Learn to write the Chinese character "胡" by watching the stroke order animation of "胡".
Stroke by Stroke: 胡 Writing Order
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(surname) / beard / what why how, beard / mustache
胡 [hú]
1. In ancient China, refers to ethnic groups from the northern regions or the western regions.
2. Generally refers to foreigners or outside groups.
3. Disorderly or unreasonable.
4. An ancient literary question word meaning why or for what reason.
5. Whiskers or facial hair connected to the temples and the mouth area.
6. In ancient times, refers to the hanging flesh under the neck of animals.
7. Small lanes or streets are referred to as "胡同" (tòng) (when used as a lane name, "同" is pronounced lightly without the retroflex ending).
8. A surname.
胡人 (Hu people).
胡服 (Hu clothing).
胡姬 (a girl born in the western regions).
胡越 (metaphorically denotes distance and separation).
胡椒 (pepper from foreign lands).
胡瓜 (foreign cucumber).
胡琴 (a type of Hu string instrument).
胡笳 (an ancient wind instrument used by northern ethnic groups).
胡来 (to act carelessly).
胡闹 (to create a ruckus).
胡言乱语 (to speak nonsense).
胡不归? (Why don’t you return?)
胡取禾三百廛兮? (Why collect three hundred sheaves of grain?)
胡须 (moustache, beard or whiskers).
胡市 (market for trading with non-Han populations).
胡言 (language of Hu people).
**Meanings of 胡 (hú)**:
1. Refers to the hanging flesh or skin sacs under the jaws of birds and beasts (English: wattle).
鸟兽颔下的垂肉或皮囊 ([En.] wattle)
2. Refers to parts of objects that hang down resembling a wattle.
器物上下垂如胡的部分 ([En.] resembling a wattle).
3. In ancient times, the term "胡" referred to ethnic groups from the north and west, such as the Xiongnu.
古代称北方和西方的民族如匈奴等为胡 ([En.] Hu, non-Han nationalities).
4. The Han, Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties referred to various western countries as "胡" (including India, Persia, etc.).
5. Refers specifically to Hu people.
指胡人 ([En.] Hu people).
6. Name of an ancient state located in what is now the northwest of Fuyang, Anhui province.
古国名 ([En.] Hu state).
**Functions of 胡 (hú)**:
- Pronoun:
1. How; what (English: how).
怎样;何 ([En.] how)
2. Why; for what reason (English: why).
为什么;何 ([En.] why)
3. What; for what (English: what).
什么;何 ([En.] what).
- Adjective:
1. Black (English: black).
黑 ([En.] black)
2. Distant; great (English: far; great).
远;大 ([En.] far; great).
- Adverb:
Recklessly; outrageously.
任意乱来 (【英】:outrageously; recklessly).
1. Beard; whiskers.
胡须 ([En.] moustache, beard or whiskers).
2. Related to “胡同” (hútong).
见“胡同”(hútong) “胡”.
3. See also "胡" (hú).
另见 hú.
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