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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

窝 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

窝 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 窝
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 窝
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

窝 wō 名词 1. 鸟兽昆虫的巢穴 ([En.] nest). 例如: 鸡窝; 鸟窝 2. 巢穴,窟,尤指用作隐藏或避难用的洞穴 ([En.] den). 引用: 《集韵》:窝,穴居也。 例如: 贼窝; 土匪窝; 窝窝凹凹(偏僻处) 3. 身体表面的天然凹隐 ([En.] pit). 例如: 心窝; 酒窝; 胳肢窝 4. 借指人的安身处 ([En.] house). 例如: 窝里炮(只能在家里发威风,自相攻击); 安乐窝; 窝家(暗娼接客处); 窝铺(用草、树枝搭的草屋); 窝风所在(避风处) 5. 指人或物体所在或所占的地方 ([En.] place). 例如: 窝坨儿(地方;地点); 这炉子真碍事,给它挪个窝儿 6. 物成团或簇。亦指事物集中处 ([En.] cluster). 例如: 窝弓(安在草丛中的伏弓,用以射杀野兽); 草长成窝 量词 1. 一胎多仔的动物一次下的羔子 ([En.] litter). 例如: 一窝十只小猪 2. 一次孵出的后代,单个生育期产出的后代 ([En.] brood). 例如: 一窝小鸡 动词 1. 窝藏; 隐匿 ([En.] harbor). 例如: 窝逃(窝藏逃犯); 窝顿(窝藏); 窝隐(窝藏); 窝户(藏匿罪犯、赃物或违禁品的人家); 窝囤(窝藏违禁品或赃物的地方); 窝娼(窝藏娼妓); 窝留(藏匿收客); 窝盗(藏匿盗贼); 窝赌(聚众或包庇赌博) 2. 弯曲 ([En.] bend). 例如: 把铁丝窝个圆圈 3. 折转 ([En.] turn). 例如: 窝脖(方言。缩头。比喻往回逃跑) 4. 蜷伏 ([En.] curl up). 引用: 《儿女英雄传》:咕唧也窝在那里了。 5. 胡乱裹缠、蒙盖 ([En.] wrap or cover disorderly). 引用: 刘兑《金童玉女娇红记》:冷冰冰窝着被儿,呆答答靠着枕头。 6. 郁积而得不到发作或发挥 ([En.] hold back). 例如: 窝别(烦闷;憋); 窝过心(受过委屈); 窝心酒(犹闷酒) 7. 陷 ([En.] fall into). 引用: 《儿女英雄传》:那三儿只叫得一声,“我的妈呀!”镗,把个铜旋子扔了; 咕咕,也窝在那里了。 8. 撮,噘 ([En.] gather; pout). 引用: 《老残游记》:只见陶三窝起嘴唇,打了两个胡哨,外面又进来两三个大汉。 9. 团弄,卷 ([En.] roll; roll sth. into a ball). 引用: 《西游记》:须臾,剃下发来,窝作一团,塞在那柜纥络里。
wō nang
to feel vexed / annoyed / good-for-nothing / stupid and cowardly
wō cháo
nuó wō
wō péng
shack / shanty / shed / hunting box
yàn wō
swallow's nest
bèi wō
quilt wrapped around the body as a tube (traditional bedding) / (contemporary) bedding / quilt / blankets / cover / bed
yǎn wō
eye socket
fēng wō
bee's nest / honeycomb / fig. honeycomb figure
xīn wō
precordium / cardia / praecordia
yī wō fēng
like a swarm of bees / everyone swarms around pushing and shouting / a hornet's nest
jiǔ wō
dimple / also written 酒渦|酒涡[jiu3 wo1]
yè wō
wō cáng
to harbor / to shelter
wō zi
lair / den / stronghold
wō lún
jī wō
chicken coop
lǎo wō
Old nest
wō huǒ
Wo Huo
wō wo tóu
a kind of a bread
mǎ fēng wō
hornet’s nest
cǎo wō
Cao Wo
Sà lā rè wō
Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
zhǒu wō
chelidon / fossa cubitalia / fossa cubitalis
gā zhi wō
armpit / also pr. [ge1 zhi5 wo1] / also written 夾肢窩|夹肢窝[ga1 zhi5 wo1]
pā wō
Lying down

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Input Method for
Pinyin wo1
Four Corner
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