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卜 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卜
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 卜
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Meaning of

Pinyin bo、 bǔ
turnip, to divine / foretell
卜 1. Ancient people believed in superstition, burning tortoise shells to predict good or bad fortune based on the cracks formed by the burning. (Ancient people used fire to burn turtle shells and believed they could predict the fortune of their actions by observing the cracks formed by the burning.) 2. To anticipate, estimate, or guess. (To predict, estimate, or guess: predict ~.) 3. To choose (a place). (To select a place: ~ a residence or ~ neighbors.) **Verb** Representation by pictograph. The Oracle Bone Script shape resembles the cracks that appear on a tortoise shell after being burned. This character is one of the radicals in Chinese characters, and many characters related to "卜" pertain to divination. The ancient practice of burning tortoise shells to make predictions based on the cracks was called "卜." Example references: - "Ask the tortoise and say '卜.'" — from "Zhou Li · Da Bu" note - "The tortoise is for divination, and the yarrow is for fortune-telling." — from "Li Ji · Qu Li" - "You divine and you predict, and there will be no misfortune." — from "Shi · Wei Feng · Mang" - Initially, Duke Xian of Jin wanted Li Ji to be the noble lady, but divination showed it was inauspicious, while fortune-telling showed it was auspicious. — from "Zuo Zhuan · Xi Gong Year Four" - "Diviners know their intentions." — from "Shi Ji · Chen She Shi Jia" - For example: to take a divination class (算一卦; class: a type of divination); the official in charge of divination; (官名.) diviner (an official under the Spring Official Ministry, in charge of divination); divination master (an official positioned below the Great Diviner, in charge of interpreting turtle shell cracks.) - To choose - "Tether boats along the canal path, and select a dwelling in the village of Chu." — Du Fu, "Autumn Fields" - For example: ~Guo (divine to decide on a date for a country ritual); ~Living (divination to select a residence); ~Old (choose a place to live and grow old); ~Land (choose a favorable place) - To confer; to give. - "Bestow upon you all blessings, like those received as per the customs." — from "Shi · Xiao Ya · Chu Ci" - To infer; to predict. - "I have little ambition to divine." — Liu Zongyuan, "Reply to Wei Zhongli on Teaching" - "It is not possible to predict whether life or death will occur in the South Sea." — Liang Qichao, "Biography of Tan Sitong" Also describes a continuous and non-stop sound. For example: "卜卜" (the tapping sound of a woodpecker); "卜通" (an onomatopoeia often used to describe a dull sound or heartbeat); "卜楞" (an onomatopoeia used repetitively to describe a slow and continuous dull sound). **Noun** An ancient practice of burning tortoise shells or cow bones, interpreting their cracks to infer the fortunes of events. (Keyword combinations: "占卜," "龟卜.") A generic term for predicting fortune or misfortune. (Keyword combinations: "卜卦." In the poetry of Wang Yuyang, "If you ask about money in the boudoir, the autumn rain and autumn wind pass over the Ba Bridge.") **Noun** The diviner or the one who conducts divination. - "A near relationship between diviners and fortune-tellers." — Sima Qian, "Reply to Ren An" A role played in Yuan dynasty operas, typically that of an old woman. - "The old woman cries aloud." — Guan Hanqing, "Dou E's Tragedy" Surname. (See also: bo) 1. Name of an ancient minority group in China, which is the same as "濮." 2. An alternative pronunciation for "仆." See "卜人."
zhān bǔ
to divine
hú luó bo sù
Ā bǔ dù lā
Abdullah (name)
wèi bǔ
not foreseen / unpredictable / not on the cards
hóng luó bo
carrot / radish
bái luó bo
white radish / daikon / Raphanus sativus longipinnatus
luó bo huā
Turnip flower
wèi bǔ xiān zhī
predictable / sth one can predict without being a clairvoyant
bǔ shì
luó bo sī
turnip strip / grated carrot / radish strip / shredded radish
yù bǔ
to foretell / to predict
wèn bǔ
Lā bǔ lèng sì
Labrang monastery, Tibetan: bLa-brang bkra-shis-'khyil, in Xiahe county 夏河縣|夏河县[Xia4 he2 xian4], Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet
shuǐ luó bo
summer radish (the small red kind)
Jí bǔ sài rén
tú bo lǔ gé
dà luó bo
see 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5]
yī gè luó bo yī gè kēng
lit. every turnip to its hole (idiom) / fig. each person has his own position / each to his own / horses for courses / every kettle has its lid
ā bo dù lēi
Abudul / Abdual / Abdus / Abdur / Abdoul / Abdil / Abdul / Abdel
luó bo
radish (Raphanus sativus), esp. white radish 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5] / CL:條|条[tiao2]
luó bo gàn
dried turnip
qīng cài luó bo
Green radish

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Pinyin bo5
Four Corner
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