn yáo
jun kiln
gē yáo
Ge Yao
tǔ yáo dòng
loess cave dwelling
shí huī yáo
lime kiln
míng yáo
Famous Kiln
yáo zhǔ
Kiln owner
mín yáo
folk kiln

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Input Method for
Pinyin yao2
Four Corner
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