Learn to write the Chinese character "窺" by watching the stroke order animation of "窺".
Stroke by Stroke: 窺 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '窺' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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1. 從小孔、縫隙或隱蔽處偷看。
[En.] Peep; spy.
2. 暗中察看。亦泛指觀看。
[En.] Observe secretly; also generally refers to watching.
3. 觀察,偵探。
[En.] Pry about; observe.
4. 伺機圖謀;覬覦。
[En.] Watch for one's chance; covet.
5. 企求。
[En.] Desire to gain; seek for.
6. 觀看。
[En.] See; look.
1. 《說文》:窺,小視也。
[Translation:] "To peep is to look small."
2. 《孟子·滕文公下》:鑽穴隙相窺,逾牆相從。
[Translation:] "Drilling through gaps to peep, and following over the wall."
3. 《論語·子路》:窺見室家之好。
[Translation:] "Peep to see the good of the family."
4. 《史記·管晏列傳》:妻從門間而窺其夫。
[Translation:] "The wife peeped at her husband through the door."
5. 唐·柳宗元《三戒》:蔽林間窺之。
[Translation:] "Peep through the dense forest."
如: 窺覷(偷看); 窺瞰(窺探;暗中偷看); 窺欲(窺伺貪求)。
[Translation:] E.g., to peep (偷看); spy (窺探;暗中偷看); covet (窺伺貪求).
[En.] Examine; investigate.
1. 吳均《與朱元思書》:窺谷忘反。
[Translation:] "Peep into the valley and forget to turn back."
2. 《聊齋志異·促織》:窺父不在。
[Translation:] "Peep, the father is not present."
如: 窺究(深究察覺); 窺圃(窺園。觀賞園景); 窺深(觀察深入細緻)。
[Translation:] E.g., to investigate deeply (深究察覺); to observe the garden (窺園); to observe closely (觀察深入細緻).
[En.] Scheme and plan; covet.
1. 清·黃宗羲《原君》:禁人之窺伺者。
[Translation:] "Prohibit those who spy and scheme."
2. 《漢書·李廣蘇建傳》:數通史相窺觀。
[Translation:] "Frequent dealings are mutually observed."
如: 窺圖(窺探謀算); 窺攻(伺機進攻); 窺取(伺機奪取)。
[Translation:] E.g., scheme for a plan (窺探謀算); to attack at the right moment (伺機進攻); to seize (伺機奪取).
[En.] Desire to gain; seek.
如: 窺欲(非分希求); 窺尋(仔細尋求;探索); 窺算(暗算)。
[Translation:] E.g., unacceptable desire (非分希求); to search carefully (仔細尋求;探索); to plot secretly (暗算).
[En.] See; look.
1. 《戰國策·齊策》:朝服衣冠,窺鏡。
[Translation:] "In formal attire, peep into the mirror."
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