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卧 stroke order animation

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卧 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卧
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卧
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Meaning of

to lie / to crouch
卧 wò 动词 1. 睡倒,躺或趴。 Lie down, recline, or crouch. 2. 把去壳的鸡蛋放到开水里煮。 Put shelled eggs into boiling water to cook. 1. 同本义 ([En.] lie prone upon) Same original meaning ([En.] to lie prone upon). 2. 躺; 卧而不眠 ([En.] lie) Lie down; lying down without sleeping ([En.] to lie). 3. 卧冰 (卧于冰上。古孝子卧冰事母的故事) Lying on ice (lying on ice; a story of an ancient filial son). 4. 卧碑 (规矩。原指明清两代在明伦堂立的石碑,上面刻着约束生员的条文) Lying tablet (regulations; originally referred to tablets erected in Ming and Qing dynasties setting rules for students). 5. 卧佛 (横卧的佛像。即释迦的涅槃像) Reclining Buddha (a horizontal statue of the Buddha, representing Shakyamuni's nirvana). 6. 卧治 (躺着治事。指无为而治) Lying down to govern (refers to ruling through non-action). 7. 卧理 (躺着理事。同“卧治”) Lying down to manage affairs (same as "卧治"). 8. 卧苫枕块 (卧于草垫上,以土块作枕头。指人子守父母之丧而言。同“寝苫枕块”) Lying on a grass mat with a clod of earth as a pillow (refers to a son mourning for his parents). 9. 卧甲 (不解甲而卧。有枕戈待敌之意) Lying in armor (to lie without removing armor, implying to remain vigilant against the enemy). 10. 眠,睡 ([En.] sleep) Sleep ([En.] to sleep). 11. 倒伏; 横陈 ([En.] fall) Fall down; lie horizontally ([En.] to fall). 12. 舍弃 ([En.] abandon) Abandon ([En.] to abandon). 13. 燠,暖 ([En.] heat) Heat ([En.] to warm). 14. 又方言,专指用开水煮熟鸡蛋。 Also a dialect term specifically referring to cooking eggs in boiling water. 15. 隐居 ([En.] live in seclusion) Live in seclusion ([En.] to live in seclusion). 16. 伏藏 ([En.] hide) To hide ([En.] to hide). 17. 停息 ([En.] stop) To stop ([En.] to cease). 18. 趴伏 ([En.] crouch down) Crouch down ([En.] to crouch down). 卧 wò 名词 寝室 (【英】:bedroom) Bedroom ([En.]: bedroom). 如: 卧榻之侧,岂许他人酣睡 (比喻自己的地盘不容许别人插足); 卧内 (卧室、内室)。 Example: "Beside my bed, how can I allow others to sleep soundly?" (metaphor for not allowing others to infringe on one's territory); 寝卧 (bedroom, inner room).
wò xīn cháng dǎn
lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge
wò lóng
lit. hidden dragon / fig. emperor in hiding
wò fáng
bedroom / a sleeping compartment (on a train)
héng wò
to recline
wò dǎo
to lie down / to drop to the ground
wò chuáng
to lie in bed / bedridden / bed
wò bìng
ill in bed / bed-ridden
cè wò
to lie on one's side
wò pù
a bed (on a train) / a couchette
wò dǐ
to hide (as an undercover agent) / an insider (in a gang of thieves) / a mole
wò shì
lying / horizontal
wò tà
a couch / a narrow bed
wò fó sì
Temple of the Reclining Buddha(地名) / Wat Pho(地名)
zuò wò bù ān
fidget / feel restless
wò chuáng bù qǐ
be completely bedridden / remain in bed / take to one's bed and be likely to die
ruǎn wò
soft sleeper (a type of sleeper train ticket class with a softer bunk)
wò fó
reclining Buddha
Wò lóng gǎng
Wollongong, Australia
wò shì
bedroom / CL:間|间[jian1]
jiāng wò
to lie rigid and motionless
fǔ wò chēng
press-up (physical exercise) / push-up
fǔ wò
to lie prone
yǎng wò
to lie supine
yǎng wò qǐ zuò
sit-up (physical exercise)
wò cán méi
Lying silkworm eyebrow
tǎng wò
lie-down / lies

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Input Method for
Pinyin wo4
Four Corner
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