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愧 stroke order animation

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愧 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 愧
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 愧
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Meaning of

Pinyin kuì
愧 [kuì] (Verb) 1. 羞惭。 Ashamed. 1. 羞:羞~。惭~。~色。~怍(惭愧)。~疚。~赧(因羞愧而脸红)。~悔。问心无~。 Shame: to be ashamed; to feel ashamed; to blush in shame; to regret. 2. 同本义。同“媿” ([En.] ashamed) Same as the original meaning; same as "媿" (ashamed). 3. 折辱人;使羞惭 ([En.] ashame) To humiliate or shame others. 4. 责人罪咎 ([En.] blame) To blame others for their faults. 引: 1. 《礼记·儒行》:小则如愧。 "The Book of Rites": Even a small matter can cause one to feel ashamed. 2. 《诗·大雅·抑》:尚不愧于屋漏。 "The Book of Songs": One still does not feel ashamed of a leaking roof. 3. 《诗·小雅·何人斯》:不愧于人。 "The Book of Songs": One does not feel ashamed in front of others. 4. 《魏书·列女传》:虽颜惭未知心愧。 "The History of the Wei": Even though the face shows shame, the heart does not necessarily feel guilt. 5. 《史记·张耳陈余列传》:纵上不杀我,我不愧于心乎? "Records of the Grand Historian": Even if the higher-ups do not kill me, do I not feel ashamed in my heart? 6. 柳宗元《段太尉逸事状》:谌虽暴抗,然闻言则大愧流汗。 Liu Zongyuan: Though he vehemently resisted, upon hearing the words, he was greatly ashamed and sweated profusely. 7. 清· 周容《芋老人传》:能不愧老人之言否。 Qing Dynasty, Zhou Rong: Can one not feel ashamed of the words of the elderly? 8. 清· 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》:下恐愧吾师矣。 Qing Dynasty, Fang Bao: I fear I may be ashamed in the presence of my teacher. 9. 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:兹游快且愧矣。 "The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake": This trip is pleasant yet full of shame. 10. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:兼愧贵家子。 "New Poems from the Jade Platform": Additionally feeling ashamed before the sons of noble families. 例: 又如:愧心(内心惭愧);愧悔(惭愧后悔);愧服(衷心佩服他人,自惭不如);愧灼(极言惭愧之意);愧天作人(上愧对天理,下愧对人事) For example: ashamed heart (internal shame); regret (feeling ashamed and regretful); admiration (sincerely admire others and feel inadequate); extreme shame (expressing utmost shame); ashamed before heaven and people (ashamed before moral principles and human affairs). 2. 折辱人;使羞惭 ([En.] ashame) 1. 《战国策·齐策》:昭王闻之,欲愧之以辞。 "Strategies of the Warring States": King Zhao heard of it and wanted to shame them with words. 例: 又如:愧辱(羞辱) For example: 愧辱 (to humiliate). 3. 责人罪咎 ([En.] blame) 1. 《礼记·表记》:是故君子不以其所能病人,不以人之所不能者愧人。注:“病、愧谓罪咎之。” "The Book of Rites": Therefore, a gentleman does not use his abilities to harm others, nor does he shame others for what they cannot do. Note: "harm and shame refer to blame."
cán kuì
xiū kuì
bù kuì
to be worthy of / to deserve to be called / to prove oneself to be
dāng zhī wú kuì
fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc)
bù kuì wèi
Worthy of
kuì jiù
to feel guilty / to feel ashamed of oneself / to be remorseful
wú kuì
to have a clear conscience / to feel no qualms
wèn xīn wú kuì
lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
yǒu kuì
devious / feel guilty
wú kuì yú
live up to / worthy
kuì sè
ashamed look
kuì duì
to be ashamed to face (sb) / to feel bad about having failed (sb)
bào kuì
feel ashamed
zì kuì bù rú
ashamed of being inferior (idiom) / to feel inferior to others
kuì huǐ
shòu zhī yǒu kuì
receive it with shame / I am not worthy of it. / I don't deserve it. / It is shameful to accept ....
wú kuì yú xīn
have a clear conscience
wèn xīn yǒu kuì
to have a guilty conscience

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Pinyin kui4
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